
The Button Collector by Elizabeth Jennings

chrissydisibio's review

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This started out as a really interesting concept. One jar of buttons, years worth of memories. It got me wanting to collect my own buttons to remember memories later. One thing I didn't like was how when it went back in time to a memory sometimes it wasn't sequential so I got confused on time frames. I also normally like books told in various perspectives but this got confusing to me how much it went back and forth. I also felt some of the stories didn't really finish up the point of the story and I don't like that. Interesting read but not my fav.

lasesana's review

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The Button Collector is a book about little things that can come to stand for big ideas and anchor us to life and to who we are. In a beautifully written novel, Elizabeth Jennings presents a woman’s history and life choices through a jar of buttons she inherited from her mother.
The novel starts when Caroline finds a set of buttons in a flea market. These seemingly inconsequential items evoke memories that compel Caroline to take out the forgotten jar of buttons that used to belong to her mother. As she examines the contents of the jar, each button evokes an important part of her life and taken together, help her come to terms with her relationship with her mother and her perfect cousin, Gail.
The buttons take on a special role, marking turning points in Caroline’s life as well as the unconventional choices she has made, many flying in the face of her traditional upbringing. As Caroline inspects each one with the benefit of age, experience, and time, she re-evaluates her life, affirming some choices, while gaining the courage to face and repair her mistakes.
I really enjoyed the pace and structure of the novel, marked by a different button that opened up an entire story that filled in an additional part of who Caroline was and how she related to it

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