
Chasing Fire by Pamela Clare

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐

Wooow !!! Alors ça, c'est un tome qui décoiffe !
Pamela Clare se fait plaisir, et nous fait plaisir, en réalisant un crossover entre sa mythique série "I-Team" et celle intitulée "Colorado High Country". On retrouve quasiment toute la bande de I-Team, et une fois encore, on retrouve la meilleure bromance qui soit : Marcangelo !! ♥

Chasing fire est un livre marathon, qui raconte une journée dans la vie des habitants de Scarlet Springs, le genre de journée qu'on ne voudrait jamais avoir à vivre. En effet, ce qui au début du livre n'est qu'une mince colonne de fumée qui s'élève dans la forêt va vite prendre de l'ampleur et devenir un incendie dévastateur qui menace de rayer de la carte la ville de Scarlet Springs. Tous les personnages que nous connaissons depuis bien des tomes et des années répondent présents pour apporter leur aide, et contribuer, chacun à leur manière, à limiter les dégâts et sauver ce qui peut l'être.

C'est un livre très fort, intense, rempli d'action, qui nous laisse peu de répit. Certains passages sont terrifiants
Spoilerla scène de mise à l'abri sous le cocon anti-feu, juste après le crash d'hélico, où on voit ces hommes penser que leur dernière heure est arrivée, ouch, c'était rude à lire
, d'autres sont très émouvants, Pamela Clare a vraiment mis le paquet pour faire vivre à ses lecteurs des sensations fortes !

Les personnages font preuve de courage et de bravoure, et même d'héroïsme pour certains. Ce livre est écrit comme un (très) bon film d'action, avec des scènes/plans qui s'enchainent d'un endroit à un autre, d'un personnage à un autre, d'une situation dingue à une autre plus flippante encore. J'ai été tenue en haleine tout du long, et j'ai vraiment adoré retrouver tous ces personnages (surtout les I-Team), les voir interagir ensemble et former cette espèce de grande famille. Il y a un très beau sens de l'entraide, de fraternité et d'humanité dans ce livre, c'est beau de voir comment toute une communauté se serre les coudes et donne tout pour sauver sa ville, ses habitants (animaux comme humains) et ses maisons.

J'ai beaucoup aimé le début aussi, la façon dont l'autrice nous présente chaque couple, pour nous remettre dans le bain, et nous donner aussi de leurs nouvelles ; j'ai trouvé ça astucieux, vraiment agréable et très sympathique.

Puis bon, je ne peux pas ne pas évoquer ce duo que j'aime tant : Marcangelo !! Marc, de base c'est un de mes héros favoris toutes romances confondues, et j'adore le vieux couple qu'il forme avec Julian. Ils se charrient et se chamaillent vraiment comme un vieux couple, c'est toujours drôle, mais on voit très bien qu'ils tiennent profondément l'un à l'autre. Je me régale de leurs joutes à chaque fois, et cette fois encore, c'était un vrai plaisir !

Un très bon roman donc !

mistysreads's review against another edition

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Eric Hawke, Scarlet Springs' fire chief, knows its only a matter of time until the next big wildfire. When an illegal camp fire turns into a raging crown fire that threatens their town they do everything they can in order to save their home and all their friends and loved ones. When Eric has to fight with the county chief and the governor things get dicey because between the county chief not thinking the fire is going to head to Scarlet Springs and the Colorado governor not giving him the tools he needs to save lives and stop the fire Eric is put in a tough spot.

Help comes from unexpected places. Marc Hunter, Julian Darcangelo, and Zach McBride are in the mountains above Scarlet Springs for an inter-agency training exercise. One of their exercises includes all the illegal camp sites set up because people thought they could come to Colorado and make millions selling pot legally, not realizing they had to go through channels to get licensed, end up living in the woods. When a fun day of playing cops and bad guys becomes a battle against time, they join forces with Hawke and members of the Rocky Mountain Search and Rescue Team to save friends trapped by the fire.

When the fire takes off, they are tasked with helping people evacuate and save animals trapped in homes above Scarlet Springs and bring them off the mountain. There are a few close calls and a few moments of "Its just the smoke" from the characters and from me. I couldn't believe that by the end of the story all my favorite characters were in the hospital for one reason or another. I'm so relieved they are all going to be ok. During my short time in Colorado, I always worried that since the house was surrounded by trees that a wildfire is something I should worry about, and this book confirmed it, with the statement its not a matter of if its a matter of when.

