
Chronicles of Steele: Raven by Pauline Creeden

mike_bolter's review

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Reading Chronicles of Steele: Raven (The complete Omnibus edition of the 4 part serial by the same name) all in one go rather than episode by episode was definitely the way to go for me. I don’t think I could have handled waiting for the next one to arrive in my hot little kindle’s hands!

An impressive blend of Steampunk and Fantasy and packed full of adventure, mystery, emotion, and romance. The story had me hooked from the beginning and didn’t want to let go. While really descriptive I found myself getting sucked into all of the little details and enjoying them rather than getting bored by them and skipping the fluff.

One of the things I enjoyed the most was that the minor characters were well integrated into the story and given a part in most things. A few of them got the short end of the straw though and I felt like they missed an opportunity for more moments with them. I’d love to tell you what those were but I don’t think I can without spoiling the story!

In my head the casting of Raven Steele was a bit off the described character, but I’d recently watched Lindsay Stirling’s cosplay video from Assassins Creed and the vibe really seemed to fit. If you’re checking out this review on Fabulous and Fun, I’ll have the video down below for you to check out.

cricket58's review

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I just finished this series and I have to say it is five stars! Loved it! The characters are well developed and it was easy to connect with the lead protagonist Raven. I loved the concept and having a strong female lead who not only can hold her own with men but is better than the men is wonderful. Raven is a Reaper a job most often associated with men not only is she a reaper she is perhaps the best reaper, only one other may have been better than her and that would be her father. This book jumps right into the action and just keeps going which is another reason I love it. The setting of the book is very creative and unique. This is the complete series in one book so no buying three other books just to finish the story because it is all here. Grab this one if you love action and fantasy. I will be picking up other books from this author. Excellent book!!!

abaugher's review

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Good story! Steampunk, strong central female character, dire situations, special circumstances, and--of course--a developing love interest. Action, fighting, quick escapes, close calls, witches, and automatons.

andypeloquinauthor's review

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Right off the bat, I loved the rich steampunk world. There are a lot of fascinating things about the book, such as the clockwork machines, the styles, and more. I loved the concept of the Reapers, though why they are so awesome is never explained. It's a story you will not want to put down until you have reached the end!

But it has its flaws as well…

The descriptions of some of the machines are a bit weak, as is the narrative--particularly in action scenes. The way the backstory is revealed is VERY odd: the hard-as-nails, assassin-like character breaks down and cries in front of a nine-year old child she just met. That is NOT how it happens in real life.

There are a few inconsistencies. For example, she just finishes beating up a bunch of bandits and they are running away when one of them shoots her, then runs away. Not really how it works! Or she uses a diamond-tipped crossbow bolt for some reason. Are diamonds really that cheap/available that someone would waste them on a crossbow bolt? She's just not rich enough for this to be possible.

Her character is often a bit all over the place. She is a Reaper, but the life of killing people should have hardened her a lot more than she is. The character is a bit two-dimensional, without any real growth or development beyond finally opening herself up to falling in love--kind of cliché and definitely not the strong woman character I wanted to see.

The verb use is quite weak in some places. For example, one of the characters "gave a measured shake of their head" rather than just "shaking their head". In another scene, “sobs caused his shoulders to move up and down” instead of "sobs shook his shoulders".

All in all, while the story was interesting enough to keep me hooked all the way through to the end, I couldn't give it as high a rating due to these flaws.

amethystbookwyrm's review

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Thanks to Netgalley and AltWit Press for giving me this book to review.

Raven was trained by her father to be a Reaper; a bodyguard/assassin, who believe that for every life they take, they have to save another. Since her father died, she has spent years redeeming lives so that she can settle down and marry the man she loves. But when she saves Darius, the young Baron of New Hope, from drowning she is drawn into a mission she cannot refuse. She must find the Wood Witch to stop the fits Darius has or his father will kill him as he fears Darius is possessed, however they are being pursued by the determined Captain Jack and another reaper who is very deadly under the orders of Darius’s father.

