thiswasatriumph's review

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“‘Where will it stop?’ he sadly questions. ‘What will the end be?’
But none save Omnipotence can solve the problem.
To our human intelligence these truths depicted in this feeble work may seem terrible,—even horrible. But who shall judge the handiwork of God, the Great Craftsman! Caste prejudice, race pride, boundless wealth, scintillating intellects refined by all the arts of the intellectual world, are but puppets in His hand, for His promises stand, and He will prove His words, ‘Of one blood have I made all races of men.’”

I read this book in a free edition, and would like to re-read in a nice paperback to counter all the numerous typos.

It’s a strange plot, profoundly strange, yet taken with it’s themes rounds to an enjoyable and fascinating read. All families, loves, destinies are confused by the color line.