
Garden of Eden by Kate Cowan

berls's review

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I received this book for free from IFB Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

My Initial Reaction…
Whoa! What just happened? This is one of the hardest book reviews that I’ve written in quite a while because I have such mixed feeling about Garden of Eden. I really enjoyed the book and the characters appealed to me. Garden of Eden was weird – in a good way – and the mysteries were so fantastic, but also so unsolvable and unresolved that I closed the book feeling mystified and definitely not ready for it to end.

The Characters…
I’d call this a one woman show. There are several secondary characters, but we only get to know them from Eden’s point of view. And since she’s terribly confused and just about everyone she knows is a giant mystery, I don’t feel like I REALLY know anyone but Eden. Which is fine – because I really like Eden. She’s stubborn – sometimes to her own detriment – and she does not like to be told what to do. I came to realize about half way through Garden of Eden that anytime someone told Eden not to do something, I could pretty much count on her to do just that. Eden really grows over the course of the book, too. The day the Catchers came and took away her siblings landed her in a tower, where she spent years locked away with Will (her only companion for much of the book). Only a truly strong character could survive that and still manage to have hope and a vivacity for life – all which Eden has. There’s some mystery going on that she’s right at the center of, but she doesn’t know and so I’m just as clueless as to what it is. Hopefully book two will let us know.

Like I said, the secondary characters are all a giant mystery for me. Will, who she spends years alone with, seems like a good friend, but we don’t really know who he is. He’s seems very protective of Eden and I’m inclined to like him, but there’s some serious questions still out there about him. And then there’s Tom. We don’t meet him until part two, and right away I’m inclined to think I can’t trust him – but then he’s so nice to Eden and seems to become a friend, there’s even some chemistry there – so yes, I’m still not so sure about him. I’m also really curious about Liddon – he’s this semi-insane guy that Eden meets on the Island and befriends. Half the things he says don’t make a lot of sense, but he’s definitely a good person… I think. There’s more to him than we’re seeing though and I have some guesses, but so far no hypothesis have been confirmed or denied. The only people I’m really sure about are two friends Eden makes on the Island – Adriane and Dana. There’s nothing suspicious about them and they seem to be good friends that Eden can rely on and will probably get into lots of trouble with in upcoming books. Overall, the characters are fascinating and well-written, but frustratingly shrouded in mystery.

The Story…
Garden of Eden is a marvelously fascinating dystopian novel. We’re introduced to Eden when she’s been locked away in the attic of a mansion with Will for years – by her parents – for her protection. The Catchers – who we’ve only begun to understand by the end of Garden of Eden - seem to have taken over and, for some mysterious reason, they are capturing children under the age of eighteen. We don’t know why or what their doing with these children, but we know that Eden’s parents are so afraid for her that they’ve locked her away for years. As Garden of Eden progresses, Eden and Will are captured by the Catchers and find themselves on an island – where they and a bunch of other children are being held captive, while be trained in things like archery and combat. Here Eden is just as much prisoner as she was in her little tower – the cage is just bigger – and the questions and confusion are that much more pronounced.

There are so many mysterious elements in Garden of Eden, ranging from a variety of characters that you don’t know what to do with to weird magical elements and the underlying question of who exactly Eden is all converge to make this a bit frustrating for me. I love a good mystery, but there was almost too much for me. It’s difficult to keep track of all the elements and it almost feels like a mystery that you might as well not try solving, because you have no hope. What made it most frustrating was that when the book ended, I was left without any answers. Instead, within just a few chapters before the end another big mystery had been introduced. It wasn’t a cliff hanger per-say but there’s definitely a lot to be resolved.

Concluding Sentiments…
Garden of Eden was well-written and was filled with really great characters and elements. I wanted a bit more resolution, but I guess I’ll just have to wait for the sequel to get the answers I’m dying for!

I spotted Adriane’s white hair, glowing in the bright morning sun on the opposite side of the field. Giving Tom a quick good-bye, I tried to run to catch up to her but stumbled on my throbbing leg. Did I look like I’d spent a night in the forest? Probably. I was mud-streaked and filthy.

“Hi,” I gasped, finally catching up to Adriane. She ignored me dutifully, aiming an arrow and letting it fly, hitting the target with a low thwacking sound. She pulled another arrow from her quiver, aimed it, and shot it. I held my bow in one hand and stood next to her. She stiffened, the muscles under her tank top bunching, but managed to ignore me.

