
Say You Love Me by E.R. Whyte

jujelly's review

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⤷ this is book 19 of 77 books i have downloaded for free on amazon kindle, so it may be time to finally go through them all. oh god, wish me luck.

it was okay. gunner is kind of hot, but he was also kind of uncomfortably persistent and a little ignorant of lines. so i kind of didn't like that. also, this is kind of slow. also also, what is this ending? i do NOT want to read the second book, so i'm going to look for that specifically, because i cannot be arsed to sit through a second book of this.
also also also, how is this an age gap romance, when there's only 3 years between them?? it's so...i don't know. it feels like it was promoted in some way that it just isn't.

i just tried scouring the reviews of the second book to find out who the stalker is, but none said anything, so i'm just going to go ahead and guess this person, because they had been acting weird:
Spoilersammy's doctor
. please somebody tell me if i'm right.

2.5 stars for this one.

thebritishbibliophile_'s review

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I grabbed a copy from NetGalley in an effort to do more reviews this year, and this title appealed to me as part of my ‘try something new this year’ motto. I don’t believe I’ve read anything from this author before and again, it’s one of my goals this year to read people outside of my current scope.

I was intrigued to see where the storyline would go with this novel from outside the blurb/description on the NetGalley site, as it could go anywhere via individual interpretation. Choosing not to read current reviews before reading, I went in blind with a non-bias, impartial view as to how I would feel come the climax of the story.

In no time at all, the night had passed me by as I felt I had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next, as there were more spins and turns in this read than on a rollercoaster in a park. Yet, you never felt like your seatbelt was going to come off. You were in it for the long haul and right alongside the characters within.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read aside from one thing, which I will leave you all to discover when taking a shot at it. Hint, it’s at the end. It is by no means a bad thing that would turn me away from recommending this read to anyone, but it’s something I try to avoid and can’t help but limit to a 4 star read.

That said, I’ve got the next book down to grab a copy of so I can read that too.

Consider myself a new reader of this talented, creatively crafty author.

lianareadsblog's review

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3.5 stars
I had no idea what to expect from this book. I got it as it was a read now on NetGalley and sounded interesting as I was looking up for something new.

Sometimes a teenage obsession can go on hibernation for years, and when a chance encounter makes an appearance in the now life, most people will grab the opportunity to connect again. Only, not always , everyone does it in the same old fashion way.

I found it scary and right away creepy, with an obsession gone way too far at points. I must admit that I wasn’t comfortable in many moments as I thought, what if this could happen to me? (apart for the stripping part as I would never do it :)) )but I Can easily see how a suspenseful story needs all the twists moments. And I hate cliffhangers so I’m going to read the next one soon because I need to know how everything wraps up.

thebritishbibliophile's review

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I grabbed a copy from NetGalley in an effort to do more reviews this year, and this title appealed to me as part of my ‘try something new this year’ motto. I don’t believe I’ve read anything from this author before and again, it’s one of my goals this year to read people outside of my current scope.

I was intrigued to see where the storyline would go with this novel from outside the blurb/description on the NetGalley site, as it could go anywhere via individual interpretation. Choosing not to read current reviews before reading, I went in blind with a non-bias, impartial view as to how I would feel come the climax of the story.

In no time at all, the night had passed me by as I felt I had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next, as there were more spins and turns in this read than on a rollercoaster in a park. Yet, you never felt like your seatbelt was going to come off. You were in it for the long haul and right alongside the characters within.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read aside from one thing, which I will leave you all to discover when taking a shot at it. Hint, it’s at the end. It is by no means a bad thing that would turn me away from recommending this read to anyone, but it’s something I try to avoid and can’t help but limit to a 4 star read.

That said, I’ve got the next book down to grab a copy of so I can read that too.

Consider myself a new reader of this talented, creatively crafty author.

storieswithbee's review

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3.5 Star Review!
2.5 Spice Rating

This book literally had me at 'New Adult/ Dark Romance'...

Main points... Sexy girl and guy, dark and forbidden love, and OMG THE CLIFFHANGER!

There's tension and steamy-ness throughout the book, but not a proper sex scene...well, there is one involving a teeny tiny bit of fingers, but nothing over that.

I liked this book. The storyline itself is well hashed out and logically flows. I initially was a bit thrown by the multiple POV's, and I think my hesitance was due to the fact that my previous experience with that kind of writing style isn't all that good, but I'm so pleased to say that my first impressions about the book's writing as a whole was totally wrong.

My main issue is the forbidden love element of the story. I don't want to give away details and spoilers, but I think I wouldn't have cringed as much if the characters we're in a college/ university setting.

Also, I didn't feel too great about the fact that literally every leading male character wanted to get into Shiloh's pants or alluded to sex in some way. I wanted her to have positive and platonic relationships with males that weren't her brother, or just even be the tiniest bit upset by the fact that this element is missing from her life or acknowledge that this kind of behaviour isn't normal. For me, this element would have brought a little bit more relatability to the character.

I don't want to give off the wrong impression, because I really did like this story. As soon as I finished the book, I bought the second one, and I honestly can't wait to read that as well. The opinions I have brought up are just ways that could have made me give the book that higher rating.

The e-copy of this book was given to me thanks to E. R. Whyte via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. This review is totally of my own opinion and is posted willingly.

rachelnicole's review

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This was a very good romance novel. The characters were likable and I found myself rooting for them. I think the steamy scenes were just enough without going overboard. Can't wait to see where the story goes, luckily the second book is on Kindle Unlimited.