Pamela does it again. From the second I picked up this book I was hooked, I couldn't put it down thank goodness my kid was taking a nap and allowed me to get through the adrenaline rush. I laughed, cried, and bit my nails flipping pages to make sure all my favorite characters made it through. It was a roller coaster ride, it reminded me of the Hulk at Island of Adventure, the story just took off... Make sure you have a box of tissues and a glass of wine ready because you will need both. I think Chasing Fire is Pamela's best book of the series and I've loved every book. Soo good!

desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

I was going back and forth between a 4 or 5 stars. I decided to round up because of the emotions I experienced while reading this. There were scenes that just made my heart clench and my tears flow, so I had to round up.

This is a crossover between the I-Team series and the Colorado High Country series. I recommend at least reading a handful of each of those series before diving into this one. This is a book where if you haven't read any of the previous books you definitely won't get the emotional attachments to all these characters that are in peril, there are so many characters mentioned/seen/POV is in that it can be confusing for those of us that have read all the books up to that point.

The book was following the various people in the town of Scarlett and around some other areas of Colorado that came to Scarlett when a wildfire starts and these characters have to deal with that.

There were so many scenes where my heart was in my throat. One scene in particular, I had to set the book down for a couple weeks because even though
SpoilerI had a pretty good idea that Gabriel and the people left at the camp wouldn't die, I was crying when Gabriel had the thought of there is no more room, in any of the vehicles, and he has to stay behind where the fire is coming and did he just kiss his wife goodbye for the last time. And the scenes with them before they made it into the cave, were too much for me. I had to set the book down for a bit and prepare myself. Gabriel and Kat's book was my least favorite of the whole series (still liked it but all the other books stuck with me more) and I'm crying for them.

The not so great aspect of this book were two things, ultimately they were minor issues but they still brought the book down a bit. One was the repetitiveness of information, we got the same information repeated to different characters, from different characters. It's something that would happen in real life as information becomes available and is told to people but in book form it gets old quick.

The second issue is just the issue with ensemble pieces. We're not spending a large amount of time on any one character and even though I've read full books focusing on these characters, I still felt a bit detached at moments because of all the different characters we followed.

Overall this was a really good crossover. Pamela Clare always delivers and I look forward to catching up on her books.

anabelsbrother's review against another edition

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Lemme just start with how much I love Pamela Clare for writing this and blessing us all with this gift.

As far as the plot goes, I like Dead by Midnight more because the whole hostage & baddies situation is much more my thing, but the whole forest fire is just as nerve-wracking. I shed many, many tears, especially when all hope seemed lost.

NGL, the I-Team characters will always be my favourite out of all PC characters, but reading this made me realize how much love I truly have for the people of Scarlet Springs. I love that we get to see them all after their HEAs; Eric Hawke as a father (!!!), Chaska and Naomi expecting (!!!), Joe Moffatt and his manbun (I forgive this), we even get to see Brandon's and Libby's POVs (the infamous couple Joe caught doing the do in his bar lmao)!

For I-Team, we basically got everyone in here except Javier x Laura and Holly x Nick. Hunter x Darcangelo bromance is alive and well!!! I miss their banter. They've been best friends for 8 years now, IMAGINE--

There's a line in this book that says Julian's in his forties now and I have so many emotions about it.

Sighs. I read too fast and now there's no more books to read. I think I'm gonna go reread Dead by Midnight.

Reread: January 2021

Decided to randomly reread this one and oh gosh I forgot how intense it is!!!

kimberlycarrington's review against another edition

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Nuestra reseña en A la cama con... un libro

Puede que si llegas a este libro viniendo de la serie Colorado High Country la disfrutes más que yo, que vengo del I-Team y su suspense romántico, algo que aquí no aparece ni por asomo. Se me ha hecho cuesta arriba porque, si bien Pamela Clare sigue siendo una buena escritora, no creo que lo que ocurre aquí (que es apagar un fuego y punto pelota) tenga la suficiente entidad como para aguantar el peso de ser libro. Si fuera relato, todavía, pero libro, nope.

xakyr's review against another edition

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I'll be honest, I've been a fan of this author's work since I first picked up [b:Extreme Exposure|159767|Extreme Exposure (I-Team, #1)|Pamela Clare||154204], but like any author, I've had my ups and downs with her work, and that, to me, is perfectly acceptable, because a book can't please everyone. However, I am extremely pleased to say that this is my favorite of the Colorado High Country books to date!