“Okay,” I said, hands on my hips, and my irritation reaching its climax. “I don’t know what I did, but I would really like for you to tell me, because honestly, you are being an awful teacher.”

She turned and glared at me, and I found myself suddenly, fiercely jealous of her. I envied her ability to shoot her arrows, fight any fight, win at everything she tried. Her dusty blue eyes burnt like fire into mine. They were hard, and cold against her alabaster skin. We were the same height – and, oddly enough, if it wasn’t for our opposite hair colors, we would look a lot alike. Her features were sharper, her back a little straighter, but our builds and eyes were almost exactly the same.

And then she smiled, cruel and mirthless, the kind of smile that was a thousand times worse than any glare.

“You want to know why I hate you? Why we all do? You had something before you were brought here. I don’t care what it was, it was something,” she growled. “I had a good life before all of this, or so I’m told. But I couldn’t fight them when they came for me. I was only three. And you’re here, aren’t you? You could have fought the Catchers, run away, something - but I’d say you didn’t fight for your freedom at all.”

She glowered at me, then turned and crouched to fill her quiver. I crossed in front of her and bent to her level, forcing her to see me.

“Teach me, then. Teach me how to fight for it,” I said firmly, looking her in the eyes.
~page 106-107 in eBook

reading_addict_lemon's review

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I received the book for a honest review and because I'm part of the tour! Thanks!:)Original post on:

The synopsis made me to want reading it, and the cover, they looked and sounded really good. But I was a little afraid because it was another book with a school in it, and this is not too original. Plus is a short book and I was thinking how good would be.

It was a good book, I can say it, somehow the author made it; even if is a school the accent isn’t put on it, the action happen on a island that is mysterious and creepy, and I liked how the things happened. There are some things in the book that happen and I wasn’t expecting them, and them were like a sparkle of originality, in the story.

I won’t talk about the action or how the main character meet her new friends, or why the island is so weird and the people are… i dunno how to name them, but let’s say different. Very. And here are so many questions and I can’t no wait to find out more. And I like that Eden, even is not the girl who always need help, neither is the hero, the one who beat them all. She learns, in time, how to fight and, more, she learns then she has something. Special.

This book is good, not the best that I ever read but is interesting, light, fast read, with nice characters, a cute idea and I hope that the next one is more full of action and suspense. I mean, yes, that has too, but from the half. At the beginning is more like showing the past and life of the characters, how they get in the tower… and things are more calm. So, in the second book I hope to find more action and maybe the answers to my questions. And why the headmistress is doing „that”. Or why Will is acting like that.


lpcoolgirl's review

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Such a great book, loved the magic, and yeah, can't wait to read the Ashes!

kitkatscanread's review

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This book was an interesting start to a series.
I did enjoy it and the ending has left me curious for book 2.

Full review:

bookbriefs's review

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Garden of Eden is a quick, and mysterious read. It seemed almost like a prequel to the Legend of Eden series. It sets up everything, and still leaves tons of questions unanswered, and leaves you wanting to pick up the next book to find out what is going on on this mysterious island. The book starts off right in the middle of the action, with the “catchers” on the prowl. You don’t really know who the catchers are, but you do know that they are after children under 18. We have no idea why though.

Eden escapes attack, but all of her siblings are taken and she is locked in the attic for her protection. But even though her parents say that they want to protect her, they are awful to her. They basically starve her and keep her as a prisoner. But a few chapters into the book, Eden sneaks outside with her only friend Will (who conveniently showed up right when the rest of her family was taken by catchers) and they both get captured and whisked off to this strange island in the middle of nowhere and forced to attend this school with a bunch of other kids who are captured. I still am not too sure who we can trust and who we can’t, so I haven’t really formed too many opinions on the two guys in the story.

Most of the book is Eden asking a bunch of questions and trying to figure out what was going on. That was my favorite part of the story. I loved how inquisitive Eden was. She somehow seems important to the people on the island, but we don’t find out why. But I really admired how determined Eden was to figure out what was going on. I would have been totally freaked out, but Eden was fearless and she found a good group of friends that seemed like they would help her get some answers. The book ends on a pretty explosive note. There are still a tons of whys floating around in my head, but what they did find out seems so cool and unique! I just need to read the next book to find out more of what is going on. I think the story will really come to life in the next book, because we ended in such a cool place. There is just so much that needs to happen in the next book! I can’t wait to find out more about Eden and this mysterious island.