
Love in Bloom by Karen Rose Smith

nighteyes82's review

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That was a nice story.

although I was i little bit bored by the number of time Clay and her were saying that it was not possible... not possible... not possible... yeah we got it they have a lot to overcome.

jen286's review

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I swear I have read Love in Bloom before, even though I just downloaded it last week. The story is so familiar, though the ending is not the same as what I was thinking. It is driving me a bit crazy trying to figure out what the other book was...or if there was another book. It is just odd. So the whole time I was reading this I was thinking have I read this already?? If anyone knows of a similar story please let me know. I still enjoyed this story.

Paige has come to the small town of Langley to take a break from her work in Africa. She was raised her whole life with her parents who did medical work in poor underprivileged places. She has been expected to continue this selfless doctoring and make it her life too. She might not be up to it, but she also doesn't want to let her mom down. She is trying to take some time and figure out what she wants while also helping Doc.

Soon after she gets to town she meets a boy who needs some help recovering from an accident. He can't walk as well as he once could, and Doc suggests he talk to Clay who also had an accident may years ago. He thinks Clay might be able to help put things in perspective for the boy so he can not waste his life away being angry. The only problem? Clay doesn't want anything to do with that. He has kept secret what happened to him and that he cannot and will never remember anything that happened before the accident. He doesn't want anyone to know since he has too many people who didn't accept him in the past. An ex-girlfriend left when she found out, his dad still doesn't accept him, etc. He is not who he once was, but he is still a good person.

Clay and Paige are attracted to each other but Clay is really hesitant to start something. He doesn't want to get hurt again. Paige could be leaving soon to go back to Africa and he doesn't want to get involved just to be left behind. Of course staying away doesn't work since they keep getting thrown together.

I was a little disappointed in the end of the book. Paige's mom comes back and expects Paige to go back to Africa with her. Paige hasn't decided what she wants to do yet, and really I expected more from the mother. More of an issue with Paige potentially not going with her. She just was set up like it would be a big deal, but you never really saw the mother. It was like she was fine with whatever Paige wanted once she made up her mind.

I did like the epilogue though. So cute how Clay and Paige worked everything out. So sweet and they really were perfect for each other.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

gettinglostinagoodbook's review

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Cute, quick read. Light romance that entertained. Believable characters in believable situations. Perhaps I was not as invested in the characters as I should have been, but I did sympathize.

sharyn_swanepoel's review

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A bit too schmaltzy for me.... A love a happy ending, but the detail of this was up and down... Some was really good, other parts totally unrealistic.

kboc923's review

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this was sweet - definitely cheesy, but i was definitely cheering for the couple to get together. almost too sweet - not for everyone!

chymerra's review

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What I liked about Love in Bloom :

1. The characters. There was so much depth to them that I expected Paige or Clay to come strolling into the room. Plus the chemistry was sizzling between Paige and Clay from day 1.

2. The romance. All I have to say is O.M.G. I’m not saying any more, you need to read the story.

3. I actually liked everything about the book. It was one of those that grabbed you from the beginning and made you keep on reading. Because you wanted to find out what was going to happen.

What I disliked about Love in Bloom:

1. The ending. While it was perfect for the book, it seemed a little rushed and too predictable for me.

2. Paige’s background story. All I have to say is when it was revealed (during a conversation with Doc), I went (to myself) WTF and shook my head.

3. Clay’s background and his trust issues. He went hot and cold with Paige at the worst times and to be honest if a guy did that to me, I would have been long gone.

**I voluntarily reviewed this book**

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