
Not Betting on Forever by Natasha Moore

itslorei's review

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DNF @38%

I'm sorry but this is just weird for me? I don't know, the pairing doesn't really sit well with me especially the fact that there's no chemistry at all.

Aside from that, the plot wasn't really convincing at all

aldarakamey's review

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It's a good book but i feel like the author tried too hard to push the idea of a complicated relationship. The romance and the chemistry between the character are good, and their backstory sort of works. This book had so much potential and i would've loved it if the author explored other routes but the book still is good.

thaliaohh's review

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It had all of my favorite Tropes!
✔️ Single Mom
✔️ Hot next door neighbor
✔️ Forced Proximity
✔️ Forbidden Love
✔️ Small Town Romance
✔️ Age Gap

but even though it had all of this, it unfortunately, fell short.

Nick and Melanie's families have been friends since they were small. After several years, past marriages, & just overall life happening, they end up next door neighbors again, after purchasing their childhood homes. They both want the vacant lot between their homes for different reasons and their friendship starts to blossom over a serious of fun bets. Until the wager changes everything.

First off, I LOVED that both MCs were in their 40's. That peaked my interest right away. Their banter and chemistry was something I truly enjoyed. and the tension between the two (at times) was HOT!

thereadervee's review

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My heart is so happy. Honestly. I couldn't put it down and read it in under 24 hours - about 5 hours total. I had the pleasure to read this as an ARC from Net Galley and Natasha Moore.

This story is written in third person BUT we get both sides still. Dual point of views have become my favorite because we get to see the feelings and stuff develop from BOTH sides. AND we get some seasoned characters, which was just so genuine and sweet.

Tropes? Second chance love. (but the good kind). Forbidden love. I mean…. could it really be a good thing for a sister to fall for her ex brother in law? HAHA. If that doesn’t hook you, trust me, you’ll be hooked quickly by this book (which releases 8/8).

The actual story? Melanie is divorced and has a 14-year old daughter AND runs her own beauty salon. Nick has been divorced twice (once from her older sister) and just moved back to his hometown to take over the family’s gym after his dad retired. Their town has decided to host a “battle of the businesses” to raise money for their local food bank. On top of that, the land between their two houses is up for win - whoever wins the bet between Nick and Melanie, gets the land.

emily_loves_2_read's review

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Not Betting On Forever
⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 (Rounded to 4 ⭐️ for rating)
Genre: Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 8/8/22
Author: Natasha Moore
Publisher: Entangled Publishing LLC
Goodreads Rating: 3.09

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing LLC and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Single mom Melanie Hayes should absolutely, completely, and totally not be attracted to her next door neighbor, Nick Campagna, her sister’s ex. And now, with Lakeside’s Battle of the Businesses in full swing, Nick’s also Melanie’s competition. With a coveted piece of land on the line, Nick isn’t backing down. Maybe he is attracted to Melanie. But as real as this feels, Nick knows this is one game he definitely can’t win. They’ve known each other long enough that it’s definitely not love at first sight. But attraction can happen in an instant. And this is one wager where winning is nowhere near as fun as playing the game…

My Thoughts: This trope is one of my favorite, small town romance with a side of forced proximity, and throw in a single mother. I do love that the author zoned in on an older couple as our MC. The story is narrated in a dual timeline, I love these because you get both sides of the romance. This was a bit of a slow burn to begin with. The characters were developed well, had instant connection, hot chemistry, sexual tension, and witty banter, all of the elements for an excellent romance novel! I think the one thing I would have changed is to not have Nick be an ex-husband of Melanie’s sister, that is just so taboo, you would not go there. There’s a good amount of supporting characters for this story and sometimes it was a bit much. The author’s writing was charming, creative, had a unique plot, and was easy to follow. Overall, this was a good book and I would recommend picking up when it releases on the 8th!

aprilalwayswithabook's review

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I appreciated reading a romance about people my own age that didn't act like they were geriatric (the FMC was 42) but also, they were kind of boring? It was okay, very sweet. Hallmark-y. Could have used more spice. Obviously the early 40s widow is next, and I know that one will be sweet too, because she seems super super sweet. (ARC from Netgalley)

kateslovedreads's review

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*this review is my complete and honest opinion an ARC provided by Netgalley*
Not Betting on Forever initially grabbed my interest with the ex-brother in law relationship idea. I thought it was kind of uncommon and something I’d never really read before. However, I enjoyed how Melanie and Nicks relationship progressed. I love how their relationship developed from neighbors to friends/temporary lovers to eventually a couple not caring about anyones opinion. This was very much a slow burn romance and I wasn’t mad about it because when you get to the romance it’s so worth it. The main thing being the description of little things, such as “Nick pulled Melanie into his arms and murmured her name. He cradled her head in his hands and claimed her mouth with his heat and tongue.” or “He cupped her face and rained kisses while he spoke.” This might seem trivial to others but to me these little descriptions made the book. I loved having all the little details. The only thing I wanted more from this book, was for Nick to pursue Melanie some instead of just Melanie constantly making the first move
(Side note: I guess we kind of got it at the end)
Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed their banter, the competitiveness, and how everyone’s relationship improved toward the end.
Rating: 4.3/5

kaysbooktalk's review

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I have to admit I was kinda disappointed with this one but it was still a cute read. When I saw the cover and read the storyline I was immediately hooked but the actual book itself fell a little short for me. Melanie and Nick were adorable together, I loved the BOB games, the bets, banter, all of it but I did have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact they were in their late and early 40’s

mamas_gotta_read's review

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The idea behind this book was cute, but I just didn’t love it. The story seemed to DRAG, especially in the first half, but a lot of the story elements also lacked a lot of depth. I can’t really say I loved either MC because I never felt like we got to know them all that well-their descriptions and backstory were definitely lacking. The events in the story were just kind of chaotic-it was so weird to me that everyone had a negative opinion on these two grown ass adults beginning a relationship. I’m glad they got a HEA, but the story ended very abruptly-I would’ve liked a bit more.

I was given an ARC by NetGalley and Entangled Publishing. All opinions are my own.

bethany6788's review

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Lately I have not had the best luck with romances, but I keep trying.

This one started off weird because Nick used to be married to Melanie’s sister, which just kind of gave me cringy vibes anyway. The part of the book I liked is that they are older, making this forever single lady think maybe in my 40s I’ll get a chance at love.

Overall, even though they were older, they both lacked emotional maturity and danced around issues too much. A real lack of communication, but don’t worry they get together in the end.

Thank you NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.