
Avengers Assemble: The Forgeries of Jealousy by Kelly Sue DeConnick

crystalstarrlight's review against another edition

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Bullet Review:

Squeeeeeee!! This was so much fun! Snappy dialogue, female characters everywhere!! A fun little storyline about Spidergirl training up with key Avengers. SO MUCH AWESOME. Art was a bit chunky in the last few pages, but otherwise if was solid.

I really think Deconnick has fun with Avengers, which is why her writing and dialogue is SO MUCH BETTER than in other titles she's written.


unladylike's review against another edition

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I did *not* expect to have so much fun reading this book. I'm a big fan of both Kelly Sue DeConnick and Warren Ellis (who has co-writer credits in the book, but not on goodreads, and it is unclear how much influence he had on the script), but they've both definitely written some doozies.

This one follows a character I didn't even know existed through a side story from an world-wide event I didn't even know happened. It's all about the characters and the laughs.

I like it when A.I.M. cannon fodder scientists-with-guns actually seem cute-in-a-pathetic-sort-of-way.

I like it when a team book that could all-too-easily get bogged down with big names and bigger action instead focuses on individual members one at a time - in this case showing us how several of the Avengers interact with a high schooler who is apparently joining their ranks.

This book had sooo many moments that I wanted to screencap and post or save for future online snark (except it was a physical copy from the library). And the multiple 4th-wall-teasing references to the theme song from the much loved and missed cartoon show Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Spider-woman has it as her ringtone) had me as thrilled and jealous as Spider-girl. I definitely put the book down and frantically searched on my phone for a way to get that, but it turns out I'm too old to have a cutesy ringtone.

The volume ends quickly and tidily with a lovely acknowledgements poem from Kelly Sue DeConnick. Marvel didn't make it easy to figure out the ordering of the collected trades in this series: Goodreads calls this trade Vol. 2 #4, but the helpful wikipedia entry explains that [a:Brian Michael Bendis|12424|Brian Michael Bendis|] wrote the first 8 issues to directly spin off of the Avengers MCU film, then DeConnick took it over as part of Marvel NOW! But the third collection, [b:Avengers: The Enemy Within|17899546|Avengers The Enemy Within|Kelly Sue DeConnick||25073657], is also somehow vol. 3 of Captain Marvel. Hopefully they'll reprint the whole 25 issues + extras as an omnibus. If they do, it'll be the first Avengers book I buy.

Avengers Assemble wiki

"Always we will fight as one..."

captwinghead's review against another edition

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This book was a blast! It's a great introduction to Anya Corazon / Spider-girl and I loved every minute of it! The art, the plot, and the dialogue would make for a great film or an arc for an animated series. In addition to Anya, there were great moments with the Avengers (Spider-woman, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Wolverine, Bruce Banner, Iron Man and Cap). The adults act as side-kicks to Anya and that was awesome to see!

This book was a great at showing who the Avengers are meant to be and I highly recommend this novel to anyone, really.

It's funny, entertaining, and Anya is incredibly cute throughout the whole thing. Totally brightened my day!

mjfmjfmjf's review against another edition

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I really miss having half stars. This one is definitely not quite a 5 but it is better than the 4s I've been giving the better run of Marvel Now. I just like the concept behind this one and it was executed well. So a young superhero, Anya Corazon aka Spidergirl, comes to the Avengers with a problem. And what they do is basically treat her like a junior superhero in the same way you might handle a junior software engineer. They basically have her work the problem and hand her from one coach to another depending on what she needs. So from Spider Woman and Black Widow to a brief bit with Hulk and Dr. Banner to Logan to Tony Stark and Iron Man to Steve Rogers to a bunch of Avengers. Through it all she takes the lead but never gets too far ahead. It just read really well and made me want to actually like the Avengers for a change.

elisetheninth's review against another edition

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Still one of my favorite Avengers stories. Can we get DeConnick or Ellis on a Spider-Girl book?

snazel's review against another edition

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I really liked this. (Insightful commentary, eh?)

burgundyshoes's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. i love all of the different team-ups in this one. this is my favorite version of the avengers so thank u kelly sue!

letsgolesbians's review against another edition

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LOVED the Spider trio (Black Widow, Spider-Girl, and Spider-Woman). The men kind of bored me (shocker). So I was interested when the women were involved, but slightly more bored when the story focused on the men.

renatasnacks's review against another edition

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Oh my gosh, this was so fun. Can Kelly Sue DeConnick please keep writing the Avengers until she dies? And can she never die? Please?

Seriously, this is everything I love about superhero comics in general and Avengers in particular--funny banter, caring found families, justice, Wolverine mentoring teenager girls--done at a top-notch level.

onceandfuturelaura's review against another edition

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Wherein Spider Girl tries to save her social studies professor. Good dialog. But what is it about Spider Woman that makes artists want me to look at her butt?