
Spirits That Walk in Shadow by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

humvee's review

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An interesting young adult novel with lots of weirdness

This is an interesting young adult novel with lots of weirdness. All three Chapel Hollow stories I've read so far have been markedly different - but this one is the most different. So much so that I struggled with it in the beginning. Who was this incredibly weepy young woman, and how annoying was this going to get? Thankfully, the story takes a quick turn and becomes more of an adventure and, therefore, more interesting to me. I liked the first book, about Tom, the most. I hope the next story trends back in that direction.

ofearna's review

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It was nice to get back to the families from Chapel Hollow with this return -- and a peek into the other clans that didn't get screwed up (see Thread that Binds the Bones).

NKH fans have "visited" with the clans in many of the short stories she's written (though she seems to be focusing more on Matt & Edmund lately) but a full-length novel? Coooool

The book was definatly written with the young adult audience in mind (if you don't believe me read the short story Housewife!) but she doesn't condescend, which is nice.

and the cover by Daniel Dos Santos is really cool


milointhewoods's review

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inventive and charming. i like the characters, i really like the concepts and it’s a really nice read with low stakes. honestly i just think it could be longer and some of the relationships could do with more development, as the actual events of this book happen over about two or three days

clarkco's review

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I wonder how accessible this book is to someone who hasn't read Thread that Binds the Bones?

shannny2k's review

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A fine book but with not much content. Honest feels like a Naruto filler arc. Some of Nina's pay books have been brilliant, particularly the magic systems. I'm still willing to read more, I simply hope they have thicker content.

valhecka's review

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end: So every character was exactly the same, just with different names and occasionally a shout-out to their assigned personality trait. A lot of telling and not showing, a lot of crappy dialogue that no one would actually say, a lot of lip service to The College Process, exactly five curse words for that bit of oh-so-careless edge, and entirely too much wiftiness.

All in all, fail. Not sure I want to touch the rest of her stuff now.

shinychick's review

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I vaguely remember reading "A Fistful of Sky" a few years back; I think it was on a friend's wish list. It didn't impact me as much then, or I think it might have been more memorable. This book, I picked up as my free birthday book at Nicola's (which, if you are not in on this deal and you're even semi-local to Ann Arbor - DO IT!!), partially because it sounded good, and partially because nothing else did. It has a good introduction and was a decent story, and stuck with me this time - so I've been looking for more Hoffman books to read, as you'll see.

tmktmktmk's review

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Mehhh. Fine idea, but the dialogue and narration were often stilted and jerky. Characters were one-dimensional and sometimes hard to keep straight from each other (even ones who were supposed to be stereotypes - a pot-smoking, huge football player name Flax?). Another reviewer called the action "oddly compressed" and it's a good description. While the concept wasn't brilliant or anything, I constantly asked myself how this could've sounded or felt if any other writer had written it - total squandered potential. Easy read but wouldn't have read it if I weren't stranded with family and all but bookless.

stephgraves's review

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Set in the same universe as The Thread that Binds the Bones--a book I read as a teenager and fell in love with--this book follows Jamie as she leaves her family and goes off to college. There, her roommate Kim is being preyed upon by a strange force, and Jamie and her family take up Kim's fight.

Overall, it's quite enjoyable; but it really is more of a YA than I expected. I finished it over a twelve hour period, so while enjoyable, you aren't exactly in it for the long haul with this one.

constantreaderkmarie's review

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I read this one in a day - it was a nice book to get lost in. Nothing heavy at all here - has that same um, what would you call it? Where everyone protects and loves on one of the main characters, who never asks for the love and protection, but seems to draw it to herself (usually, but not always, a she) - such as that seen in countless Mercedes Lackey novels, the Twilight novels, ect. What else? Nice cover. :)