Raven is a very good YA steampunk/fantasy novel which is very well written and descriptive. It was a bit slow to start but really picked up after that and has lots of action and suspense in it.

Raven is a very tough girl but also has her vulnerabilities which she worked though during the book. I really like Jack as he is loyal but also knows what is right and wrong, and I really liked that he did not try and prove he was a better fighter than Raven, which is unusual in most books. I also really liked Darius and I am glad he is not as spoiled as he could have been, however, I knew who Monroe was as soon as I met him.

Even though the ending was a bit rushed, I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next book about Darius. I would recommend Raven to fans of Throne of Glass and Nihal.

This and my other reviews can be found at Amethyst Bookwyrm

betwixt_the_pages's review

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Human life has value.
The poor living in the gutter are as valuable as the rich living in a manor.
The scoundrel is no less valuable than the saint.
Because of this, every life a reaper takes must be redeemed.

Raven has lived by this first tenet since she was trained by her father to become a reaper. But since his death, she’s been spending years redeeming the lives she’s taken. By her count, she’s even and it’s time for that life to end. If she settles down and becomes a wife, she might just feel human again. But on the way to the life she thinks she wants, the baron of New Haven asks her to complete a task which she cannot ignore… Just when Raven decides to give up on her life as an assassin, she’s pulled right back in.


Rating: 5/5 Stars
Quick Reasons: KICK ASS LEAD; Steampunk; complex and intriguing characters; awesome character arcs; magic and mayhem and all those yummy things.

Okay, guys. This book can be summed up in four small words. Oh my gosh...and steampunk!

Raven Steele is an assassin looking for a way to leave the lifestyle behind. On her way to visit an old childhood friend (and the man she hopes to marry), trouble finds her as it always does. This time, the young Baron Darius's carriage has taken a tumble (or dive) into a large body of water...and Raven does the sensible thing, stripping her weapons and throwing herself in the way, thereby saving his life.

Thus starts a career she didn't foresee. Instead of leaving the Reaping life behind on an even note (level number of lives taken and lives saved), she suddenly finds herself caring for the young Baron...perhaps for just a small amount of time, perhaps indefinitely.

Because Baron Darius is afflicted. Anytime he gets around automatons, they go berserk and often explode. And his dad, the Duke (part automaton himself) wants him dead. Under guise of darkness, Raven Steele is hired by the Baron's older brother to find a cure for his affliction, hoping his dad will be gone long enough to give the pair a decent head start. But something goes wrong; the Duke arrives early. With the Baron's life balanced precariously in her hands, Raven embarks on a journey to keep the child safe...and find redemption along the way.

So. I've had some hit and misses with books discovered via Book Outlet recently. I decided, for the ones I found interesting that I hadn't heard a whole lot about, to look into them on Amazon (I have Kindle Unlimited) before buying a physical copy, to cut down on potential buyers disappointment.

This book--a definite HIT. First off, the cover is gorgeous (I know, I know, it's an ebook, but LOOK at it up there sitting pretty! Just...gah!)

Second--I'm going to HAVE to get this book for my shelves, because OH MY GOODNESS, it's awesome. Let's look at some things here: 1. KICK ASS female main character; 2. Steampunk; 3. Adventure and mystery and sass and just that little HINT of romance I love so much in a book.

Really, though--the characters are well-written and complex, the story is gripping, the world is gorgeously imagined...and to top it all off, there's magic. Yes. And all of these elements are woven together SO, SO well, you'll fly through the book...and wish ARDENTLY for more.

Also, the character growth here is amazing. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to throw the book and scream at something...or maybe I have that backwards. Either way, the characters do a LOT of growing, and they'll drag you (willingly!) along with them.

Apparently, there's a second part of this coming out sometime this year...and I'm going to be looking for it very impatiently, because I'm addicted. I haven't read any of Pauline Creeden's other novels yet, but I will definitely be doing so in the near future, because DANG, can she write!

Highly recommended for lovers of steampunk/fantasy!

