
The Coveted by Laura Thalassa

linzthebookworm's review against another edition

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I'm really starting to enjoy this series. I enjoyed the first but thought it was really cheesy. I got annoyed by how many times Gabrielle completely gushed over Andre in the first book. In this one, I feel like the unnecessary comments on how sexy he's supposed to be lessened. I also feel that Andre let up on the controlling nature a tiny bit, which was good. I feel like Gabrielle is starting to turn into a strong lead character. She's standing up for herself, thinking things through, and able to save her friends. It was nice because while I felt like she saved herself and her friends, I also feel like they saved her. I think that the murder mystery aspect of The Coveted was interesting. I hope that she ends up working more cases. I think it gave the story something more than just her dealing with learning that she's supernatural and fawning over Andre.

For my complete review check out:

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, man, loved reading this book, it was such a great sequel and I need to read more now! 

vidhi26p's review against another edition

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The characters in this novel were quite unrealistic and boring. The whole story was very predictable and didn't create any attachments to the characters.

ashkwtf's review against another edition

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I know this is semi-YA and the heroine is quite young but ... wow, she got on my nerves.

jamies_shelves's review against another edition

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2.5 stars.

I started off liking this book a lot more than the first one, and I was pretty into it. Then I got to page 70ish and that changed.


Gabrielle literally woke up in the middle of the night to a naked man on top of her, attempting to sway her into having sex with him. She had to kick him off of her and she screams. But she isn't shaken by it, and her roommates reaction is 'wow his man bits were huge' and 'Oliver will be so jealous' and when Gabrielle is like yo what the fuck, she says 'sorry I had to give you a hard time.' WHAT?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU? NAY, WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?!? Then Oliver proceeds to start sleeping in their room because he was indeed jealous and wants to be there next time to see the good looking naked man. I repeat, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? And then she keeps saying how much she loves her friends and how awesome they are. No. Just NO.

Also at the end the devil says that they spent the whole night he kidnapped her 'making love' and it's too bad she can't remember it.... WHAT?!?!? And then it's just never mentioned again??? And it's not at all mentioned that that would be rape??? For a third time, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?

Now that I finished that part of the rant I'll say that Gabrielle is officially an idiot and she was really annoying the whole book, as was basically everyone else. The only person who semi redeemed themselves was Andre, but he also was a jackass at some moments. He does get some points though for being the only one concerned about the naked men showing up in her room in the middle of the night. But of course his concern was written to look a bit like male jealously, or at least that how Gabrielle viewed it because she's a moron.

Every time the devil appeared I couldn't really take him seriously because I just kept thinking about Lucifer from the show and I was like nah this aint the devil. But that's my own thing. He was actually written decently well.

I still might continue on with this series because I love vampire and supernatural school stories. Also these stories are short and easy reads. But damn I hope they get better.

Oh and on the positive side, at least the cover actually kind of looks like her this time...

gigua's review against another edition

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3.8 stars
It's an Harry Potter meets Twilight meets magical creatures and serial killers kind of novel. I would have preferred a more developed story, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

*Review to come!*

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews

Un deuxième livre que j'ai adoré, fort en émotion et en rebondissement (tellement de tensions sexuelles avec Andre ><) (Et le Diable qui est juste FLIPPANT !!) (Par contre, je ne comprend pas pourquoi elle travaille pour la Politia aka les mecs qui seraient surement hyper heureux de la crucifier ...)
Je réalise après deux livres entiers lus qu'on est dans le même univers que Des et Callie !! Il faut vraiment que je me mette à lire les livres dans le bon ordre xD


A second book I loved, very emotional and full of twists (so much sexual tension with Andre ><) (And the Devil who is just FRIGGIN SCARY !!) (BUT I don't understand why she works for Politia aka the guys who would surely be happy to crucify her ...)
I realize after two whole books read that we are in the same universe as Des and Callie !! I really have to start reading books in the right order xD

sauriemilia's review against another edition

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It took me forever to retake this series. The first book was really interesting though I read the author's other series before this one and absolutely adored them. This is kind of blah next to the other series but it really picks up after book 2. I'm going to continue with the series and see how it goes.

kpitroff17's review against another edition

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naughtynicky's review against another edition

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The Coveted is book 2 in The Unearthly series.

Gabriella is now working for the Politia. She is asked to help with the investigation into the murders that are happening near Peel Academy.

She is asked to get back in touch with her coven, especially Andre, who she has tried to avoid since the ending of The Unearthly.

As vampires are the main suspect for the murders, they need to find the real culprit before the truce between the Politia and vampires is destroyed.

While investigating the murders the devil is still after Gabriella and wants her to willingly give him her soul and become his consort.

Whenever she sleeps, she dreams and starts getting visits from incubus demons who say they wanted to meet the devils consort.

Everything leads to a confrontation on Samhain, the night when doors between worlds thin.

I am loving this series. I hope these books get a reprint with new covers as I have to say I hate the covers, but don't let them put you off. This is one time when I can honestly say, don't judge a book by its cover.