
Barefoot with a Bad Boy by Roxanne St. Claire

caseroo7's review

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This was my first Roxanne St. Claire book and I really enjoyed it. I liked the characters a lot and the story kept me interested from start to finish. Definitely won't be my last book from Roxanne.

romancejunkie1025's review

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The story we have all been waiting for has finally arrived. For long-time fans of Ms. St. Claire’s romance suspense novels you know who Gabe Rossi is and you have been dying to see him find his match for years, which is a category I can say I fall into whole-heartedly. Gabe’s story is one that has been building for the last three novels in real intensity, setting up the circumstances of the book and even offering us an idea of exactly what we could expect. Roxanne has a unique ability to make her readers salivate for her characters and come to see her world as the escape from our own often boring and mundane one. Barefoot Bay is an idyllic setting and the people that call it home are all exciting, intense, and quirky in turns, but Gabe and his immediate circle are also intense, secretive and full of surprises. If you are just coming into this series, I promise you will enjoy the story with its twists and turns and intrigue, but sorry to say nowhere near as much as we fans enjoy seeing Gabe meet his match and fall in love again. Another masterpiece for Roxanne’s Barefoot Series and a great addition to the stories of the Rossi/Angelino clan. This story picks up immediately where the last story did, actually with a bit of overlap of the epilogue from the previous story, and Gabe is confronted with a blast from the past that will bring his world crashing down around his ear once again. And once things really get interesting the story never releases its clutches in your heart and soul.
Gabe’s story is one that is heartbreaking and tragic, but the greatest trait of our hero is that even as his world crumbles around him, he is determined to keep others from dealing with the same pain. He has dedicated his life to keeping his country and his family safe and when faced with the ultimate loss he remains steadfast in his desire to keep others safe. Gabe is one of those heroes that stays in the back of your brain, even after only briefly meeting him in previous stories, and begs for you to learn all you can about him. His strength and obvious love and devotion to his family makes him sweet, while his skills and general badass attitude shows that even macho alpha guys can be the perfect man when they come with an understanding side as well. Along with Gabe of course comes his amazing and quirky family and his fabulous “Uncle” Nino. But there were a few times, I must admit, that his biggest character flaw—his lack of trust in ANYONE—is more of a hindrance for him than anything. It turns him into an ass and almost costs both him and his woman their lives. Luckily he learns the lesson we all must just in time; everyone has to have someone they can trust and rely on as backup. In the end it was my greatest joy to see Gabe find his HEA and build a new family for himself and finally have a chance to lose some of that distrust and anger at the world.
Lila/Isadora was an enigma more often than not as she tried to find a way to prove her identity and ultimately her love to Gabe and keep everyone she loved safe. She has made some regrettable decisions in her past, ones that cost her the love of her life and almost cost her own life, but she has given up her life as a spy so she can protect her son and give him the one thing he’s never had—his father. Lila underwent a lot of changes so she could take a job that she truly believed in initially, but has come to realize wasn’t the best choice in the end. She has her son in her life, but whenever she thinks about how much she loves him the pain she feels is unbearable, so her best idea for his future is to bring him to his father who can truly love him the way he deserves. As she and Gabe become reacquainted and investigate the true reason for her pain, they begin to fall back into love, though both resist. I liked Lila a lot, but I felt a few times that she was not acting correctly. Personally if I had her issues I would see every doctor in the world to figure out the problem, regardless of who someone tells me I can or cannot see. Defying an order for the safety of my child and myself is a non-issue, there’s just no way I wouldn’t have solved that problem long before she did. Once she finally got over that hurdle and began to stand up for herself I liked her much more. She showed us the kickass woman that is the perfect match for and the woman that Gabe fell in love with so long ago.
True to its name, Barefoot with a Bad Boy, takes readers on a journey through the past and present of a real bad boy with a heart of gold as his life changes forever with the return of his woman to Barefoot Bay. The danger and intrigue is interesting enough to make the story truly suspenseful, even though I figured out Lila’s issue long before either of them did, I never saw the true villain coming until they arrived on Gabe’s doorstep. True to all the greatness of Gabe, that man proves again and again that he really is almost the perfect man. Once he drops his barriers and allows himself to trust in love and his woman, he becomes the loving man he always showed us glimpses of, proving that only by opening ourselves up to pain can we truly fall in love. Lila/Isadora was a woman that has tried her best to make decisions in life to the benefit of all, but has hit a few bumps along the way. Once she returns to the man she loves and begins to unravel the mess her life has become, she shows us glimpses of the fiery and spirited woman that once held Gabe’s heart. The passion between these two is undeniable, even as Gabe fights his feelings for this woman that is so different from his heart’s desire. I was thrilled to see that Gabe was able to bring everyone their HEA and find his own. I cannot wait to see where this series goes next but can honestly say it will be a challenge for Roxanne to beat Barefoot with a Bad Boy, but I look forward to seeing her try.