100pagesaday's review

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Raven is trained as a reaper; one who assassinates people, but must save a life for every one taken. She lives in a world with steam-powered horses and other devices. Raven is on her way into town to fulfill her debt and ask the man she loves to marry her. When out-of-control steam horses fly by her carrying a young boy, Raven springs to action saving his life. The young boy ends up being a baron, Darius, but one that is cursed. Now Raven will have to protect the Darius and find a way to lift the curse with the help of the Woods Witch.

Chronicles of Steele: Raven is exciting and fast-paced, filled with suspense and danger. Raven's character is awesome, her training as a reaper makes her fierce and independent. I loved that a lot of her skill is showcased as she is running from the Guard and protecting Darius. It was sweet to see the relationship between Raven and Darius grow and to see Raven's softer side. I am also intrigued by Darius' condition. It will be interesting to see if it is a gift or a curse. Suspense builds as Raven is just always one step ahead of the Guard. I liked learning more about Raven's back story and her skills. Another mystery is introduced with the appearance of life-like automatons in the southern part of the country and danger as everyone discovers just how the Wood's Witch plans to eradicate the curse from Darius. The ending had the perfect touch of romance, but still leaves some questions to be answered; hopefully with Chronicles of Steele: Darius!

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.

photogcourt's review

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A good debut for an Indie author. I received this as an eBook on NetGalley, however it is currently available for purchase for a very low price on Amazon Kindle.

For a debut author, especially one not picked up by a huge publisher I believe this to be very good. It is categorized as being steampunk, but its that with a touch of almost historical fantasy when you take in the world view of magic, and horses and carriages, and royalty.

This edition is a collection of 4 novellas in one, each one pretty much picks up where each one preceding it left off. I think putting it all together and sectioning it off makes more sense than reading each one as separate novellas.

The characters are older, so it is technically a new adult, but it could easily be read by fans of YA, there is nothing content wise that would make it seem like an ordinary NA.

I wish the end wouldn't have cut off the way it did. It's okay, but I wish there was more, it seemed a bit unfulfilled. I do see that she is planning on expanding in this series, with a different point of view, this time Darius. My guess is that it will be set in the future when he is no longer a child and now either a teenager or young 20-something. So, quite a jump in time, but she will not be the first to do so! (Almost wish Raven would have a sequel, but I'm happy for more of anything in this series!)

caszriel's review

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~Thanks to the author for providing the copy in exchange for an honest review~

Stunning. And I don't mean stunning more than I mean it now. Raven is... absolutely brilliant. No, wait that's an understatement. Raven is right up there. Wow. I just loved Raven. Raven herself was an amazing main character and heroine. But she's a wounded one.Raven pulls through though, with the help of her father's friend Monroe. Captain Jack Grant. A brilliant supporting character. Darius is completely innocent, and while we met Solomon, he was a great character too, protective of Darius. The Beginning was strong, and I thought the plot was well structured and broad. I looked at Pauline Creeden's website after I finished Raven, and I found that she is an award-winning author. Too bad I hadn't heard of her.She's amazing. Now, talking about the middle- The Wood Witch was a formidable enemy for Raven and her allies. This was very fabulous. Touching. Raven in general was powerful and moving. Raven is afraid to fall in love, due to a mistake she made the first time. But Monroe helps her through it, a willing ally and friend, when she needs one. The duke is evil, as expected. Pauline Creeden- a must-read author.

saradavcamp's review

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I really enjoyed this book! It sucked me in pretty quickly and I didn't want to put it down. I was glad to have all four parts together--they're short by themselves, so It was fun to read all at once. This is a steampunk novel and the first steampunk novel I've read. I am a huge fan of the genre so I was a little worried that it wouldn't live up to my expectations, but it did. It was fun to live in that retro-futuristic world for a little while.
The story was interesting, exciting, dramatic and a little romantic. I liked how capable, intelligent and sweet the main character, Raven, was. The other characters were well developed and interesting as well. I don't have any complaints. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I think many others will as well.