
Chasing Forever by Kelly Jensen

claudia_is_reading's review against another edition

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I love this series, and this book is no exception. An emotional roller-coaster, with characters that are full-fledged and interesting, and a love story that will pull at all your strings, but will also warm your heart...

I begun this one with bit of trepidations, as I don't like cheaters, and Brian is Simon's cheating boyfriend, so I was really prejuidiced against him. And yet... let's just say that there is a lot more to Brian that what we think we know.

The book is more than just a romance, as we also have Josh, Brian's nephew showing up, in need of guidance; and a historical building in need of saving :)

What can I say? Once again Kelly Jensen's writing has delight me :)

shelbanuadh's review against another edition

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After reading the first two books, I was certain I had no desire to read Brian's story. But, seeing how many positive reviews this had left it on my TBR list.

It's been a while since I've read the first two, so the details as to why exactly I disliked Brian had grown faint.

I'm a bit surprised that between Brian and Malcolm, Mal is the one who I didnt particularly care for in this book. I really enjoyed Brian, and his relationship with Josh. I found Malcolm a little quick to judge at times. But overall, I still really ejoyed the book.

lillian_francis's review against another edition

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Loved this.

I've thoroughly enjoyed this series. A whole set of stories with main characters that are more mature. Characters who have lived life, made mistakes, have regrets and hang-ups, and are just starting to fall apart a little. Joints ache, tums are a tad soft, no one's getting it up eight times a night, they wear glasses, and dying their hair's not a fashion statement. These people are real and none more so than Mal and Brian. Yes, Brian, Simon's cheating ex from the first book. I adored him in this book, his need to care for his friends and family, his realisations about what he wanted from life. The author did an excellent job of making Brian a redeemable character, one that I really cared about, without demonising Simon or making excuses for his actions.

Highly recommended. The whole series, in fact.

inkdrinkerpdx's review against another edition

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This was a DNF for me. I just couldn't get into it but I also didn't realize that this was a last book in the series. Maybe I'll come back to it later.

cadiva's review against another edition

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Thank you for this book Kelly Jensen, just thank you.

I am 48 like Brian, I am disabled with mobility issues that came out of the blue at a relatively young age and changed my world like Malcolm.

I may not be a gay man but I could empathise with so much that these two complex and wonderfully alive characters had experienced and the doubts and fears they lived with.

Getting a redemption storyline right is not an easy task, and while Brian was never a true villain, our gaze as readers had been on him from the point of view of his ex Simon and Simon's best friend Frank.

We had an opinion on his character, on his behaviour, on how he was an ass, on how he treated Simon appallingly. But we were wrong in many ways.

Brian was a lost soul, clinging onto something that wasn't, and never would be, the right relationship for him or Simon, but lacking the whole awareness to realise it and so putting them both through Hell.
He'd been fighting his whole life so hard that he didn't know how to stop and put his shield and sword away.

It wasn't until his nephew Josh shows up with a painful reminder of the past, that Brian starts to become the beautifully flawed man he truly is. And it is then through the eyes of Malcolm that the layers start to peel away.

And here can I gush about Malcolm for a bit. He's not perfect either, he's physically fragile and feeling his mortality after the hit and run that almost destroyed his legs and nearly took his life.

But he is strong in heart, aware of his weaknesses and determined to not let his age, his awkwardness or his shyness get inside his head and prevent him from acknowledging that he wants Brian even with his asshole reputation.

I'm not sure which one I loved the most. They were stubborn, they were vulnerable, they were sexy and sweet together, frustrating and fascinating and ultimately the perfect fit to slot into place and create their own future together.

The secondary plot was a surprise, I didn't expect it to go the way it did but the narrative actually couldn't have been more right in the end. It's not the physical places that make a community but the people and the friendships and while the final outcome was a different one, I loved it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed each book in this series, so much so that I bought them all even though I'd had the ARCs. This is hands down one of the best series I've read not only this year but in the contemporary romance genre as a whole.

If you want interesting and intelligent mature characters all well past their youthful bloom who find and fall in love with their perfect partner, then you'd not go far wrong with picking this series up.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.

qace90's review against another edition

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I received an advance copy of Chasing Forever from Riptide Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, words, and opinions are my own.

Content Notes:

👬 break in
👬 physical violence
👬 alcohol consumption
👬 homelessness
👬 car accident, injury
👬 physical therapy
👬 masturbation
👬 homomisia
👬 mother kicking kid out for being gay
👬 religious comments to excuse bigotry
👬 allusion to suicidal ideation
👬 mention of vomiting
👬 semi-graphic listing of injuries sustained from car hitting pedestrian
👬 explicit on page sex
👬 verbal abuse in past relationship mentioned
👬 “just friends”
👬 fatmisia
👬 selling sex as means of survival in pain
👬 illness
👬 friend who died of AIDS in past
👬 hospitalization
👬 casual ableism

I was really looking forward to Brian’s story because he’s come across as such a complicated character in previous two books, and this ended up being an excellent conclusion to the This Time Forever series.

Brian Kenway comes across as abrasive and hard, but actually gives a lot to the community and especially helps LGBTQIAAP+ youth get scholarships and other help they may need trough the Smart Foundation. Malcom Montgomery is a high school history teacher who recently was injured in a hit-and-run that resulted in both his legs being broken and requiring several surgeries. Brian and Mal have seen each other around town, and finally make a connection at the Colonial, the local gay bar.

I really loved how both Malcom and Brian are a little broken inside but are also survivors. I also really loved the ways they supported one another and helped each other find their way into being themselves loudly. There were many sweet moments while also having a lot of intensity and development.

