
The Arrow by Monica McCarty

snoopydoo77's review against another edition

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usually don’t read a lot of historical romance and somewhat requested this book by accident on Netgalley. I figured I might as well give it a shot and see if I like it. This is the 9th book in the Highland Guard series . I have not read any of the previous books but I didn’t feel confused or like I’m missing some major details.
You can find my full review here:

milkybew's review

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My favorites of the Highland Guard series

What I love about Monica’s Book is that her characters were ‘real’ . Through out the series I getting in deep because for how real all characters and stories make me feel. Monica’s Heroes were not just a knight in charming armor or a Prince who do no wrongs, they were flesh and blood with some really bad annoying characteristic, which sometime it might be a bit annoying. But that’s what me so enamored with books. The story of Gregor & Cate is my favorite is because there we many layer that going on not just the love stories between them but with relation with Bruce that makes this book special. Be warned that there is a Gregor’s almost cheated scene which is quite thoroughly described (wouldn’t recommend for those who sensitive to these) as me this scene makes my heart break for Cate and that’s emotion hit me hard (couldn’t help crying with Cate too) Just love it! As always Monica’s book were very steamy .

anits12's review against another edition

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loved it...

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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*** 4.5/5 ***

Décidément, les tomes se suivent et sont toujours aussi bons ! Il faut tout le talent d'une auteur telle que Monica McCarty pour parvenir à nous passionner et nous faire frissonner encore et encore au fil des opus qui composent cette immense fresque !

Le livre s'ouvre sur un passage particulièrement difficile, violent, et, il faut bien le dire, assez terrifiant. On est bien en temps de guerre et rien ni personne n'est épargné, tous les moyens sont bons pour saccager les biens et les êtres, et les actes les plus abjects sont commis. La pauvre Cate traverse un véritable cauchemar, et il est étonnant de voir comme, malgré son apparence peu engageante, Gregor lui apparaisse comme un ange, un protecteur si rassurant.

Après ce prologue glaçant, nous voilà transportés cinq ans plus tard, et nous découvrons un Gregor manquant de confiance en lui, n'étant plus au maximum de ses capacités. Il retourne donc chez lui pour quelque temps et c'est ainsi qu'il va retrouver Cate, dont il est le tuteur depuis toutes ces années. Depuis toujours, Gregor est le joli coeur de la Garde, sa renommée auprès des femmes est presque devenue une légende mais il aspire à autre chose, à plus de profondeur, de sincérité et un attachement sincère. Cate est prête à lui offrir tout cela, et même plus, pour peu qu'il ouvre les yeux et cesse de voir en elle une gamine sans défense.

Ce que j'aime dans cette série de MMC, c'est que les femmes ne sont pas que des belles plantes. Elles ont une vraie force de caractère, sont courageuses, de vraies battantes ! Ici Cate ne fait pas exception. J'ai adoré la voir se battre, notamment avec lui, ce qui donne lieu à des scènes savoureuses, tantôt drôles, tantôt sensuelles. Cela donne une vraie occasion aux héros de se rapprocher, se mesurer, s'apprivoiser, de se toucher sans avoir l'air, comme une sorte de préliminaires un peu ... musclés ! ^_^

J'ai adoré voir la résistance de Gregor se fendiller peu à peu, le voir réagir malgré lui et n'être finalement plus en mesure de se contrôler. J'ai aimé aussi voir le regard que Cate pose sur lui, un regard complet, aimant, plein de compréhension, de douceur et de compassion.

Les malentendus et certains rebondissements m'ont franchement fait mal au coeur, tout comme la détresse de Gregor, son entêtement à certains moments. Fort heureusement, Cate est une vraie lionne, elle est bien décidée à se battre envers et contre tout, elle le connaît mieux qu'il ne le croit et heureusement, elle n'est pas du genre à s'avouer vaincue !

La romance est belle, poignante, sensuelle et correspond en tout point à ce que j'attends dans ce type de livre. Les frissons et les émotions sont bel et bien là, et même si l'arc narratif ralentit ici, la Garde et Robert de Bruce ne sont jamais loin. Les passages mettant en scène les personnages des tomes précédents sont forts savoureux, notamment lorsqu'il y a comme une odeur d'entraînement dans l'air ...

Je me languis désormais de la suite ...

colleen1011's review against another edition

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This was a great book! I loved Cate and Gregor's chemistry. The way their relationship came to be was awesome and I think true to who the characters were.This is a series that just keeps getting better with each book. About halfway through the book, I was a bit disappointed that the rest of Bruce's phantoms were not playing a bigger role. The story did not not disappoint. They came in towards the end and were fabulous. I love all the interaction between the warriors. I am looking forward to the next book in this series. Spoiler : Finally, Even though I guessed Cate's father's identity, it still was great to watch that relationship unfold.

I received this book from Netgalley for a review

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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5 stars. sexy and heartbreaking. shows the sweeter side if these warriors

liltalone12's review against another edition

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The Arrow by Monica McCarty is the 9th book of the "Highland Guard" series. It is the typically romance novels. This is the first book out of the series I read, so I do not want to act like I know this series when I really do not. But from the book "The Arrow" I am assuming that the Highland Guard is mainly comprised of 9 Super Masculine men of elite ability and each man bit by bit got plucked off by a beautiful, smart, and spunky woman. Gregor MacGregor is the last of his men. He will not go down without a fight and fight he does. It gets to the point where I wonder why his love interest, Caitrina, stuck around. "Caitrina is everything I admire in a woman-she's strong, smart, straightforward, loyal, kind, and without an ounce of pretension." I did not dislike this book. I just wanted more for the heroine. 2 out of 5

curls's review against another edition

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Spoiler Hero cheats

bookloverchelle's review against another edition

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I absolutely love the long running Highland Guard series from Monica McCarty. She writes such detailed, beautiful historical Scottish romances. Her heroes are strong warriors and her heroines will fight right alongside with them. Ever since she was rescued from an English raid, Cate has loved her rescuer Gregor. But she has been a tomboy for so long she knows that this is finally her chance to show him the young woman she has grown in to. Gregor does not want to cross the line and begin a relationship with his ward but he can’t stay away from her. With the secrets they are both hiding when the truth finally comes out will they be able to find a HEA? Another great read in one of my favorite historical series. Can’t wait for the next read!

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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4.5 Cocktails

The Arrow, by Monica McCarty, is a thrilling continuation of her Highland Guard Series. Gregor McGregor is a legendary marksmen with Robert the Bruce’s Highland Guard who’s been forced back home because his identity has been compromised. When he comes home Gregor realizes Cate, the orphan he helped save years ago, has grown into a desirable woman. A note about the series, each book can be read as a standalone novel, but I would highly recommend reading the other books. It will help understand who all the players and what is going on the whole series is amazing.

I loved Cate. From the very beginning she proved herself to be a feisty heroine, and I enjoyed reading about all the problems she causes Gregor, who isn’t easily rattled. Gregor is a man deeply devoted to his country, his duty, and his family, and you can’t help but respect him and his commitment to those he loves. Underscoring their romance is the action that is always evident in the Highland Creek Series, with a couple of surprises you don’t see coming, set in the backdrop of the Scottish War for Independence.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books