
Tranquility's Grief by Krista D. Ball

mellhay's review

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Tremendously enjoyed this fantasy read. War, death, family, friends, weddings, smiles and grief. Everything a fantasy should be in one place ~ goddess, magic, and swords. I might have enjoyed the irony to much here in the dire times, ones that are fitting in fantasy and this time of age it's set in.

Months later Bethany's hiding in a smelly outhouse for privacy with her bottle, with the destruction of her home and life, with her secret of who she is in the open, feeling the guilt of loss in lives, and hurting from losing her love, she wants nothing more than to be left alone. But things are about to become complicated in war time, as they always are. On her way to Allric's 'study' for a meeting she is met by her guests - her little and middle sisters, who she hasn't seen in nine years, show up. In the time of war, Bethany's helpless sisters come and the leader of the army Allric is called back home to Wyllow replaced with Jud, one no one likes. The Elven Council has changes in mind for this dangerous time, and they are not allowing the Elven Elite - Silver Knight - to march to the north to battle against Magic that's rising in power and attacking them weekly. Bethany comes to herself when more deaths tally and doesn't agree with the Elven Council. She has other plans. Bethany might come across a strong young man in the north her leading his own rebellion that her army can join with and make a stand against the king pushing the Magic in Taftlin.

Oh My Goodness! The word Grief in the title has it. It's war now. Against the magi and the sister she thought she killed. In war things get ugly, and they do for Bethany. Well written with constant happenings and action. Situations that put the characters to doing what they don't want to, but need to. The world is not safe.

Boom! We start right in with Bethany a bit of a mess after the battle at Tranquility Temple. Bethany feels responsible for all the deaths as she thinks she didn't act soon enough against her sister. Then theirs the guilt for killing her sister as well, along with knowing she'd willingly do it again. Then she has her soldiers and citizens looking at her different, feeling uncomfortable around her, knowing who she is - this she tried to hide from them for this reason. Bethany sees her life in tatters just like her home town and Temple. Then Bethany slowly sees the side she did help. There are people alive, who wouldn't be, if it wasn't for her. That there is more with her friendships here in these dark times that mean something. And things have to change from where they are sitting. Bethany goes through her down spell, but she sucks it up for the better good and pushes on.

I love that Bethany has a realistic view in her world, even though she's down. Some may say she's a touch pessimistic but I think not. She wants better but wonders if it's possible with the Magi threatening at anytime and the war they feel raging to come. She knows she needs to make some sort of action and being who she is, figures a way to use her parentage to make it happen. Bethany knows the way of the world, even if it hurts her she will stand as the Lady Champion she is.

What about Sarissa? Yes, what about her. *smiles* She is growing in strength through this book and the things she goes through and the chats she has with Bethany...well, we will see her again.

This story never stops! Krista is great with the fast action and drawing you in to the situation at hand. I have to say I LOVED the book and the beginning for it's dreariness. I might have enjoyed the situations more than I should have. In the characters dire moments, I smiled.

Bethany is hiding in a foul smelling rickety outhouse with NO roof and a bottle of brandy.
The leader of the elite Elven Guard giving orders from the stable with horse blankets as wells!
Where one soldier gets shoot!

So well described and fits the time and situation perfectly! Krista has done an amazing job of giving us a war time feel and yet keep us from being bored with the hard times. Over and over again Krista put a smile on my face as I worried about the war as well.

I was completely sated for my fantasy needs in this book. War, Goddess meddling, death, love, Magic, and so much more! Fantasy is about a hard life and tough decisions that aren't always for the characters. This is it. I know there's more to come, but felt this book had a whole story, not the middle child in any way to me. I scarfed up this book in no time flat! I couldn't put it down.

As much as I enjoyed Tranquility's Blaze, Tranquility's Grief blew me away!

blodeuedd's review

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Was this a two book series? Did it end like this? Wtf? That makes no sense and what about that whole prophecy, well a part of it? That spoke of something else? I am not happy.

Beth had a LOT of baggage, and goes through the book unhappy most of the time. Her lover is gone and gets his own fate..ok.

Her sister is crazy, and honestly there needs to be more. That was not dealt with either.

Tell me someone! Is there more? This was not an ending. I can't talk about the book when there are so many lose threads. At the moment it just feels like one big plothole..

edwindownward's review

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A gut wrenching follow up to Tranquility's Blaze. Old wounds reopened and new wounds endured.