
Lies Unspoken by Lisa De Jong

jill_mac's review

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Wow… I’m still speechless after reading Lies Unspoken. Lisa, you have done it again! You made me fall for these characters, FEEL what they were going through as if it were me going through it, and BAM. The ending of Lies Unspoken gutted me.
“I thought about everything I’d lost and everything I’d never have. I’d trusted my heart to him, and he left it in a million pieces. I said goodbye to my happily ever after.”
Lila is heartbroken. After planning her whole wedding to her fiancé, he leaves her with little explanation. Instead of staying in the small town they were both raised in, Lila decides she needs a change. She wants to start over. Lila makes the decision to move to Chicago. Never in a million years did she think she would break all over again.
“I’d always assumed that time bound two people together. I was naïve. I’ve learned that people can fall out of love just as quickly as they fall into it.”
Then there’s Blake. Goddddddd…. He’s just YUMMY…. All bad boy, sexy, and an asshole, which sometimes even makes him sexier. Anyways, there’s something Blake is hiding, almost as if he’s experienced heartache too, but he’s so closed off, so no one really knows what his deal is.
“His warm breath tickles my ear, sending a trail of shivers down my back. I want to scream for him to leave me alone, but my boy is thinking something entirely different.”
While on the flight to start her new life, Lila meets, charming Pierce. Pierce is the guy who holds the key to Lila’s future in design. But are Pierce’s intentions good? Or is he offering a possible job because he’s interested in Lila?
Lila wasn’t looking for love in Chicago. She just wanted to get away from her old life. She never thought about being with someone else, after all her fiancé was her first, and only. But Blake made her feel things. It was a huge surprise when she walked into her best friend’s house, which was supposed to be Lila’s for a couple of months, to only find out Blake now lives there too. Blake is Lila’s best friend’s brother. There was nothing she could do since she couldn’t exactly afford her own apartment.
“That’s the thing about us – nothing is certain.”
From the moment she saw Blake she was attracted. He was a mystery that she wanted to figure out. He was frustratingly sexy, which only pissed her off more.
Let me tell you, Blake and Lila’s story is one you don’t want to miss. It’s a story of love, loss, heartbreak and learning to move on. Both Blake and Lila have things they’re hiding from each other. They were never supposed to fall for each other. But you can’t control who you love, and sometimes love isn’t enough.
“To understand pain and hurt, you have to have loved first. Who hurt him so badly that he won’t let himself go through it again?”
Lisa you outdid yourself with this book! I loved EVERY. SINGLE SECOND. Of this book. It sucked me in like no other book. I couldn’t put it down. I felt every emotion. From happiness, to flustered, to sadness, to downright broken. At times I wanted to crawl in the book and make both Blake and Lila see what they have right in front of them. You portrayed a love story between two people so thoroughly. I felt the love, and with love, I also felt their pain.
I love love loved this book. If you love a good romance that will tug at your heartstrings, read Lies Unspoken. I give it a bold 5 stars.
You already have me as a forever fan, Lisa. I can’t wait to read more about Lila’s story!!

inabookishworld29's review

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Review can also be found on my blog:

*ARC received in exchange of an honest review*

Those who know me a little, know that I love When It Rains by Lisa. Lisa is an amazing writer. She makes you love her characters so much and she’s a pro in writing romances. This is why I was super excited when I got the chance to read this ARC. So thanks a lot, Lisa!

“Our bodies pressed together, singing a soulful duet while our tongues dance. He’s my air, my water… everything I need is right here.”

This book is about Lila. Her heart has been broken and she needs to move on. She takes a fresh start by moving to Chicago. Temporarily she is going to move in the empty apartment of her best friend, who’s currently living in Europe. But the universe has other plans for her.

“When I fall, I fall quickly. Love doesn’t come with a parachute; I learned that the hard way.”

On her way to Chicago, she meets Pierce Stanley, an extremely sexy businessman. He’s completely into her and during their short talk, he offers her a job opportunity.

But Lila has other things on her mind right now, because apparently she isn’t the only one settled to live in the “empty” apartment of her best friend. Blake, the hot brother of her best friend, is also living in the apartment. The sexual attraction between Lila and Blake is … oh so very strong!

“Life and its shitty circumstance made him this way, but I fell for him anyway.”

