
Superman: The Wrath of Gog by Chuck Austen, Marc Campos, Ivan Reis

tarmstrong112's review

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It was good but really, really falls apart at the end. The stuff with Lana is just pointless and dumb.

bloodravenlib's review

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See my short note on it here:

orchardoriole's review

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When I was in high school, Lois and Clark was my favorite show in the world, and I loved it with a fiery passion that only a fourteen year old girl could manage. A decade and a half later, I still have a soft spot for Superman, but I've never read one of the graphic novels. But my random game said I should read this one, so Wrath of Gog it will be.

I gather this wasn't necessarily the best introduction to the franchise?

At any rate, my thoughts:

Pages and pages of CRAAAAASH and BOOOOOM and CRUUUUNCH accompanied by corny quips from Superman are very boring. (And those quips are worse than Superman's quips in Lois and Clark. That is failing to pass an amusingly low bar.)

What is the deal with Clark sitting around in his own home, recovering from dire injury, dressed in full Superman regalia?

And what is the deal with Lana sitting around in Clark's home dressed in a liiiiiitle tiny crop top and liiiiiitle tiny shorts?

That scene at the beginning with the little boy who lost his parents was genuinely moving, and I almost gave it two stars just for that. But then the story didn't seem to follow up on that. I kept expecting this boy to appear in villain form, and then Superman would have to deal with the fact that he really screwed up there, giving a little kid cruel false hope in a vulnerable moment. But he never reappeared. Unless he was the horned guy? But I thought the horned guy was recruiting the boy? Maybe the horned guy was the boy's vision? I was confused.

Lois. Just. No. I guess they were working on ending the marriage at this point? (Did they eventually end the marriage? I think I read that Lois doesn't even exist in the current comics.) Authorial intent or not, Lois Lane should not be turned into a one-dimensional, selfish, and neglectful spouse. She is Lois Lane. She'd, like, stowaway on a military plane to get back to an injured Clark, even if she didn't know that Clark was Superman.

And besides, Lana's arguments that Lois loves Superman and not Clark seem pretty hollow when the man chooses to sit around in bedroom in a cape.

pochodnia's review

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To, jak przedstawiony był Superman, przysłoniło wszystkie dobre rzeczy, jakie w tym tomie były - ale ich też nie było dużo, głównie Kon i inni Tytani.
Supermanowi brakuje jednej z jego najważniejszych cech: delikatności. Bez tego jest zbyt pewny siebie, ma wygórowane ego, rzuca żarcikami, kiedy walczy ze złoczyńcami, a raz nawet pogroził zwykłym ludziom, którzy zorganizowali napad. Taki Superman jest najgorszą możliwą odsłoną tego bohatera.
Dodatkowym uderzeniem w twarz była druga część fabularna, czyli to, że Lana Lang nadal kocha Clarka i nie może o nim zapomnieć. Jakby tego było mało, scenarzysta stwierdził, że doda tu jeszcze element "Lana kontra Lois", gdzie ta druga nawet nie ma możliwości obronienia się przed zarzutami, które Lana rzuca Clarkowi przeciwko Lois.
(Wikipedia mi mówi, że nawet kiedy zeszyty zebrane w tym tomie wychodziły, to już fani mieli powyżej uszu tego całego "Lana kontra Lois" i scenarzysta kontrowersyjnie opuścił ten tytuł. I dobrze.)