
Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Café by Rebecca Raisin

emmascr's review

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Chocolate…the most irresistible temptation?

The Gingerbread Café is all a buzz! This Easter, Lily and the rest of the town of Ashford, Connecticut are planning a truly decadent Chocolate Festival. Cooking up a storm, CeeCee and Lily are not just baking a batch of their sinfully delicious chocolate-dipped gingerbread men, but an excess of chocolate truffles, squidgy, cinnamony hot cross buns and melt in your mouth chocolate eggs. The Gingerbread Café staff have definitely enjoyed the tasting process!

Add in Damon’s cute-as-a-button seven year old daughter, Charlie, up for a visit and Lily’s perfect Easter may just be around the corner. Until her ex-husband Joel turns up demanding twenty thousand dollars… Suddenly the future of the Gingerbread Café is not so clear…and Lily finds herself eating far more of The Gingerbread Café’s treats than her skinny jeans allow…

Can Lily concoct a brilliant plan to save her beloved café, convince Damon she has no feelings for Joel and still throw a Chocolate Festival the town will be talking about for years? There’s only one way to find out...

I read the first book in this series, Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe as part of a blog tour last December and I really enjoyed it so when I was looking for books to read while I was on holiday this was definitely on the list.

The book is set in the run up to Easter in the little town of Ashford. Lily and Damon are sickly sweet in love and with the help of CeeCee and the other girls Lily is planning a chocolate festival. The Chocolate Festival was Sarah's idea. She works in the Bookshop. So all the shop owners in Ashford band together and plan this amazing festival. My mouth was watering at the sound of all that chocolate. I could almost taste it.

Things are going well for Lily finally. She has Damon, his little daughter Charlie who adores him and the Gingerbread Cafe is finally starting to make some money that she can re-invest to spruce the place up a bit but then along comes her ex Joel. Man he is a nasty piece of work. After everything he put her through the audacity of the man to even ask for a cent let a lone $20,000!

I really enjoyed this quick fun read. Rebecca's books have a way of drawing you in and making part of the gang. I also read The Bookshop on the corner while I was away which is all about Sarah, all i'll say for now is it's excellent. I can't wait to read the next installment of the Gingerbread Cafe.

This review was originally posted on Chicklit vs Fantasy

nannyf's review

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This is the second book in the Gingerbread Cafe series from the author. In my opinion it is as good as, if not better than, the first book, Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe.

Reading this short story I found myself desperate for chocolate, and Easter eggs, and yummy fillings! I kid you not, you can't read this book without salivating at the very thought of all the delicious goodies the ladies come up with.

We once again meet the characters we fell in love with in book 1. Lily is still a strong character, but she has a lot to contend with when a face from her past returns and tries to put a spanner in the works.

CeeCee is exactly the same as she was before, a strong sassy character who would do anything for Lily and the shop.

And Damien, well what can I say about him? The scenes involving Damien, Lily and Damien's daughter are just lovely. The bond between those three is one we all dream about but very few in that situation ever achieve. Im speaking from personal experience here!

A recommended book from me, along with the first book in the series. I can't wait to read the next one.

librariam10's review

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lighthearted medium-paced


toofondofbooks's review

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lighthearted fast-paced


arwenauthor's review

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If you read my previous review, you'll understand why I'm reading this. I think this might have been even worse. Neither of these have actually been books; they're more like novellas. But not well-written novellas: the sort that leave you going: 'huh, that's it?'

In this one the main character and her boyfriend (who used to be sworn enemies, of course) are organising a chocolate festival for Easter. Now, NONE OF THIS WORKS. Raisin KEEPS going ON AND ON at what a small town this is, and the sheer amount of edibles they're making makes this whole thing stupid.

Oh, and he proposes with a ring in a chocolate egg. No more said.