Lila is definitely a likable character. I could connect with her immediately. Me and her were a little similar and I liked that a lot. And Blake is… oh man. Where do I even start? He’s so sexy, hot and sexually frustrating. He definitely has a dark past and some serious problems he needs to get over. He also has these crazy mood swings, but I just couldn’t stop liking him. The way he was with Lila drove me crazy (in a good way!!). I couldn’t get enough of him. And oh god, he’s a painter! After Josh from Isla And The Happily Ever After (by Stephanie Perkins), I didn’t think I would come across another painter, but oh... what these guys can do with paint! Jeez… I might have to find one for myself too! I am obviously a Blake/Lila shipper, I just couldn’t help myself. I have a weakness for sexy mysterious guys :D

“Every time, it hurts a little more because every time, I fall further into him. Maybe, if I sink far enough, I’ll be in his heart, and he’ll feel the same.”

Although I liked him in the beginning, I couldn’t stop feeling a little annoyed with Pierce. Yes, he was still very nice and hot and sexy and extremely well dressed… but I don’t know. I always felt a little intimidated by him. Lila decided to work for him and he made it obvious from the beginning, that he was romantically interested in her. He still made me fangirl a few times, but I didn’t think he was ‘the one’ for Lila.

“Sometimes love just isn’t enough.”

Yes, there’s a love triangle in this book, but not one that drove me crazy because it wasn’t the typical type of love triangle. The unique thing in this book is that the boys share a history together! But it’s unknown to Lila and us (the readers). This mysterious part was so well written! It keeps you guessing through the whole book. Near the ending, truths are revealed and everything explodes in your face. I LOVED IT! But I warn you: there is a cliffhanger! I usually don’t mind cliffhangers, but I REALLY NEED BOOK TWO!! LIKE RIGHT NOW! Ugh… I’m an emotional mess…

"I wish things were different. I wish I'd fallen for him, but it's hard to fall when I'm already down."

So, PLEASE, go read this book! This book has two gorgeous love interests, an amazing main character and LOTS of sexy scenes! What else do you need, right? (except for the sequel haha).

PS: If you like LEMON DROPS… you won’t see them the same way after finishing this book. Made me want to have a Blake and a few lemon drops myself… *sighs*

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Aye! The angst. It was almost too much. Blake was a dick for most of the book, making me wonder why Lila would want him for the few minutes that he wasn't. I almost wanted her with Pierce, but then I just couldn't buy he almost insta-love of her. I kept looking for catch, even when I figured there wasn't one. On to book 2 and hoping Lila can pick up the pieces.

kimeesoda's review

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"No one ever said love was easy. It it were, it wouldn't be worth it."

I knew it, this book will slay me. I should have known that Lisa de Jong will have my heart broken and she did it again. Have you ever experienced that moment when you found yourself enjoying the book and then you have no words to describe it because it was so amazing and you can’t find the right terms to describe it? That’s what I felt after reading this book.

I really don’t know how people (and that includes fictional characters) bear this kind of pains.

“Love isn’t defined by what you deserve. It’s about finding that one person you know you can’t live without and never letting them go."

After getting her heart broken because her fiancé dumped her, Lila decided to leave those painful memories behind and have a fresh start. She traveled all her way from Nebraska to Chicago. She then met the gorgeous, sexy, and definitely handsome CEO, Pierce Stanley. Then, when she went to her friend’s place, she discovered that she will be having a roommate named Blake Stone. He is Mellory’s (friend’s) older brother who is a mysterious, handsome, sarcastic, inconsiderate, stubborn and an ‘asshole’, according to Lila.

“You're the type of woman that men don't know they want until they've already fallen. You're there, and then you're just...everywhere.”

Lila’s past was indeed painful but I love her determination to have a fresh start. I admire her courage to step on her own and move on. I admire her so much, I wanted to become an interior designer but I guess interior designing loathes me so much.

This book is intended for you to feel contradicting emotions. There are times that I wanted to stop reading the book because Blake is being an asshole but I can’t because his mysterious demeanor makes me want to read the book up to the end. Like you wanted to ship Lila and Pierce together but your heart is for Blake all along. This book is so unpredictable. There are a lot of twists and turns in the story that will make you feel happy at first and then it will leave you feeling as if your heart broke into million pieces.

This book is a page-turner for me. I love the connections build in the story and how the author keep the ‘relationship’ of the characters interesting. I really have to stop myself to open my e-reader and read while our instructor is having her lecture.

