
Prototype by M. D. Waters

mmseitz822's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this conclusion to Archetype, by M.D. Waters. There was a little more emphasis in this book on the relationship with Noah and Emma than there was on the sci-fi stuff (unlike in the first book). I liked how things ended and was satisfied with the conclusion. I will say that I liked the first book more than the second though.

lisawreading's review against another edition

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I loved Archetype, the first of this two-parter, and the sequel Prototype absolutely lives up to the first! It's impossible to talk about Prototype without giving away spoilers, so let's just leave it at this: If you enjoy smart science fiction with a strong female lead character and a great mix of high-stakes action and ultra-steamy sexytimes, then these are the books for you!

kschmoldt's review against another edition

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Considering Prototype and it's predecessor, Archetype, were impulse-borrowed from our library's Overdrive account, I was very pleasantly surprised by both books. I was only looking for something to entertain myself while I exercised but I got an excellent story. The audiobook reader was wonderful, and the plots of both books were very exciting. I loved the conclusion of Prototype as it was very satisfying and hopeful. I guess what I've learned from this escapade it sometimes it's good to take a chance on something you've never heard of and know nothing about!

christajls's review against another edition

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This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

Prototype drops the reader back into the futuristic world of Archetype not long after Emma left the resistance to find her parents. But when it is revealed that Declan survived the fall at the end of book one, he puts out a reward for her return that makes it too dangerous for her to continue her search. She is forced to return to the resistance and ask for their help.

I was happy this happened so close to the beginning of the novel. I find the resistance to be one of the most interesting parts of this series and I was worried too much time was going to be spent on Emma’s search for her parents. Not that I didn’t want Emma to find her parents, but because a book like this is always more interesting when different characters are acting against one another, rather than running off on their own. Because Waters puts Emma back in the hands of the resistance right away the action and tension starts high and maintains its pace the whole way through.

The tone of Prototype is very different than Archetype. Whereas Archetype was more of a mystery/thriller in the style of Before I Go to Sleep, Prototype is more of your standard sic-fi adventure. This was both a good thing and a bad thing. I think this took away from the page-turner quality of the first book. The mystery has been revealed so there’s no longer any reason to race through the pages, excited for the big twist. The benefit of this however is that it allowed more time for world-building and character development. Emma especially became a much more interesting and three dimensional character. Not only is she more aware of the world around her, she’s also begun to create some new memories that are distinctly hers (not the original Emma’s) and she begins to make new friends and allies.

I think this book could have had more to say about the topics it was addressing. The issue of women’s health and women’s right are incredibly relevant right now (especially in light of the recent SCOTUS ruling) and although this series touched upon them, and the dangerous path we’re headed down, it wasn’t the focus of the novel. The central plot of Prototype was focused mainly on Emma and her relationship with Noah. Don’t get me wrong I like a good love story as much as the next person, but it felt like it was getting in the way of bigger issues. And it made Noah’s character inconsistent with the man we met in Archetype – particularly the back and forth between his feelings for Emma and his feelings for Sonya. I am disappointed that this was the direction Waters took this story in, although others may feel differently.

Overall Prototype was a fun, entertaining read. I really enjoyed getting to know Emma and the new friends she makes in the resistance – particularly Foster, Leigh and Miles. They are an interesting and unique bunch and Waters writes them well. The book was well paced and full of action but didn’t touch enough on the issues I hoped it would. But if you like a good dose of romance with your science fiction and you want a book that’s fun and emotionally-driven to read this summer, this is definitely a perfect duology to throw in your beach bag.

joyousreads132's review against another edition

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What am I going to do for the rest of my life now? *sobs* Love x infinity.

lark_spur's review against another edition

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1.5 stars

I usually reserve 1 star reviews for books I don't finish. I did finish this, but I'm not sure why. It was just horrible. The first book, Archetype had some bad moments but I was willing to forgive them for the interesting story and the way it unfolded. This one had very few redeeming qualities: no real mystery, nothing added to the world-building that wasn't covered in the first book. It is basically a romance veiled in some sci-fi elements, and an unsatisfying romance at that. I hated the way Emma's character turned out in the end.

erinarkin20's review against another edition

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Prototype is the follow up book to M.D. Waters’ first book Archetype and I have to admit I was waiting a bit impatiently for the follow up as I really wanted to know what was in store for Emma and Declan. If you enjoy Sci-Fi thrillers, definitely check this series out. **Keep in mind, this is book two so if you have not read Archetype yet, you may want to hold off on reading. I will do my best to not include any spoilers but can’t promise anything.

As the story picks back up, we find that it has been over a year since she left Declan at the lake and she hasn’t had much success in tracking down her parents. As she follows a lead on her parents, she finds out that Declan isn’t dead like she thought. As a matter of fact, he has just offered up a pretty hefty reward to anyone who brings Emma back to him alive. Obviously this creates a pretty dangerous situation for Emma and she quickly realizes she doesn’t have many choices on places to go for protection. Because of this, she ends up back with the Resistance and face to face with Noah.