booksuperpower's review

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Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Cafe by Rebecca Raisin is a 2014 Carina ( Harlequin UK) publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Things have moved along quite well for Lily since we first got to know her. The town of Ashford is gearing up to celebrate Easter in a big way. Lily and CeeCee are preparing a decadent chocolate celebration at the cafe. Chocolate is not their usual fair, but once they start delving in chocolate they think maybe they will continue to offer it , even after Easter. The romance between Damon and Lily has progressed to something pretty serious and Lily and Charlie are forging a wonderful relationship. Does it all sound too good to be true? Naturally, something has to happen to throw a kink in all that contentment. Joel, Lily's ex-husband is in Ashford and is wanting to meet with Lily. He claims he has something really important to discuss with her. After attempting to charm Lily, who doesn't fall for his " car salesman" tactics, he come out with the blunt truth. He's broke. His attempts to marry into money failed and now he is worse off than ever before. The only thing he can think of that could get him a little money is to fight Lily for the ownership of the cafe. He did lend her the money to start the business so now she either has to come up with twenty thousand dollars or go to court to fight his demands.
"Money, fancy clothes, none of that matters. When you're sitting alone in the dark of night, the things that make your heart happy are simple." CeeCee
This second novella in the series is just as good as the first one. I am so glad we now have chocolate on the menu!! Once again, CeeCee manages to steal the show. Damon is just as dreamy as before and he has a few outstanding moments in this one. What a guy!
Joel on the other hand... What a piece of work! Admit it, we've all had those relationships when we come face to face with an EX and wonder what on earth we ever saw in that person. Lily has that reaction when she meets with Joel face to face again. What a jerk.
The other cast members are all wonderful. I love the community and everyone's willingness to help each other out especially during hard times. Lily is a great girl and thankfully , according to one of CeeCee's premonitions , she will get the HEA she deserves.
This one is a really sweet, heartwarming story filled with good people doing good things for others. You may even find a big lump in your throat along with a big smile on your face. This one gets an A. ( 4.5 stars)

sairs_21's review

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Having read the first book and it being quite a short story, I couldn’t wait to dive straight into this book and I was not disappointed. What I will advise is make sure you have plenty of chocolate to hand while you read it. The descriptions evoke mouth watering responses.

I loved this story and it was so well written that although it is a series I started to read this first initially and it didn’t really make any difference. I could still understand and follow it. I loved reading more about the new characters that were introduced from the first book. This didn’t take away from the main characters though and I felt such a connection with Lily and Damon. I loved how their relationship progressed and how they worked together. I thought they had an ideal relationship that people would strive to have.

I love the family dynamic that they have with Damon’s daughter. It is realistic and relatable whilst the story is also still pure escapism. I love the community atmosphere it creates too. The story of the Easter festivities and how they have the chocolate festival to bring everyone together. It made me want to move to Ashford and set up a new life so I could enjoy this little town and visit the Gingerbread Cafe every day.

The story was so easy to read and had it not enticed me from the moment I started it, it would definitely be one of those you can put down and pick up without struggling to get into it. It would also help anyone that is in a reading slump to pull them out. This is definitely one of my favourite book series and will definitely be one I recommend to everyone.

samstillreading's review

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Thank you to Carina UK and Rebecca for the eARC.

I have been eating quite a bit of chocolate lately. Yesterday I attended a chocolate masterclass at a 5-star hotel. This afternoon I’m planning to make custard filled Easter eggs and candied orange chocolate rounds. For all of this, I blame Lil and CeeCee. I suppose it’s a bit odd to blame book characters for chocolate cravings, but once you start reading Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Café, you’ll see where I’m coming from. These ladies are wildly inventive in making delicious chocolate treats in preparation for Easter at the Gingerbread Café. A café that I would seek out if it was not a) on the other side of the world and b) fictional.

Last year, I adored the first book in the series, Christmas at the Gingerbread Café. The story was warm, cosy and truly filled with a holiday cheer. I could resist the gingerbread treats made by CeeCee and Lil because I’m not really a ginger fan.

But this year? I cannot resist chocolate, which makes Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Café so delicious. Resistance is futile.

The story is set just before Easter as Lil and CeeCee are going into chocolate overload in preparation for a chocolate festival in Ashford. Life is sweet for Lil – she and Damon are happy together and Charlie, Damon’s daughter is a cute addition to the story. But the arrival of Joel, Lil’s ex-husband has ramifications for Lil and her business. Damon wants money back from Lil used in establishing the Gingerbread Café. Money that Lil doesn’t have and doesn’t want to accept from Damon. How can she solve this? Is this the end of the Gingerbread Café?

Joel is a truly horrible character – almost like the Grinch, as you can feel the lovely small town, festive feel of Ashford drain away whenever he appears. He’s slimy and greasy with a selfish attitude – Lil, what were you thinking when you married him? He’s a blot on the landscape with only one person who can drive him away – CeeCee. I adore CeeCee – she has the best sayings, awesome recipes and she’s a kind person (which is revealed more in this book). I would say that Lil is lucky to have a friend like her, but Lil is just as good a person as CeeCee. Despite her troubles in this book, Lil is wise and sensible.

Once again, Rebecca’s writing is evocative – whether it be describing chocolate treats or the evil Damon. Her stories always transport me into the world of the Gingerbread Café, making me feel snug and safe in the world she’s created. I can’t wait to read more about Lil and Damon (I believe there is another book at Christmas). I’m also looking forward to getting to know Sarah, the bookshop owner near the Gingerbread Café in more detail. Her story, The Bookshop on the Corner, is due for release in June 2014 and involves her love for romance books.