nellesnightstand1's review

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I was lucky enough to get the ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

that said, O.M.G Finally, sexy, smart mouth, Gabe gets his girl...or does he? I loved the story and adored his son, Rafe, the little terror!

nellesnightstand's review

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I was lucky enough to get the ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

that said, O.M.G Finally, sexy, smart mouth, Gabe gets his girl...or does he? I loved the story and adored his son, Rafe, the little terror!

naomilane's review

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Guys, I'm speechless. I think I've just read the best romantic suspense in the history of romantic suspense. Barefoot with a Bad Boy was phenomenal, gigantic, extraordinary, mind blowing, the perfect book. We've been waiting for Gabe Rossi's story for years now and I can tell you, the wait was worth it. It was worth every minute and every hour, I believe Roxanne St. Claire has become one of my favorite author ever.

My mind cannot process how amazing that book was, I'm feeling completely lost and confused because everything felt so real and I feel like I've lost a part of me. I genuinely feel like I've just lost a part of myself to this book. I've never—in my life—felt that way, it's such a strange feeling, I can't really put it into words but Barefoot with a Bad Boy changed my life. I swear, this is unbelievable. How can a book—words on a screen/page—makes you feel all this? How is this possible? I'm writing this review, sitting on my bed, it's currently 3 in the morning, I have a cold and my entire existence just changed.

She's exaggerating, you say, she's going crazy and delusional, you say...well maybe, but I don't ever want to feel differently. Without a doubt, Barefoot with a Bad Boy changed my life, in the best possible way. This is a book that will forever stay with me and Roxanne deserves all the awards and all the hugs.

I don't want to reveal too much of the actual story because you need to fully enjoy this book. You don't even have to know Roxanne St. Claire's work, you don't even have to know Gabe Rossi to read and love this book. You just need to buy it, open it and start reading it. Trust me on this. For those of you who know Gabe and have been waiting for his story...then here it is and you won't be disappointed! You're all in for the biggest ride of your life.

I loved Gabriel from before but I completely and hopelessly fell in love with him in this book. I will be dreaming about him for months to come. He was the perfect alpha hero, cocky but still sweet and attentive, funny, foul-mouthed, strong, loyal and I said, the perfect alpha hero. God, I love him!

I absolutely loved the heroine as well, Isadora/Lila. Heroines don't always work for me, I'm very picky with my them but I fell in love with this one. Completely. I loved her story, how freaking fierce and strong she was, beautiful inside and out, loyal and yet, still fragile. She broke my heart at times but it was all worth it.

Them guys. THEM. The love between these two, I can still feel it, I can still taste it. Roxanne rocked my world, she wrote something so powerful, so potent, I could actually feel it inside me. Their love was beautiful to witness, their relationship isn't easy, it's not always sunshine and rainbows but it's real and simply perfect. Both of them broke my heart for different reasons, I laughed, I swooned, I cried... I love them together so much, I got attached to them in such a short amount of time, it's ridiculous but I can't help it. It's Roxanne's fault, she makes me feel all the feels.
"Lila and Gabe. One unit. One thing."
I also loved the secondary characters, all of them. Nino, Poppy, Rafe (so much love for this little guy) and of course, Mal and Chessie, Luke, Chris, Dex...they were all an important part of the story and I truly loved reading more about each of them.

I talked about how awesome the romance was and how amazing the characters were but what made this book for me was the plot. The entire thing was spectacular, Roxanne blew me away. From start to finish, it was full of twists I never saw coming, packed with action and suspense (I almost had a heart attack at some point), everything was perfectly thought out and when I thought that, finally, it was over...BOOM, something incredible and unexpected happened and took my breath away.

