
Glitch by Brenda Pandos

canadianbookaddict's review

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This book was ok. Nothing fantastic but at least it did keep me reading.

It would have been better if it didn't have confusing world building.

bookflutter's review

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Wow!! I am completely blown away by this book! Definitely not what I expected. This is the first book that I've read by Brenda Pandos and I am definitely going to read her other novels.

This story is so unique and freaking amazing! I will admit the story started off a little slow for me but I gave it a chance and I'm so glad I did. Now this is the first dystopian novel that I've read so it's completely out of ordinary for me. The story revolves around Abby who thinks her life is the best it can be. She's safe, living in the nice and perfect city of Brighton, and can't wait til her 18th birthday to finally explore all of the great things life has to offer and meet her future self. But then a gorgeous, blue eyed, mystery man shows up and warns Abby that her life is not what it seems and she's in terrible danger. Since that moment, her life turns upside down and the plot twists and turns in so many ways, it's a never-ending roller coaster.

The connection between Abby and Kayden is so genuine, honest, loving, and just damn perfect. He truly cared for her and oh man..he gave me some butterflies. This book has it all! Action, suspense, a little bit of horror, romance (of course), time travel, and even zombies!!! How can you not like this book??!?? This story will make you second guess everything and some scenes where shocking that you will not see it coming! The only thing that I didn't enjoy is the cliffhanger (yes I hate those). Other than that, I recommend this book to all YA sci-fi fans!

sarahfett's review

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I'm definitely in the minority of Goodreads readers, but I didn't enjoy this book. The first 3/4 of the book was very slow, I didn't like the twist that made the plot pick up, and I didn't feel drawn to either of the love interests.

squinderella's review

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I'm somewhat perplexed by Glitch- I have spent the past few days thinking about how exactly to rate this and what I want to say. I really enjoyed the concept behind it, but I guess it wasn't carried out as well as it could've been.

I enjoyed the dystopian setting and the world-building for Glitch. But, as many other reviewers pointed out, there is way too much going on here. The fact that Sasquatches were even involved in a very minor way was basically what did it in for me. It was just too much. I really liked the concept of the zombies and how they "transformed" from human to the undead and the reasoning behind it - that was entirely original and something I have not seen before. Also, the time travel was extremely disjointed and not explained well. I understand that this was something new, confusing and not understood by Abby, but I feel like it could've been carried out much better than it was.

I feel somewhat disappointed by the fact that what could have been a really cool and interesting concept for a novel was unachieved here by under-explaining and overuse of random paranormal species!

ARC provided by NetGalley.

urlphantomhive's review

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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

Glitch is the first book in the new Lost in Time series.

In this Dystopian society everyone knows exactly when they are going to die and they are constantly reminded because they all were so called DOD (Day of Death) watches. Life is seemingly perfect in Brighton as long as you are a good citizen and stay inside the walls, for the rest of the world is filled with zombies. Yes, zombies.

The start was really promising. I started reading and liked the idea of the watches immediately. They are not just a constant reminder of how long you still have to live, it also reacts on decisions you make. So, if you're about to do something stupid that will cost you your life, you can see it on the watch. Also, when you're really stressed out, you can see it takes some time of your remaining lifespan. Creepy, but very interesting.

Abby starts like all the Dystopian main characters, believing in the world that has been created and the rules. This changes after she meets a blue-eyed boy (for some reason they really don't like blue eyes) who's apparently from the zombie zone. He gives her a slip of paper (paper has been banned, I'm not quite sure why). Unfortunately, although Abby might be immune to the zombie virus she's far from immune to the love triangle virus that roams YA these days. I wish they could find a cure for that.

That was a turning point for me in the book. Not just because I really can't stand love triangles, but also because afterwards the focus of the story was far more on the romantic subplot. And when that seemed settled, the story turns even more chaotic by introducing time travel (that's cool though) and the zombies that were lurking around the corner all book.

The ending was a bit disappointing because it was no ending at all. As I've seen a bit too often lately, the book stops almost mid-sentence to offer the opportunity of a sequel and push the readers into buying it. However, I still enjoyed reading it (especially the first part) and part of me really wants to know how the story continues.

bookstacksamber's review

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I loved the plot of this book, but I think it could have been better executed. All of the time traveling and jumps between timelines was so confusing and really hard to follow. The zombie part of the book was also not explained well. Perhaps the questions will be answered in the second book, but I'm not sure if I can bare to read another one not knowing.

I also thought the relationship in the book came from nowhere and felt a lot like "insta-love." They'd barely spent any time together, and then suddenly they were confessing their love and risking their lives for each other.

Overall, the story itself was really interesting, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I hadn't spent the entire book completely confused. I just wish the world had been built better and the time jumping had been better explained.

heatherhy01's review

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I was under the impression that this book dealt solely with zombies and it would just be another zombie apocolypse story. Boy was I wrong! IT WAS SO MUCH MORE!!!

I really enjoyed the storyline and thought it was unique and creative. Ms. Pandos has outdone herself with this book and I really cannot wait to see where this story is headed!

The main character of Abby is considered a good girl. She follows all rules and has never broken a law in her life. But when the mysterious blue eyed boy leaves her a note, she has to find out what it says. So she sneaks off after curfew and goes by the wall to retrieve it. The message has her a little baffled considering the mystery man obviously is from outside the wall. What could he possibly know about her life?

Now no book would be complete without a few swoony boys and this one has a gaggle of them:) We get a sense of whom Abby feels a connection with but there are a couple of others that she had affections for also and it leads me to believe that there may be quite more boy trouble on the horizon.

There were actually some zombies, but the book is not focused on this fact and the story has to do more with the survival of the people and Abby being a major component. My favorite part was the fact that each person upon their eighteenth birthday gets to meet their future self and ask them questions. This is so that they can possibly learn from their future mistakes. Can you imagine a world where this actually happens? One would think that this would make our world a perfect place but, this really causes alot of problems with these characters.

I kinow this is the first book in the series and we were left on a bit of a cliffhanger. I am hoping to have the next book in my hands soon!! Thank you to Brenda for the review copy and allowing me to be on this tour:)

Head over to the blog to read the first 2 chapters of this book!

yilinglaozu's review

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well, I've really enjoyed this book and there are my favorite TIMEY-WIMEY things again, and it has really addictive unusual plot, but
there is always but

it looked like I was reading two different books. Things went slowly and then BOOM. Whole time was messed up and everything went too fast like in the last 50 pages story went faster than in previous 250.
but still, I really like it, so I give this story 4/5. worth reading.