I do wish Josh had been a little more fleshed out; at times he felt kinda slapped into the story to further the plot rather than an individual character. That said, I did love him and his relationship with Brian. It hurt knowing they had a shared history of being kicked out by family for being gay, but I liked how that common history helped them bond and support each other.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and loved Brian’s story, heartbreaking as it was. I wish there had been more Josh to it, but I loved the elements of community and coming together, as well as the lovely family dynamics with Mal’s family, and especially his brother.

jamiereadthis's review

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She saved the best for last. The found family thing plus taking kids off the streets is never not gonna get my heart. And this time, name dropping Bujold, tempted to five star it just for that.

susanscribs's review

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Aaaand...she sticks the landing! Kelly Jensen concludes her "mature MC" trilogy with a focus on everyone's favorite asshole, Brian, Simon's cheating ex from [b:Building Forever|41262741|Building Forever (This Time Forever, #1)|Kelly Jensen||64478057]. It's always a risky move to try to redeem a bad guy; you can't make him so good that he's unrecognizable, but you can't let him stay too jerky or no one will want to see him get his HEA. Jensen does a good job of providing sufficient backstory so that the reader understands - but doesn't excuse - Brian's previous bad behavior, while also giving him a catalyst for change and growth. It helps that in the second book in the series [b:Renewing Forever|41710260|Renewing Forever (This Time Forever, #2)|Kelly Jensen||65054359], Brian showed some signs of remorse and was actively helpful to Frank and Tom (while still being kind of a bastard about it), so his redemption doesn't come out of left field.

Then there's Malcolm, the high school history teacher with two broken legs who has lost a lot physically since his days as a high school football hero but who does his best to focus on his blessings, including a great job and a loving family. He is insecure about his ability to attract someone as handsome as Brian but once he has him in bed he displays a delightfully bossy side that is anything but absent-minded professor-like. It's interesting to see what troubles him about Brian's past, and what doesn't
; he's more upset about Brian not telling him about his 12 year relationship with Simon than the fact that Brian repeatedly cheated on his former partner
. I wanted more than anything else for Mal to find happiness and if he thought Brian was the one for him, then I trusted that Brian would continue on the path he started towards being the mensch that Mal needed.

The secondary characters, especially Mal's twin brother Donny and Brian's runaway nephew Josh add a lot of depth to the story, and it would be fine with me if Jensen wants to revisit this setting a few years down the road so we can see how Josh is doing. I can always tell that I've got a winner on my hands (or in my Kindle) when I wait to read the last few chapters until I'm sure that I'm alone and uninterrupted, and the ending of Chasing Forever was definitely one to cherish in solitude.

georgiewhoissarahdrew's review

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That's more like it: the third of Kelly Jensen's CRs with older MCs is a real winner.

KJ's always been able to create rounded characters, and Mal & Brian are no exceptions. There's a solid (but not laboured) back-story for each, which plays intelligently into the plot. Brian, whose ex (Simon) was an MC in the first book, has good reasons for being rubbish at relationships; reasons that make sense of the sub-plot featuring his displaced nephew who unexpectedly lands on his door-step. I liked the way that Brian's slowly growing confidence in his relationship with Mal mirrored his certainty that Josh also belonged in his life.

On the face of it, Mal is a less impressive MC than charming, successful Brian: externally, Mal's suffering from the after-effects of a serious accident and internally, he's become convinced he's nothing to bring to a relationship. But KJ actively uses Mal's job as a teacher to show his value:
"The sound of Mal clearing his throat drew both of their attention, and when Brian turned, he understood what it was that kept drawing him to this man. He hadn’t seen this expression before, but he’d known it was possible. Authority. Command. But also a gentleness that impelled a frightening amount of respect."

The plot's actually quite complex, though presented with deceptive simplicity. There's Mal & Brian's relationship, Brian's efforts to get through to Josh, the development of a GSA in Mal's school, and efforts to preserve the architectural heritage of their small town. Each plot strand is connected, and there's a sense of real satisfaction when they're all resolved in tandem.

I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for my unbiased review.

amyaislin's review

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This entire series has been like a warm blanket on a rainy day: nice and cozy and real. And by "real" I mean that every book has featured main characters who aren't perfect. They have flaws and quirks and they mess up every once in a while, making them feel like real people.

Brian and Mal are no different. And honestly? I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did, and that's because I didn't much care for Brian in the first two books. But Kelly Jensen made him so damn likeable in Chasing Forever.

There's a lot happening in this novel. Mal's recovering from two broken legs, he's just been put in charge of the high school's GSA club, and he deals with an endearing awkwardness mixed with occasional self-esteem issues. Brian suddenly finds himself the guardian of his fourteen-year-old nephew who's just been kicked out for being gay, and he's dealing with old wounds from when he himself was kicked out of his home for the same reason. Throw in some family tension and a bid to save the local bar, and there's a lot to unpack. But all of that is weaved so well into Mal and Brian's burgeoning relationship.

Brian and Mal are both relatable characters, and they're both dealing with emotional wounds. But despite those wounds they nevertheless come together. And it's not an easy journey; they both pull back despite wanting to move forward, but their hard-won HEA is so worth it. And watching them...not overcome those wounds...but deal with them, learn to live with them, together? I loved it. I loved everything about this book. I fell so hard for both Brian and Mal, and I loved watching them come together.

One of the things that I loved about this novel was that, while all of the plot threads come to a satisfying resolution at the end, not all of those resolutions are tied with a pretty bow. Some end favourably, others not so favourably, which is one of the things that made this book feel so real and genuine.

I thought book 1, Building Forever was my favourite book in this series, but Chasing Forever just took that spot!

This entire series is fantastic and I can't recommend it enough.

*ARC received from A Novel Take PR in exchange for an honest review*