
One by One by Sarah Cain

nixieknox's review

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I was so pleasantly surprised by this! I'm pretty picky about my mysteries, and this one had the right amount of intrigue, character development, clues, backstory, and straight up suspense. Usually land development/government plots are not my thing but I didn't mind here. Maybe because it wasn't the only plotline. The characters were believable, sympathetic yet not perfect - I'm definitely going to check out the first book in the series.

Wholeheartedly recommend for a winter read!

kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars.

In this second outing in Sarah Cain's Danny Ryan Thriller series, One by One, journalist Danny Ryan is once again embroiled in a complex murder investigation.

The novel opens with old high school acquaintance, Greg Moss, asking Danny to look into some ominous text messages he has been receiving. The request is immediately complicated by Greg's revelation that several of his old high buddies also received threatening texts before they were murdered. When Greg is then murdered, Danny's suspicions are raised by the lead detective on the case, Ted Eliot, and Danny, along with fellow journalist, Alex Burton, decide to do a little digging around. They quickly uncover Greg's ties with a development firm, Cromoca Partners, which is linked to Danny's ex-father-in-law Senator Robert Harlan and Congressman George Crossman. However, after Danny begins receiving mysterious texts, he cannot help but wonder if the murders in the present are somehow connected to the parties that Greg hosted back in high school. With assistance from both Alex and his detective brother Kevin, Danny tries to fit the pieces of the puzzle together before he becomes the killer's next victim.

There have been a few changes in Danny's life since readers met him in The 8th Circle. He is now a freelance journalist and he has moved into a new house. Since he is now living in the same neighborhood as ex-coworker Alex, he has become close to her and her husband, Sam. His relationship with Kevin is still a work in progress, but they are closer than they were in the past. Danny is still struggling with the loss of his wife and son but he is not as depressed as he has been.

Danny begins his investigation working off the idea that Greg's murder, along with the earlier deaths of his football buddies, are somehow linked to the past. When an attempt is made on the life of one of the people he interviews who knew Greg in high school and is still in touch with him in the present, Danny remains unsure what a possible motive for the murders. When another person from high school he interviews meets an untimely death, Danny knows he is on the right track but when his former classmates are less than forthcoming with him, his investigation hits a dead end.

Although he is not assigned to the case, Kevin does an little off the books digging around into Ted Eliot's background. While his relationship with Danny might be a little strained, he does take his brother seriously when he notices a few inconsistencies with the detective. Uncovering some rather interesting information about Ted, Kevin is still struggling to figure out if there is more to his story than he is telling.

Alex learns some troubling information about the Cromoca Partners latest business ventures but she is stonewalled when she tries to dig a little deeper. She is also a little curious about the long ago death of another classmate of Danny's and at first, her request for an interview is turned down. Alex is excited when the person reconsiders but is she making a mistake not talking to Danny before she sets out for the meeting?

One by One is another pulse-pounding installment in the Danny Ryan Thriller series. The investigation is compelling and Sarah Cain brings it to a close with an adrenaline-filled, action packed denouement. The novel ends on a very intriguing note and readers will be anxious to see what Danny decides to do with the curious information he has received. A riveting mystery that fans of the genre do not want to miss!

sarahrife85's review

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Received this ebook from Netgalley in exchange for a honest review

Okay so i have to admit. I've had this one waiting a little while and for some reason i always skipped over it, like "ehh i don't feel like reading that right now", You know how they say don't judge a book by it's cover ?! I am the WORST person at that, I don't know why but this cover just doesn't capture my attention so therefore i just kept pushing it aside.. I had no idea there was a first to this book, but after reading i can definitely see Danny Ryan being a great series! Even though i procrastinated reading this book I have to tell you I sped right through this book, once i started i could not stop! I LOVE DANNY RYAN! He is the perfect type of book hero! I don't know what it is but he is just the type of character you just latch onto, and pay quick attention to. You want to know about his life, you want to know what is going to happen next! I for one will definitely be watching out for book 3! I hope this will be a great new series i can get into! I am looking forward to see where things go with him and Alex, I want to see his relationship with his brother get on better terms after his heart attack, I feel like he is someones life i could really get into following.