Emma is a solid character and I liked her. I think Waters did a wonderful job of showing me how, as a clone, she really was a different person from her host. Yes, they shared some memories but she was 100% a different person and she struggled with how people thought of her. As she comes back into the Resistance, it is clear some of the people don’t trust her and there are also some that don’t even see her as human but the people that really matter to Emma really do see her as a separate person.

As Emma becomes more integrated to the team, we get introduced to Leigh and Miles and I have to admit, they were one of my favorite parts of the book. Leigh because she became someone Emma could be friends with – that was something she didn’t really have and it definitely was a time when she really needed it. Miles was a favorite because he was somewhat inappropriate and funny…but also super smart.

Of course, Noah is there as well and it is clear he still struggles with his feelings for Emma. Despite this, he has moved on (or so it appears) and is now in a relationship with Sonya. Sonya, for all intents and purposes has been Adrienne’s mother for the last year and because of these two reasons, Emma decides to not push her feelings on either Noah or Adrienne…even though she wants to. With that in mind, they still can’t help but feel what they feel and Sonya quickly starts to feel threatened.

If you’ve seen my Goodreads update, you will know that Sonya is definitely not a favorite character. She does and says a number of things that just make her a horrible person and despite her trying to justify her actions by saying she was only trying to protect Noah and Adrienne, she really was doing it for herself.

On to Declan….I have to admit, I wanted more of him. I wanted to know what was going on with him over the last year and yes, I know the story isn’t from his perspective, but I still wanted it. With that said, we get the general idea of what happened when Dr. Travista found him at the lake and now that he is back to normal, he is determined to get Emma back. In a way, I felt sad for him. Yes, he loved Emma but he was willing to do whatever he wanted in order to get her back. Trust me when I say that he lost any sympathy from me by the end.

One of the minor pieces to this story that bothered me (in places) was the dialogue. Not because it was bad but because the writing felt very formal due to the lack of contractions. There were times that I had to internally adjust because every time Emma spoke, it felt a bit off. People don't always say "do not" or "cannot" or "will not" and it was so consistent it didn't feel like it fit. Again, take this for what it is…a minor issue to an overall enjoyable and engaging story.

A lot of things happen in this book and I don’t want to give anything away. I will say, we get to learn more about Emma’s parents, see Emma’s relationship evolve with Noah, and we also learn more about the clones. There is a bit of science, a lot of action, and even a bit of romance. If you are looking for a story that will keep you turning the pages to the very end, definitely check this series out.

Thank you to Netgalley and Dutton Adult for the review copy.

dhilderbrand's review against another edition

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It was a very fast read. I loved how the story from the first book played out. There were some surprises for me which seems to never happen lately. A solid 3 1/2 stars. I will not miss the characters, but I would read this writer again

siobhan27's review against another edition

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Reading a second book in a series can be a hard thing because sometimes you forget what happened in the first book and that takes away from sequel. What I think made Prototype so successful was the fact that it was released soon after the first book and also that the author helped us readers get back into the swing of things with helpful hints throughout the beginning of the book. Prototype was a very well done sequel and end to this innovative and amazing series that started with Archetype.

When I finished Archetype I fell in love with Emma's character, she was so independent and yet seriously flawed. And considering she is a clone, she had to deal with some aspects of life that none of the other characters had to deal with. And I was worried that when I started Prototype that I would not like her as much the second time around. But I am so happy to say that Emma is still a bad ass, and honestly she might be even more amazing in this second installment than the first book. She has so much more character development in this book, and part of that is the fact that Emma now knows exactly what she is, and what that means for her. And the Emma from the first book is very different from the Emma we see at the end of the book, and I loved reading her journey to acceptance of not only who she is, but who she is in terms of her new found family.

All the same characters from the first book appear in this book as well, Declan and Noah in particular. Since Emma ran away from Declan he is eager to get her back he will do anything in his power to get her back. I was a little disappointed at Declans character and the lack of change in his world view, but really what do you expect from a villian right? haha. Noah on the other hand has always been my favorite because of his myserious-ness and the fact that in my mind is he gorgeous. What I think I liked the most about Noah in this book was the fact that he grew a pair. He stood up for what he thought was right and he finally told us how he felt not only about Emma, but his past with the real Emma. The family aspect of this book was great to read as well. I loved reading Emma and her daughter throughout the book, it was not a perfect relationship, it never will be but it great to read none the less.

The conflict in Prototype was very different from the first book, and I thought it was really refreshing. Declan was still there wanting to get Emma back but there was also a lot of tension between Emma and another women who turns out to be with Noah and is raising her child. I loved this tension because it felt real and something we as readers could relate to, especially when we are surrounded by a world that is so unlike our own. Prototype was an amazing sequel and had a great ending that was not tied in a pretty bow but something real and something that worked for the characters. I recommend this series to anyone who loved science fiction and adventure. A must read for sure!