
Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting

michalice's review

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I have gone through this series so fast it is unbelievable. I had the first two books on my TBR shelf and didn't read them till I received Dead Silence by Kimberley Derting for review. That was all the push I needed and soon enough I had finished all four books. Dead Silence picks up with Violet still trying to carry on with her life as normal after the events in The Last Echo, what started out as a planned trip to the beach soon turns into something that she didn't expect when she stumbles upon a violent crime scene.

Dead Silence has everything the previous books had and more, the stakes are higher, the tension has been upped and the romantic meet ups between Jay and Violet are now on the rocks. Violet is stressed, and worried and is doing her hardest to try to find who the killer is, and it feels like every time she stumbles upon something it leads to a dead end. When she finally is able to put the pieces together its too late for someone close to her, and now it's a face against time to stop the murderer.

Throughout Dead Silence we also learn more about Violet's Grandmother, who also has the same ability as Violet, through the journals Violet was given from her Mum. We get to learn along with Violet about how her Grandmother felt about this gift, and what she did about it. When Violet spots a photograph with all members of her Grandmother's team on it, Violet tries to find out more about them, and what she finds not only surprises me, but also shocks Violet. I loved this part of the book, getting to learn about Violet's Grandmother and uncovering all the hidden secrets certainly made the wheels in my head spin trying to connect the dots before Violet did.

With everything going on in Violet's life the cracks are bound to appear, and these begin between Jay and Violet, she is determined to keep everything hidden from him, but he can sense her uneasiness and when she is unwilling to tell him anything and disappears from school with Rafe it's the final straw. Seeing this relationship blossom from the very beginning of this series made it even more emotional for me, seeing this couple who are perfect for each other suddenly not be there any more was tough, and although Violet carries on with her 'job' I was always wanting Jay to come back.

Another thing I like about Dead Silence was Violet is starting to let others into her world and her secret, and while part of me was happy to see this progression and have another person aware of what was happening, a small part of me worried like Jay did, the more people that know means there is a bigger chance of Violet's secret getting out.

The last few pages of Dead Silence were my most favourite ones, especially getting to see Violet stand up for herself and while Dead Silence it doesn't end with a definite happy ever after, it also leaves it open for the possibility of more books. Whether this comes to happen in the future or not is a different matter, but I do know that what ever books come next, if any, I will not hesitate to buy or read them.

pewterwolf's review

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Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Violet has a morbid gift. She can see echoes. It could be a smell, a sound, a sight. But she see them. And these echoes stay on the victim... and the murderer. But after the horrifying events of the previous book, The Last Echo (review here), Violet now has her own imprint. And she's forced/blackmailed to stay within the special investigative team, when all she wants is to ignore the horrors and lead a normal life with her boyfriend, Jay.

Expect, she stumbles onto a horrible murder scene. A family slaughtered, a daughter missing and a disturbing calling card from the murderer. Against her wishes, she's pulled into an investigation and soon, without even realising it, someone's life goes on the line. Someone very close to Violet. The question is: will they survive?

Now, after the shocking and tense The Last Echo, you expect Kimberly to shock us to our core with scenes of horror. And, actually, she doesn't. Kimberly turns the book series on its head. While we still have creepy factor and those chapters told from the killer's point of view (Kimberly writes these chapters still and she knows how to write her baddies!), Kimberly made this book the most personal to Violet. Violet is recovering from her ordeal of the Girlfriend Collector so she see her coping. And we see her discovering and reading her grandmother's journal who also had Violet's gift.

And this just works. We needed this. If Kimberly did another serial killer, I bet we would go "She's doing this AGAIN!" but this doesn't get that reaction. I read it and, while I wanted to know what happened to the 'family', I got caught up with Violet rediscovering her grandmother. That was what hooked me in this book. The personal journey Violet went on. From victim to someone who was going to rush into danger to save a life. That's the Violet we know and love!

Now, in the last review, I talked about the lack of Jay and the overuse of Rafe (I know some of you guys are Rafe shippers). But Kimberly wrote a nice balance of both characters so she pleased all the Jay and Rafe fans. And yes, we have kissing. And a shirt-related scene with one of those characters (which is funny because last year, when Kimberly was in the UK [I can't find if I blogged it or not], she joked that she had written that scene then read a review on Goodreads, DEMANDING a shirtless Jay... but does this reviewer get her wish? That is the question...)

But yes, I really enjoyed this book and I really enjoyed this series. Now, seeing as I'm not sure if this is the last book in the series (is it? I kinda want one more. Please Kimberly!), this means I can tackle Kimberly's other series, The Pledge, and with news that she going to be writing a new series, The Taking (read her news here). But... yeah, I love this series and I want one more book. Please, Kimberly. Just one more...

goodbetterbetsy's review against another edition

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I am not sure if this book is the last in the series or not but it is starting to feel like it's gone on a little too long now. I was really happy with the first three, but this one just seemed to drag out and consist of more of the same. I felt it was a pretty open ending leaving room for more books. I liked the story well enough, but I don't know that I'll be reading any additional books that may come out.

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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Review to come.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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I feel there's going to be a spin-off series. There's gotta be! Dead Silence feels too open-ended for there to not be a follow-up. Full review coming soon!

Full Review (originally posted 4/13/13 on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks):
The three previous books in the Body Finder series were very enjoyable and after the ending in The Last Echo, I was so excited to read Dead Silence. It did not disappoint!

