
Gray Bishop by Kelly Meding, Kelly Meade

snoopydoo77's review against another edition

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This was a great book to continue “Cornerstone Run Trilogy”, the first book was great interdiction to the run and was about Rook and Brynn.

You can find my full review here:

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Gray Bishop is the second instalment of a fantastic dark and gritty paranormal romance trilogy following three werewolf brothers (all named after chess pieces!).

Bishop is the eldest brother and his love interest is seemingly just out of reach as she's in the same position as himself as next Alpha in line to lead her pack. A series of unfortunate events along with a continuation of the story arc from book one lead us through this non-stop action page turner, delivering a fantastic romance along the way as well as setting us up beautifully for book three, White Knight.

If you haven't read book one I think it essential to do so in order to fully enjoy this book, and you'll definitely want to pick up White Knight as soon as you're done!

A copy of this book was gifted for review purposes

chllybrd's review against another edition

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I always enjoy when series with revolving main characters keep the past main characters as a decent part of the book. GRAY BISHOP follows Bishop and Jillian as they fall in love, but Brynn and Rook are very much still a big part of the story. I really enjoy the family dynamic that comes with the McQueen family and was really heartbroken towards the end of book 2. The run and the McQueen's have been through so much, but GRAY BISHOP definitely feels like the biggest blow was thrown into the mix.

Jillian and Bishop's love story wasn't as easy as Brynn and Rooks, but felt just as real and I enjoyed following it. With all the other events happening I don't feel that their story got the attention it deserved. This series is a trilogy so WHITE KNIGHT should bring us full circle and hopefully give the run and the McQueen's some piece and happiness, but I know it won't be smooth sailing.

* This book was provided free of charge from the Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

bookish_babe's review against another edition

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Gray Bishop is a unique spin on the werewolf/vampire tropes that we’ve grown accustomed to. There are some interesting and at times, exciting new elements that keep the reader engaged but overall this book just wasn’t for me. I didn’t hate it though nor did I particularly care for it. I don’t recommend reading the book as a stand alone. I think had I read the first book that perhaps I would have been more invested in the characters. As it was, I found myself unable to connect to the story. Also, there was very little that was accomplished in the story. There weren’t really any big secrets revealed or mysteries solved. Nothing that really made the story arc exciting. Things just kind of happened. I almost DNF’d the book a few times, it was difficult to stay interested but the writing is solid. The world-building was unique, the characters were like able. There seemed to be a lot of information dumps that I wished were woven throughout the story better and there needed to be more ‘showing’. It just wasn’t really for me. On a lighter note, Kelly does have other series that I have genuinely enjoyed so this one hiccup won’t stop me from reading more from her.
2.5 Stars

loverofromance's review against another edition

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The attacks are continuing on the loup garou, and the fear and the tension are rising. Bishop McQueen, feels like he is to blame for when his brother was kidnapped, tortured, and barely brought home alive. Bishop may be a gray wolf, but he is in line to be alpha. His brother, met his mate who was a half breed, and among their kind, that zeroes him out to take their father’s place. Jillian Reynold, is suffering from the ghosts of her own past. Jillian was in love, married and was pregnant. But then a horrible accident, ended with her a widow, and losing her child. The attraction between Bishop and Jillian is strong and hot, but they know they don’t have a chance for a future. Jillian is her father’s only child, and as he is alpha, the man she marries and mates next, will be the next alpha after her father dies. But when she hears of an attack on her home, she and a group of wolf enforcers head over to her hometown. But when they arrive, the effects are much worse they she hoped for. Now Bishop and Jillian are having to fight for the love they have and for the homes they are trying to protect…no matter the cost.
The Hero

Gray wolf, Bishop Mcqueen, has a lot of anger in him. Bishop even though has been training himself to take the alpha’s place in case of something happening to his brother or father, he never knew years ago, that he would be the next in line. Even though he is a Gray Wolf, considered to be weaker than the black wolf’s, he has his own strength, he has the added advantage of being the Alpha’s son. Bishop is dedicated to family and pack, and they always come first. But his attraction to Jillian is fierce and unfamiliar. Bishop is the type of hero, you cheer for. From the beginning of the series, I have admired him. I have enjoyed his connection to his brothers, and how their family always takes the pack’s safety and happiness first. Bishop loves the pack, and they are his family. Bishop is strong, a fighter, resilient and sexy as sin. He doesn’t take crap, and he knows how to handle himself in a fight.
The Heroine

Jillian, is a leader in her own right. She feels connected to Bishop, in a way, because she has always known she would be the female Alpha in the pack. Jillian is talented, strong, and passionate. She can handle herself in a fight, and knows how to protect her own. No matter the danger she doesn’t back down. She has a desire to help those around her, even when she is falling apart on the inside. Jillian was a heroine I admired greatly. You see how much pain she suffers from losing her husband and unborn child. No one from the McQueen Pack, even knows that she lost a child. As the attacks around them increase, her past starts to haunt her. Jillian was such a winning female in my book, she had everything you look for in a heroine. She has an inner strength, stubborn and tenacious, but provokes emotion. She has a heart of gold, and that is very evident in every chapter. I loved how loyal she is to not just her own but to the Mcqueens. To protecting all of their kind, and even those half breeds that have been targeted.
Plot and Story Line

