
Desert City Diva by Corey Lynn Fayman, Corey Lynn Fayman

mmeggann's review

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‘Desert City Diva’ is one of those books that you can’t compare to anything else you’ve read. This means that while you’re reading it, you’re embarking on a journey unlike any that you’ve experienced before. You’re seeing and learning things that you never would have come across. And you’re introduced to scores of individual whom are surprising and multifaceted and unique.

Unless, of course, you have at some point belonged to an alien seeking cult. In that case, disregard that last bit.

Corey Lynn Fayman’s newest novel, ‘Desert City Diva,’ follows private investigator Rolly Waters on the investigation of his newest case. His client, Macy Starr, a budding and eccentric DJ, has decided that it’s time to figure out who her real parents are. Having been adopted onto a reservation at a young age only to run away as a teen, she has very few clues as to who they might be apart from a mysterious necklace that she stole, and a musical instrument adorned with a potentially related photograph. In other words, the odds are stacked against them. But between Rolly and Macy, there’s still a lot of hope that they’ll be able to figure things out.

It’s not until their investigations take them back to the reservation that they are faced with the fact that what they have on their hands is seemingly “out of this world.” And since neither of them know much about these aliens everyone is speaking of, they’re forced to do a lot of learning and discovering of not just the sub-culture, but of themselves too along the way.

‘Desert City Diva’ is a story you won’t forget. It’s fun, edgy, at times dark, but so different that you can’t help but devour it. It’s not especially long, so it’s perfect for those weekend binges. And those characters! Even if you’re not normally drawn to something like this (trust me, aliens aren’t a genre I find myself frequenting either), these characters are so relatable that you’ll forget you’re not involved in the developments yourself.

What Did I Think?: Honestly, I’m pleased to say that this is one of the most fun books I’ve read so far this year. It’s so outside the realm of what I usually read which was refreshing, and it was fast paced enough that I felt I was able to just jump right in on the action. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one and would highly recommend it to others.

Who should read it?: If you enjoy mysteries, then this one is a fantastic choice. Also, if you like books that are a bit weird, but also incredibly relatable, you’ll probably enjoy this. Don’t let the fact that it’s somewhat about an alien subculture or that it’s the 3rd book in a series. It’s definitely very readable as a standalone and it’s far from too weird to read.

*I was provided with a copy of this book in order to conduct this honest review.*