Dead Silence explored the history of Violet's ability and I liked learning more about that. It certainly answered questions I didn't even know I had. I really like the snippets from her grandmother's old diaries and getting a glimpse of her life and her connection to Violet's present. It is also evident in this book how much Violet's character grew in the series.

Like in the previous books, Derting lets us readers see through the eyes of the killer and this guy and his followers were skin-crawlingly creepy but pathetic at the same time. Whenever I'm reading the chapters seen through the killer's POV, I feel like I'm watching a gruesome Criminal Minds episode. There were some really horrifying and shocking moments that were more violent than the what the killers did in the previous books that leaves you at the edge of your seat.

Of course, amidst the creepy stuff there's the romance. I love the best-friend-turned-into-boyfriend (there's nothing more romantic in my opinion) trope so from the beginning I loved Violet and Jay together. There were some bumps in their relationship throughout the series (e.g., their big fight in Desires of the Dead, the Rafe thing, etc.). There were more Violet and Jay scenes in this book than there was in the Last Echo, which made me happy. However, I think there's still some unresolved feelings between Violet and Rafe. But despite the connection between Violet and Rafe, I think she will always choose Jay in the end--they're soul mates and are incomplete without the other.

But oh, Rafe. I didn't want to like him in the beginning because I didn't want anyone to get between Violet and Jay but I couldn't help liking him anyway. And there was a hint that there might be something there between he and... wait for it...
! You're probably like, "What?!" Yeah, you're gonna have to read the book.

Well, I think Rafe deserves some happiness and I think the ending was open enough that the author can do a spin off series featuring Rafe.

This book and the series overall were great reading--it has a lot of stuff going for it that keeps me flipping the pages: mystery, romance, humor, psycho killers, just some good ol' fashioned drama... There's really nothing bad I can say about it. The writing is straightforward and very readable. I highly recommend the Body Finder series (you do need to read the books in order to enjoy the series) to everyone!

scarletcorset's review against another edition

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(re-read 10/8/15)

**5 STARS**

Even better the second time around (if that's even possible). This book was such an amazing finale to this series. I was only a little disappointed in the ending, but that's just because I desperately want more!!! I would give ANYTHING for just ONE more Body Finder book...

Overall, I am so in love with these books and feel such an intense attachment to them. Easily one of my all-time favorite series ever. I have a strong feeling I'll be re-reading this series once again very soon...

bestofjess's review against another edition

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I am so very very sad to see this series end. I loved it all. I feel like some series (ahem House of Night) should have ended after the first couple of books but some deserve to go on forever and it pains me to think that this will not be one of them.

Vi and Jay are probably one of my favorite YA book couples. I love the way he loves her, unconditionally with his whole heart. I have loved watching the relationship grow and look forward to imagining their future.

Back to the book:

While not as heart-racing as the previous book, I found this one to be compelling. The mystery of center had me waiting for more. I love the POV swaps between Vi and the killer. As with all of the Body Finder books I adored it all!

meganlollman's review against another edition

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Oh Kimberly Derting, you just kill me! :D

I absolutely love these books. Kimberly has been my favorite author for years, ever since I finished the first Body Finder book. I even had the pleasure-and unbelievable experience-of meeting her this year at the RT 2013 in Kansas City. This book is fantastic. I love the characters so much and the suspense and pacing of the book is just flawless! The relationship between Jay and Violet is something I could read for ages. They are just so perfect together! Easily my favorite book couple I've encountered so far.

If you love action, mystery, suspense, humor, paranormal, and great characters and great relationships you really need to add this series to your to-read list!

cegleston's review

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What can I say, I absolutely love this series and this book was no different. Violet and Jay are still the cutest couple Ever!! Rafe was still infuriating to me, only because I hate that he interferes in Violet and Jays relationship. And I loved that Violet has come to terms with her ability (in a way, and thanks to some help from a certain someone). Can't wait to see what next!!

in_tw1ne's review

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I just finished reading Dead Silence and am now left wondering if this is really the last book. After all, Ms Derting definitely ended this book with a huge opportunity for more. There are plenty of characters and storylines she can explore and branch out on, like Rafe and whether he'd finally hook up with Chelsea (although I'm not entirely comfortable with this pairing since I'm 45% RafexViolet, I still want Rafe to be happy).

Anyways, about Dead Silence. It's a good novel, I like the story and the characters. Although I do feel like it's not enough in a way, it's lacking. There wasn't much that happened, except for her discovery of the bodies, and finding out about her grandma. But this isn't as heart-racing as the previous book when she was kidnapped by that weirdo guy and even though
SpoilerChelsea was in danger by almost dying, which was the beginning
it was very brief and seemed easy to get over and guess. And when I read in the summary that someone close to Violet was suspected of murder it added to the suspense and mystery cause I quickly thought it would be Jay, one of her friends, her parents or even her Uncle Stephen only to read that it was just
SpoilerGrady, who sexually harassed her before and who (not to be mean) I didn't really care about)
was slightly disappointing.

I did like how her relationship with Jay is still as strong as ever, her relationship with her Uncle and how Gemma, who's usually mean to Violet showed a hint care. The echoes and imprints are still fascinating. I just really hope that there was more on the Circle of Seven and (if it's not too much to ask) an explanation as to who it really is behind the Center. And more on the members of the team; Krystal, Sam and Sara.
But there is always a possibility for a next book. Hopefully.