Gray Bishop is the second book in this amazing trilogy, that so far has stunned me. This doesn’t happen very often, and with shifter romances, that can be hard to do. But I swear, thanks to a good blogger friend, I got introduced to this author. A author that stimulates the mind and body with her beautifully wrapped packages of sexy shifters. thrilling plots and engaging scenes. Gray Bishop, is of course Bishop’s story. All three sons of the Alpha, play a part in this series, and each have their own story. Each are a different kind of wolf. In the set up of the story, we see how it continues right off from where the first book left off. Which I loved. Sometimes when your reading a series, you start the next book in line, and it totally doesn’t seem to fit with the previous book. Not the case with Kelly Meade. She has a talented way of creating a story that weaves its way into your heart.

It begins with the start of some gruesome and horrid attacks, small ones, but attacks that are leaving children orphans, children who are half breeds, and don’t fit anywhere. But the Mcqueen pack, are not known for kicking out those innocent of wrongdoing. We see a story that was so emotionally driven, that it brought my to tears. I had a difficult time with this one. Now those that have read this one, know exactly what I am talking about. I am going to try not to reveal too much about what happens in this story. But I do want to say you might want to get a few tissues before you begin with this story. It totally had me wrapped in tension and ragged emotions. My heart just broke for Bishop and Jillian. They both have pasts, they both have suffered in their own way, and they both need each other. They have a strong sexual connection, but their bond goes way deeper than just hot sexy (although that is great), but we also see how their relationship deepens and grows, and the love they share is what will win the battle at the end. It was quite fun seeing them work through issues, and not too delicately. They do have some mountains to climb, but the ending is satisfying and leaves you hanging (just bit ), so you want to read the next book. The villiain’s in the story, are very bad ass, and need to be taken down painfully and slowly. I just want to turn into a wolf myself and tear their throats out. I know a bit gruesome…but seriously, what they do is horrific and they totally deserve it for what they do and what they plan on doing. We do see some fun side characters that come into play, and a small small side romance as well.

This cover is so tantalizing, and just sends shivers down my spine. I mean this model, needs to be commended…because that eye searing look…totally has me. I probably would have bought this book for the cover alone. And at the bottom, I love that picture of the beautiful grey wolf, if I could I would want to pet the thing…if it was tamed and all.
Overall View

Gray Bishop is a thrilling paranormal romance, that is bound to have you on edge from beginning to end. A story of sacrifice, passion and danger. Guaranteed to keep you on your toes. So WATCH OUT or you might get bitten!

audiobookmel's review

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4.5 stars

I loved book one of this series and couldn't wait to get my hands on this book, though I'll be honest, I was more excited to get book three. The story of the white wolf and the tragedy that Knight has gone through really made me want to read his story. My real goal was to get through this one to get to the next. Boy, I was mistaken. This story was amazing and gives new meaning to tragic.

This story picks up right where book one leaves off. Cornerstone is trying to recover from the attacks from the hybrids. The loupe garou have it tough recently. One town is completely gone with a single survivor. Another lost more than half it's numbers. They at least know now what they are facing and what their enemies are after. That will make things easier, right? WRONG.

Our heroine of this book is Jillian Reynolds, the daughter of the Springwell alpha. She is a widow and a black wolf. She is set to be the next alpha female for Springwell, but she needs to find a nice black wolf male to mate and replace her late husband. Problem is, her wolf really likes Bishop McQueen, the eldest son of the Cornerstone alpha.

Normally, gray wolves wouldn't become alpha, but since it looked like there wasn't going to be a black wolf in the McQueen family, as Rook was born many years later and didn't shift for even longer to see that he was black, Bishop was being groomed to take over when his father retired. It then seems that things are in the air as to whether Rook or Bishop was going to take over as alpha. However, in the previous book, Rook takes a mate that is not loup garou, he cannot be alpha. That puts future alpha solely back on Bishop.

It seems that no matter how much Jillian and Bishop's wolves insist that they belong together, it doesn't seem like it will be possible as they both have separate runs that they need to lead. Tragedy happens and things change for all involved.

The story that is told here is so enveloping that you get lost in the pages and the world of the loup garou. The story is dark, very dark. There is so much death and despair, that we are starting to get numbers like Game of Thrones. There is a sadness that made me go get the tissues. It is a great story and you can see how the characters over come the tragedy that is laid before them.

I highly recommend this series for shifter fans who are not opposed to violence and sadness in their stories. All that sadness is worth the great story and character growth that comes from tragedy.

I received this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

littleread1's review against another edition

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And the editing issues continue. How can you lift up a shirt and have your arms pinned above your head? Or meet the same person for the first time twice?