
Above and Beyond by Kathryn Shay

mefromson's review

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I absolutely loved this book! Strong woman, great kids, political intrigue, and one hot as hell secret serviceman with a family supporting him. I loved the way he took to the kids despite not being sure about how that would go, how his brothers showed up to help without question, and the excuse of their relationship that turned into the truth. Great story!

jigsawgirl's review

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Neither Nick or Isabelle expected a security detail would cause such upheaval in their lives. I thought Nick and Isabelle had great chemistry. I liked both of their characters. I initially thought Isabelle was going to be kind of wimpy, but I loved to see that she had a backbone.

The book was fast paced, and suspenseful. I also enjoyed all of Nick's family having a part in this book. The whole Secret Service aspect was pretty interesting too.

There were a few creepy characters in the book, and there was no real shock that they were creepy. The twist was in how it all came together. There was one person who really seemed to trip the radar and I kept waiting for something to happen. Another surprise.

Overall, it was a really enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and give it a 4.5 star rating. I am looking forward to the other Marino siblings books.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.

jje121579's review

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Will keep you guessing

The suspense of this book is as good as the romance. Nick is strictly professional, but Isabelle brings out he man in him. Isabelle has mourned her dead husband for five years, but Nick wakes up her libido. In the dangerous backdrop of a threat against the POTUS and his family this story kept me riveted.

sgarrett27's review

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This was the first book of Kathryn Shay’s that I’ve read and I really enjoyed it.

It’s that perfect mixture of romance, mystery and suspense.

I really enjoyed that it included the President of the United States as well as the Secret Service. It gives the reader a different perspective.

Written in third person, the story provides all the different points of view from Nick Marino, a secret service agent on the President’s detail, Isabelle Barton, the President’s sister, and even from the President himself, Jim Manwaring.

The President finds himself in a difficult position as his sister is receiving threats because of his position. President Manwaring asks his top Secret Service agent, Nick Marino, to go and personally protect his sister.

Isabelle Barton hates being in the limelight, especially as she is now a single mother to twin boys, and refuses to have a contingency of Secret Service agents protecting her because of it. She capitulates and allows one Secret Service agent to look after her under the ruse that he’s a handyman doing some work on her house. Isabelle knows Nick from meeting him previously but doesn’t expect the attraction that comes with spending so much time with him.

Throughout the book, you meet Nick’s three brothers and his cousin, Whitney Dwyer. They all become involved with protecting Isabelle and her boys and trying to figure out who is threatening her and why.

The plot twists were amazing in this book! However, the only downfall was I felt the ending was really rushed. The first 90% of the book was excellent with plenty of character development throughout all the characters and not just the main ones either. It was just the last part of the book that became really rushed and there wasn’t much explanation to go with it.

Overall though, I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others to read.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by Enticing***

3.5 Stars

I enjoy Kathryn Shay as I like the grittier and more realistic look at the Secret Service and this is exactly what you get in this book.

Nick is the agent in charge of the protection for the president’s sister and he takes his job seriously, there is no room for mistakes, for errors, or for second guessing that he acted out of emotion instead of training and experience.

And then he meets Isabelle, and he struggles with being in charge of her protection and wanting more with her, fully cognizant of the fact that pursuing a relationship with her could change the trajectory of his career. He can’t be on the president’s detail and involved with the sister of his protectee, nor can he really move forward after becoming involved with Isabelle, who he meets as a protectee.

So, there is a lot going on, and it complicates their relationship and makes it nearly impossible. The issue is that they both really want to pursue the connection they share and it is harder and harder to maintain the distance required for Nick to do his job.

There is a resolution, obviously as it is a romance with a HEA…but it is one that requires a little give and take on both sides. I liked this, and I believed it. The foundation of the relationship was strong enough that I believed that Nick and Isabelle would make the choices they eventually make.

The pacing was a little slow in the beginning, which made the end of the book move a little quickly, although it seems like this was also necessary as there was a need to build up the info, the backstory, of Nick as an agent and what that entailed.

I do recommend this title. It was a gritty and real-feeling look at the world of a secret service agent, with a little romance thrown in.