
The Wyrm by Stephen Laws

jamieh2024's review against another edition

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jch2022's review against another edition

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awesomelybadbooks's review against another edition

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In Shillingham (a small town in England), city officials want to remove a hundreds of years old gibbet (aka the gallows) to build a new road that will bring new life, and tourism, to the town. However, Frank Warwick has been keeping a secret all of his life about a dark presence waiting for the moment when it can be set free (the removal of the gibbet) to take revenge on the residents and bring Hell to earth. The Wyrm has a healthy cast of characters that the reader is introduced to and, throughout, we get to see from their points of view, but none of the characters stand out as being particularly good. As far as vampire fiction goes, this was an okay read. I have certainly read better, more original works of vampire fiction that I would recommend over this one! What I will say is that it was a quick read and it did hold my attention for what it was, but it's not one of those books (and I do love me some vampires) that I will ever come back to. Nothing really original was touched upon. That being said, I think I would have liked this better as a movie. The way I pictured it in my head worked a lot better than what was written upon the page.

Plot - 2 out of 5
Characters - 1 out of 5
Ease of Reading - 5 out of 5

Overall (roughly) - 2 out of 5 stars

Recommended for anyone that needs something quick to read or who enjoys all types of vampire fiction.

paperbackstash's review against another edition

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The town disaster is told through the eyes of a former writer who has been imprisoned by his personal fears and a young girl ruled under her father, who also happens to be the town wacko. Underneath the small town is an ancient sort of demon, called a “Wyrm”, which is accidentally released from it’s chamber and it’s up to the remaining town residents to stop it.

The plot itself isn’t that original but Laws injects enough passion into it to make it worth a read.For a horror novel, the atmosphere was dark enough to serve it’s purpose.

Michael, as the ex writer with fears bigger than Baltimore, makes a delightful protagonist to read about.

Christy, the ‘waving’ sweet town honey, is a bit stereotypical but overall helps propel the story to where it needs to go. Iris is a little predictable herself in some points but provided me with a strong anchor with morals to latch on to.

The sheriff was my favorite character, he came across as very real and with an undeniably appealing personality. The only bad thing about him was that he insisted to turning to Michael for advice, because the man had wrote about fear in the past. It was a bit convenient that Michael knew what a “Wyrm” was, but as a plot device it’s basically a necessary tool to be used. Overall Laws wrote characters I cared about that worked, even if some of their major and minor traits were a bit too stereotypical.

The pace was a bit slow at first, but quickly propelled to the conflict. The “fight” itself lasted awhile and then abruptly exploded. Laws writing style doesn’t leave much out; I always knew what was going on.

While not an award winner, The Wyrm is a book worth hunting down. It tells the story of an ancient creature letting loose its havoc on a small town, killing and terrorizing many. The Wyrm speaks of pure evil, and, while done with a one-dimensional touch, manages to entertain after all.

ladiicatherine's review

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In Shillingham (a small town in England), city officials want to remove a hundreds of years old gibbet (aka the gallows) to build a new road that will bring new life, and tourism, to the town. However, Frank Warwick has been keeping a secret all of his life about a dark presence waiting for the moment when it can be set free (the removal of the gibbet) to take revenge on the residents and bring Hell to earth. The Wyrm has a healthy cast of characters that the reader is introduced to and, throughout, we get to see from their points of view, but none of the characters stand out as being particularly good. As far as vampire fiction goes, this was an okay read. I have certainly read better, more original works of vampire fiction that I would recommend over this one! What I will say is that it was a quick read and it did hold my attention for what it was, but it's not one of those books (and I do love me some vampires) that I will ever come back to. Nothing really original was touched upon. That being said, I think I would have liked this better as a movie. The way I pictured it in my head worked a lot better than what was written upon the page.

Plot - 2 out of 5
Characters - 1 out of 5
Ease of Reading - 5 out of 5

Overall (roughly) - 2 out of 5 stars

Recommended for anyone that needs something quick to read or who enjoys all types of vampire fiction.