
Adamant Eve by L.J. Vickery

klindtvedt's review

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A Richly Layered, Emotionally Intense, Suspense Filled Story...

All I can say about LJ Vickery’s follow-up to her first Paranormal Dating Agency (PDA) world story “Keeping Pace” is, wow!

“Adamant Eve”, the second installment based on the far away planet of Gemma-Hydrox, is a fast paced, fairly intense emotional rollercoaster, and a huge leap up in literary tone. Gone is the heavy cheese factor present in the first book. Gone is the extended use of the comical, bordering on silly hydroxine-to-english lingo banter that obscured much of the previous book. Instead what we are given here is something far more heartfelt, emotionally taxing, and serious in nature.  A new direction that was as wonderful as it was unexpected.

I will admit, I'm not a huge sci-fi fan. As a result, I went into this second installment expecting something similar to the first, but what I found was so much more than I could have ever hoped for in a space themed PDA tale!

Here, we are brought back into this intergalactic story world a short time after “Keeping Pace” ends.  We enter with Pace and Lola back on earth in their home there, visiting with Pace’s best friend, Marek Stasky.  What follows is a richly layered, emotionally rich, suspense filled story about Marek, a former Space Ranger and current Boston Police Detective with a heartbreaking past. A man, who turns to Gerri Wilder after seeing best friend Pace find the mate of his dreams. And Eve, a timid and behaviorally conditioned servant within the Lord’s palace on Gemma-Hydrox. A woman shrouded in mystery, hidden deep within the bowels of the castle, unknown even to the citizens of the planet her and her “sisters” were stolen from. A woman so uniquely special, she doesn’t even understand what she herself possesses within. It is a plot that will keep you glued to each and every page, especially as Gerri leads Marek toward Eve, with warnings of “all is not as it appears”. Warnings that give Marek no choice but to put his detective skills to use and solve a sinister mystery the citizens of Gemma-Hydrox aren’t even aware they should be rebelling against at all costs!   

And after the light and quirky tone of the first book, this one showcases a much darker, more series tone, befitting of Marek and the role he must play in securing his growing love for Eve. A love that grows with every new detail Vickery unveils. A love that’s tested with every new horror Vickery places in her protagonist’s path. A love that ultimately must endure in order to protect against a bigger enemy and save the very existence of the two-sunned planet

Is it still a quirky, sometimes silly but sexy, and panty-melting love story? Yes, yes it is. But it is also so much more! It is a story fully worthy of its own series (and yay there are five books currently), but also one that is MORE than worthy of being part of the PDA lexicon, and a most interesting expansion of the not only the PDA world's boundaries, but of this reader’s tolerance of sci-fi romance boundaries as well. A definitive must read for the open-minded PDA universe fan! 