
Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant

jbarr5's review

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Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant
This book starts out with other offers from the author to get another free book by subscribing to her newsletter.
Starts with Dani, a school teacher and it's the anniversary date of her husband's death. She's financially set just some things you can't buy that are missing.
She's on her way to her aunt's and runs out of gas, starts to rain. She's headed to Miller's Creek.
Steve Miller picks her up as they head to town. He tries to cheer her up as she keeps putting her life down.
She got under his skin and misunderstands he's not so forlorn as his appearance comes across as.
Circumstances bring them together: he's lived at Momma Beth's ranch his whole life. Dani had called her aunt Beth for a ride...
He is also the mayor but likes to help out with physical labor...I can see the firecrackers blaring from here!
Love how the community welcomes her.... He has his secrets and has sworn off all women. She has sworn off all men due to her past life.
God makes his way into the conversation Dani and her aunt are having and she has the right answers to sooth her often quoting from the scriptures.
Like learning about the history of the town and how Steve answers questions about the town and how to improve it as he hopes to get the backers for the money the town needs...
Dani wants a change, she's tired of living in the city and tells Beth of her plans...
Predictable with twists along the way. Medical emergency brings her back to town and the matchmakers get busy...
Love colorful detailed descriptions, would make a great movie
Excerpt from the next book is included. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Lots of drama and mysteries and secrets. Would enjoy reading more from this author.

michellef's review

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`Texas Roads` is a Christian woman's fiction novel written by author Cathy Bryant. Cathy Bryant is an Amazon best-selling author, she writes novels set in the heart of Texas. Texas Roads is her debut novel and it is presently free on Amazon Kindle. The title suggests a road somewhere in Texas.

This was the one year anniversary of the death of female protagonist Dani's husband. Dani was stuck on a dirt road out in the country, without gas. A city girl being stuck on a country road near dark time was not good. There was nothing but trees, a few cows, an empty tank, and a cell phone without a signal.

At the beginning of the novel, I am reminded of two sisters I know who for reasons unknown to me had a rift the size of Texas and did not speak to one another, just like Dani's mom and aunt. This made Dani wonder if God could love her.

The male protagonist Steve Miller found Dani in her car alongside the road. He was a cowboy, with a cowboy scent. He offered her a ride of which she was thankful. But, she was not looking for romance, neither was he even though his friends would say it's time for him to marry. Steve took her to a place called B&B Hardware and just left her there to fend for herself. All she wanted to do was get to Miller's Creek, where her aunt lives, and get away with anything to do with her mom. Instead of turning to God in prayer Dani wanted to run away.

The town of Miller's Creek is becoming a ghost town, people moving and stores closing. Could the town be brought back to life, or was it too late? This reminded me of a town I lived in. It needed a lot of repairs.

I chose this book to review because the title intrigued me and I wanted to find out what it was about. This novel had a good cast of characters that worked well in the story. My favorite part was the rebuilding of Miller's Creek. I also liked the rodeo scene. As a city dweller, Dani had never been to a rodeo.

There are several subplots in this novel with the main plot is Dani learning how living in the country differs from living in the city. I was pleased to see that the novel speaks of salvation, about Christ being our home. The home we long for. Which Dani learned is not a place but a person, Christ Jesus.

Disclaimer: "I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own."

faithfulgirl4's review

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For a full review, please visit my blog My Own Little Corner of the World. Thanks to Cathy Bryant for providing the copy for review!

books_n_blossoms's review

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Debut author Cathy Bryant has made a successful entry into the Christian publishing world. After following Cathy on her website Word Vessel, I knew her book would be a delight.

We meet Dani right as she's unleash herself from the pain of her life. Heading to meet her aunt, she hopes that this will be the balm she needs in her life. Too bad a car that's run out of gas and an annoying rancher is how this starts out for Dani.

She gets to know Mama Beth, her aunt, in such a sweet way. Not at all like the relationship she has with her Mother. The towns people accept her as though she'd always been a part of them, but the rancher, Steve wants to know what she's up to and it can't be any good. This seems to be where Dani has always belonged, but will she be able to stay?

I love when characters can go back to their roots and start over. It's a story that gives hope! There were characters involved in the story that added fun and dimension to the story. Characters we would love like Mama Beth, and those we found easy to dislike such as Dani's mom.

Dani's battle to figure out her life, find her way in the Lord, and open herself up to others takes us from Dallas to Miller's Creek, where she learns more about herself than she ever dreamed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all go "home" on a road such as that?

blackngoldgirlsbookspot's review

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For a debut novel Texas Roads is an absolute gem! I really loved every bit of it from the crazy hairdresser to the hunky rancher, and even the "old geezers." Cathy Bryant sure knows Texas and small town life. I myself am a small town girl so I know what small town livin' is and I KNOW that there are no secrets to be kept when everybody knows everybody! I certainly know about grumpy ol' curmudgeons too...but don't ask, LOL read the story and you will see what I'm talking about!

As for the romance of the story...I really enjoyed it too. I was a liiiiiittle frustrated with Steve and Dani and was shouting, "Come on people. You like each other. Admit it already!!!!" but that just makes it all the more sweeter when they do finally see the light, right? The only tiny issue that I had was that some of the chapters didn't seem to flow together as well as I would have liked but that's just about the only thing. I'm just nitpicking I guess! It's terrific otherwise and I CANNOT wait for the next book tentatively titled, A Path Too Narrow, although from the teaser at the back of the book I can already tell it's going to be a tearjerker!

I received my free review copy from the author.