So, yes, you really need to read this book. You need to experience what I have, you need to know what it's like to have Gabe Rossi in your life, even if it's just for a little while. You need to read about Gabe and Lila's just need to go Barefoot with a Bad Boy.
"Isadora Winter Lila Wickham, woman of my dreams and best friend I've ever had. I love everything about you, old and new, good and bad, weak and strong. Everything."

angela_evans's review

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True fans of Roxanne St. Claire don’t need a fancy book review to help them determine whether or not to read Barefoot with a Bad Boy, all they need to hear are two words.

Those words are Gabe Rossi.

Those of us who have eagerly soaked up every word written by the talented pen of Roxanne know that this is the book that readers have been waiting—no begging—for her to write. Writing a story for a fan favorite is not an unintimidating task. There’s a lot of trepidation in finally giving a man like Gabe his happily ever after. What if readers hate it? What if they think they want him to find his perfect match but what they really want is for him to live in quiet torment in the background of all the other stories?

I wondered myself as I started to read Barefoot with a Bad Boy, was I really ready for Gabe to be happy? His Ms. Perfect had died, after all, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for him to love someone else. He had loved Isadora the way every woman hopes her man will love her, with his body, mind and soul. Gabe does nothing halfway. Loving, cooking, swearing, he’s an all or nothing kind of guy. Could he fall in love again?

He can. And he has.

This story is so multi-layered and so filled with twists and turns, wrought with suspense, and hinging just on the verge of inevitable disaster at every turn that there is simply no way to write a review that summarizes the story without giving away too much. I can tell you this, when you think you have figured out the entire story, a thread is pulled and a lever moves and what was up is suddenly down.

What Roxanne St. Claire has created with Barefoot with a Bad Boy is the ultimate happily ever after or the quintessential bad boy. Gabe Rossi and Lila Wickham come together like sparks to a flame, igniting a story you won’t want to put down until the very last page is turned. And even then, you’ll want to go back to the beginning and enjoy it all over again.

No one else does it quite as well as Roxanne St. Claire!

Pick up Barefoot with a Bad Boy (or like those who waited breathlessly for it to arrive call it...Gabe's Story!) and the rest of the Barefoot Bay series today, I promise you will not regret getting swept away on Barefoot Bay.


attytheresa's review

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Great ending to this particular series and I loved the whole espionage side of it. The addition of scenes in Cuba brought an extra richness to the story.

jonetta's review

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Gabe Rossi is still reeling after learning of Isadora (Isa) Winter's death. Unfortunately, soon after learning she had his son, he finds out he died before he was two years old. He's rudderless until a mysterious woman named Lila Wickham approaches him one night with an incredible story that completely changes his life.

I won't say much about the details of the story but this was one I couldn't put down. It surpassed my expectations and was worthy of Gabe Rossi. Lila's history was pretty incredible and it was an interesting concept to much does one's outer package define a truly committed relationship? Would you be able to relate to that person in the same way if he or she later looked nothing like the person you fell in love with? These aren't necessarily easy answers as I discovered in this exploration.

The mystery involving Lila is always in the background but wasn't difficult to untangle. I figured out most of the "who" and a part of the "why" but it wasn't as important as Gabe and Lila's relationship journey. Uncle Nino and Poppy added Italian flavor and Jamaican spice, as well as hilarity. I've loved the Barefoot Bay enterprise and was initially a bit leery of Gabe Rossi. However, he was just what this resort needed. Loved everything about this book and while it has a satisfying ending, I'd be ready for more.

(I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review)

booksuperpower's review

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Barefoot with a Bad Boy by Roxanne St. Claire is a 2016 publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have enjoyed every one of the books in the Barefoot Bay series. I like that you can read them in order or not, read the trilogy arcs, or the entire long running series, this being the fourteenth installment.

In this story, Gabe Rossi, is the hero who lost everything he ever wanted when his beloved Isadora left him for an undercover assignment, never to return. If this were not heartbreaking enough, he found out he was a father, but the child had died before he was able to locate him.

Now five years later, as his family celebrates Christmas, Gabe meets a woman who claims to be Isadora. Only she calls herself Lila, and looks nothing like the woman he loved all those years ago. She claims Gabe’s son, is also still alive, and if Gabe wants to see him, he will have to trust her.