So there, 5 out 5 stars.

helenlikestoread's review against another edition

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I just read a crazy abusive stalker fantasy... *shudders*

smonro's review against another edition

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SOO GOOD couldn't put it down

amanda_'s review against another edition

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'I can’t do this hot and cold bullshit. I moved here to make life less complicated, and you’ve turned it into a freaking Rubik’s cube.'

What if I said I can solve a Rubik's cube in under two minutes

It's been a week since I finished this book. Obviously, I haven't reviewed it yet, so from this point we can just pretend I know what to say in an eloquent way.

Lies Unspoken. New Adult. White girl move to new town to run away from her past. Meets broody white guy who is borderline stalker. Sounds familiar? It is. Lila is moving to Chicago after the "love of her life" left her the day of their wedding. Since her best friend is away studying in Europe, Lila is offered to live at her apartment for a while. On her first night there, Lila encounters her friend's brother, Blake. He's rude and frustrates Lila from the go. But, remember, he's hot. And not just a certain kind of hot.
Gorgeous, not in the magazine cover way, but the kind that makes you drool because there’s no way you can take him home to Mom on Christmas. He’s the type of guy a girl wants to be with for one night just to see how good it could be, to fuck away every bad sexual experience she’s ever had in her life.

People, you know what is coming.

Enter Blake. Blake, who had no idea his sister offered up their apartment for Lila to stay at. Of course, he is mad as hell, but since the new girl is good looking, why not make the best of it? Lila's first few days in Chicago, Blake follows her around. He goes to her job, demanding she walk home with him. He punches guys who are somewhat rude to Lila. Clearly, this is okay. Because a guy that broody must be carrying secrets to justify his behavior. Also, it's hot, right? A guy punching other guys before you even know him, that gotta be hot. At least Lila thinks so.

Soon enough, these two people strike up a friends with benefits kind of deal, no strings attached. Because Blake don't do emotions. Then again, Lila is offered insight to Blake's mood as they live together, and she can't help beginning to develop feelings for him, even though he treats her terribly at times. Remember, Blake has issues, so it is perfectly okay for him to behave any way he wants.

Blake did win me over to some extent. Ha, no, just kidding. Even after his "big secret" was revealed, nothing really made more sense. See, his past involves a former woman, and it didn't end too good. That explains his commitment issues, but it did certainly not explain his stalker-tendencies or why he treated Lila like crap at times. But Blake was just a minor issues. Really, I had one major problem with this story.
It’s why depressed people close themselves off; they’d rather not talk about any of it.

Yes... Lila. First off, that statement above is so offensive to me who has suffered through depression. People might had different experiences, but personally, I hated that quote. Hated that view on depression. Here's what depression was for me: I wanted to talk to someone. Hell, I'd tell anyone if I could. I would happily talk about my depression. The problem was that I did not know how to explain it. Couldn't give a reason for why I was depressed. I didn't understand it myself. It was a fucking black hole inside me that I couldn't explain what the hell it was. Had I known, I'd tell anyone just so they could help me get rid of it. So to say that depressed people close themselves of simply because they'd rather not talk about it, that is so offensive to me.

Moving on, because this was not my only issue with Lila. The thing is that she is such a white, privileged, unsympathetic girl. Yes, girl, because she's so immature. I get that she was pissed off, and hated her ex, but that hatred was so shortsighted. Derek, her ex, had reasons for breaking up, and I thought it was kinder of him to call it off instead of marrying the girl and end up resenting her. But Lila just can't let her hatred go. Then we have how she falls for Blake more or less day one (even if not specified in text, it really felt like that). She's jealous of other women that's with him after two days of living together. She constantly reminds the reader that Blake is bad for her, yet she continues to go after him and letting him use her as he pleases. She never demanded a thing of Blake. She never asked for explanations, didn't call him out on his stalker-tendencies.

This was another one of those, lust not love, and I am so over that entire thing. It wasn't exciting when I was twelve, and it still isn't. It never was.

New Adult Project
Items ticked off: 17

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jbenando's review

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My nerves are shot. This book. AH!! THIS BOOK!!!! Heartache central. Emotional turmoil. I'm a wreck. I was yelling and begging, but no one was listening. They just did what they wanted.

Lisa has a way of stripping me bare and leaving me a pile of mush on the floor. And don't get me started on that ending. I almost can't bare it.

I received this ARC for an honest review.