I had a suspicion that when this was announced as a crossover novel with Ms. Clare's I-Team series that she'd use the same writing style that she had in [b:Dead By Midnight: An I-Team Christmas|27841495|Dead By Midnight An I-Team Christmas (I-Team #7.5)|Pamela Clare||46152335], where she told the story from multiple points of view, and I was right. However, this time I wasn't as annoyed by it. It seemed that no one hero or couple was in the spotlight too much, rather that they all had an equal share of it, which I really appreciated, especially with all the I-Team cameos in the book. I actually think that the multiple points of view actually helped heighten the suspense of the story!

Speaking of the story, I was taken on a wild roller coaster ride! Having never lived in the west, I don't know what it's like to live with the fear of wildfires spreading out of control. This book let me experience the tiniest bit of that situation for myself. It was so gripping that I couldn't put it down and wound up draining the battery on my Kindle and staying up entirely too late reading the story! The events were life altering for the town, and I can't help but wonder where things in the series will go from here!

For me, this was an amazing story from start to finish, and one that I highly recommend to readers of both Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense!

valeehill's review against another edition

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Chasing Fire was an immersive read like no other I can recall. Throughout the entire book—from the raging beast of the fire, the numerous close calls, the extreme acts of heroism, the rescues, the injuries, and the losses—I experienced rushes of adrenaline, chills, tears, and finally relief. (Gosh, I’m worn out!) For those of us who have met and known Pamela Clare’s I-Team and Colorado High Country heroes (and heroines) for years, we totally expect and get why they do what they do. For those readers who are just meeting them in this crossover novel, she’s got you covered with brief, yet informative, introductions. As far as their incentive to be the best and truest kind of heroes just read, gasp, sigh, and find out!

jonetta's review against another edition

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First responders all over Scarlet Springs, Colorado wake to a red alert, warning of expected high winds later in the day. Eric Hawke, the town’s fire chief, has worked tirelessly to prepare his residents by promoting prevention measures. When he sees a small plume of smoke in the distance, Eric mobilizes to investigate and resolve before this turns into a bigger disaster that could threaten the surrounds and the town.

If you’re a fan of the author and the Colorado High Country & the I-Team series, you will think you’ve reached nirvana when reading this story. It is a stroke of brilliance to create a crossover story between the two series. It has everything...tension, suspense, community and romance. Every character has some role, all highly relevant, as the fire grows and rages out of control. The beginning lays firm ground for quietly beginning the background tension as you can slowly sense what may be coming. There are multiple storylines within the main plot and the transitions are handled skillfully with perfect timing.

I loved the updates from all the characters almost as much as I did the central story. Sometimes the suspense was so tough I had to put the book down to take a much needed breath. This story hit every high mark and is just flawless. I’m leaving out so many details because there’s so much I cannot isolate one subplot over another. This is the best of both series, offering strong themes around community, resilience, family and honor. I loved everything.

(I received an advance copy from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review)

leanner's review

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What an emotional book, I was teary eyed at all the happy parts. Fire! such a terrifying event, who will survive, whose homes and memories will be lost? My heart was racing, wanting to turn the pages faster. There are revisits from previous characters but the story does stand alone. I love the back story for the towns favourite wanderer. Great story by Pamela Clare, it kept me entertained.

bananatricky's review

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Three and a half stars.

Not recommended unless you have read the Colorado High Country/ I-Team novels.

Scarlett Springs is on alert, the hot dry weather in Colorado combined with the high winds have increased the chances of a devastating forest fire which could wipe out the small town. When a camper lets an illegal campfire get out of control it's up to the brave men and women of Scarlett Springs to save the people and animals they love.

This is like a Christmas ensemble special, every couple you've previously read about features in this novel, most of them are pregnant or have just had babies, each family faces danger. Whilst I enjoyed the novel, much of the first third seemed to be introducing character after character and giving a precis of the book in which they featured with a quick catch-up on events since then - it would be unintelligible f0r a new reader (in my opinion).

But we finally find something out about Bear's background!

As with the other Pamela Clare novels there is plenty of excitement, plenty of thrills, a small town with its own billionaires, gorgeous firemen, a climbing wall, a local brewery and Chicago deep pan pizza.

This feels like the end of the Colorado High Country series, everyone is married and producing children, together they fight the wildfires that could destroy the town.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.