Caught between wishing this woman was his long lost Isadora, and being unable to believe her incredible story, or trust her, Gabe must make some hard choices and do whatever he can to keep his son safe.

Spy stories can be a hit or miss with me sometimes. I love the intrigue, the action, and the suspense, but at times the plot lines are just too outrageous, with all those convenient gadgets and over the top dialogue. But, when it comes to romantic suspense, the spy game is always a nice fit.

In this case, I had no idea if any of the situations detailed about Lila’s transformations were realistic or not, but I figure this type of thing probably goes on, at least to some extent. So, do we trust Lila? Is she really Isadora? Is she playing Gabe? The questions were many, and the murky details of Lila’s undercover days do nothing to quell the uneasiness I felt about her sudden reappearance and what her agenda might be.

For a long time, I was solidly in Gabe’s corner, feeling all the intense emotions he was struggling with, worried he was in danger or about to get his heart broken. Naturally, Lila was a much tougher sell, since her trademark is the cold outer shell she uses to play the part of Lila. Her struggles are hard to understand at times, as she fights to find her true identity, guard her health, and keep her son safe and happy. I can’t say I warmed up to her the same way I did with Gabe, as her progress is slow as molasses, and the truth hangs in the balance so long I couldn’t make myself totally believe in her.

I did guess, at least partially, who might be behind some of Lila’s issues, but was blown away at what transpired, in the fast paced, white knuckled, final showdown. Wow! Did not see that coming.

So, as you can tell, the story is complicated, but very absorbing, moving along with a precision pace that realistically builds the suspense and the romance. While the spy game and all its complexities are a huge part of the story, ultimately this is one of the most unique second chances at love stories I’ve read in a while. The ending is swoon worthy romance at its finest, with Gabe finally able to grab his elusive HEA.

Overall, this is another stellar heart pounding novel of suspense, as well as a unique and original romance. This is simply one of the best series out there in this genre and I can’t recommend it highly enough. 4.5 stars

mslizalou's review

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Review copy provided by publisher

There are times when you meet a secondary character in a book and you just want to know more about that character. Gabriel Rossi is that character for me from Roxanne St. Claire. I've wanted Gabe's story from the first time he appeared on the page back in the Guardian Angelinos series. I'm one of those readers who always wanted to know more about Gabe and wanted him to find happiness. Well, Gabriel Rossi fans, Roxanne St. Claire not only gave us Gabe's book, she gave us the perfect book for Gabe.

I'll admit I struggle writing this review. I loved Barefoot with a Bad Boy so much I honestly just want to tell everyone to trust me and go buy and read the book. Seriously, Roxanne St. Claire hit it out of the ballpark with this book. The romantic suspense elements were perfect and the romance made me swoon a few times. Add in Gabe's bad-boy presence and a kick-ass heroine in Isadora/Lila, and I just loved every single minute of this book.

I try to avoid talking about spoilers in my reviews as much as possible, so I'm going to be a vague as possible with my favorite parts of this book. I absolutely loved every single minute Gabriel Rossi was on the page. Whether he was in Mr. Spy mode or trying to keep his language clean around Poppy and Rafe, he was the Gabe I've always loved. I also loved his interactions with Isadora/Lila so very much. The chemistry between the two was so strong and only grew stronger the more time they were back together. The emotional connection was so strong that just being around Gabe effected Lila in a major way that usually only happened when she was around her son Rafe. The banter between Uncle Nino and Poppy makes me smile every single time they are on the page together. I absolutely adore both characters and love the friendship that has developed thanks to Gabe having them both under his wing.

I love a romantic suspense story that keeps me guessing until the very end and will say with all honesty, I did not see the bad guy coming. I had in my mind who it was from somewhat early on, and overlooked the signs of the read bad guy. While I hated the bad guy was able to step between Gabe and Isadora/Lila for a bit, I love the genius way it was accomplished.

Barefoot with a Bad Boy gave me the story I'd been waiting for when it came to getting Gabriel Rossi's full story and his chance at a Happily Ever After. Thank you Rocki for not only being true to one of your reader's favorite characters ever, but going above and beyond to make his story perfect.