
Hideaway in Iceland by Victoria Walker

kirstyreviewsbooks's review

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Hideaway in Iceland by Victoria Walker

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


PR executive Anna Mortimer has clinched the deal of a lifetime for the hottest celebrity couple to have their wedding covered by a glossy magazine, but when things don’t go to plan, she loses her job. With no job and no life outside of work to fall back on, an invitation to stay with her friend, Rachel, in Iceland is a well-timed distraction.

Ned Nokes has just left the most successful boy band in history to go it alone. With the eyes of the world on him, he escapes to Iceland in search of solitude while he plans what to do next. Not used to trusting anyone outside of the band that has been his life for the past ten years, he finds friendships in Reykjavik that he never expected.

My Opinion

I have read this as a standalone but it didn't spoil my ability to enjoy the book. This year I have read a few books set in Iceland and each one has made me want to visit - with the vivid descriptions this was no different. This was such a nice and relaxing read with some great characters.

Rating: 4/5

portybelle's review

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Having been lucky enough to visit Iceland in February 2020, this book brought back lots of lovely memories. Victoria Walker really captures the cold, crisp weather and cosiness of the cafes and bars in Reykjavik. I could really picture everyone getting wrapped up against the cold, enjoying the hot springs and lagoons as well as the magic of seeing the Northern Lights. It was great to meet up with Rachel and Jonas from Snug in Iceland once more, although you can easily read this book without knowing their story.

Anna lost her job very unfairly and is a bit adrift. She takes up her friend Rachel’s invitation to visit while she tries to figure out what to do next. Despite not really being into the natural wonders or understanding the appeal of an outdoor lifestyle in such a cold climate, she soon falls for Iceland’s charms and starts to make friends. Ned has recently left a hugely successful boyband with the aim of going solo. He has come to Iceland for a bit of a retreat and to write for new solo project. Living a quiet incognito kind of life, he is able to live a more normal kind of life and discovers he quite likes it.

As Anna and Ned get to know each other, Iceland works its magic and they are soon smitten but their relationship isn’t without complications or misunderstandings. I’ve often wondered about the difficulties of having a relationship if you’re mega famous. How do you know if the person wants you for yourself or your fame? And what about if you’re dating someone famous? What’s the pressure and press attention like? Well, we certainly get a glimpse of that in this book.

The book has a fabulous ending that will leave you with a warm glow inside. Hideaway in Iceland will have you reaching for the cosy blankets and snuggling up with a hot drink. The book finished on Christmas Eve which the Icelandic people celebrate with Jolabokaflód, If you haven’t heard of Jolabokaflód before, it is a brilliant idea! On Christmas Eve, people exchange gifts of books and then spend the whole evening reading! That would also give me a warm glow inside.