
Vellum by Hal Duncan

pjcamp's review

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One of only three books I've ever just stopped reading. It cycles redundantly through the same story, if you can call it a story. The death of Matthew Shepherd is a major theme, but I had reached the point at which I no longer cared about Innana and was fast coming to not care about Matthew Shepherd either. Lots of showing off but in the end a total waste of time.

carol26388's review

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Very difficult read. Multiply split perspectives, and something that can only loosely be called a plot following multiple timelines. Stuck through it in part because the author's ability with words and frankly, nothing else to read. I agree with one of the other reviewers who thought the author might have shuffled notecards with the plot around and put it together.

ljagged's review

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I found the writing to plodding.

davidsandey's review

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This was a very challenging read but I am glad that I read it and will probably read the sequel, Ink, at some point.

I haven't read anything like this before. The blurring of dream, history, the current and the vellum time lines was at times confusing but paid of in spades once I got used to it.

bookishfifi's review

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Recommended by a friend, will never listn to him again! I gave up on this book three or four times but was persuaded to finish it, wish I hadn't! It was painful reading and has put me off trying anything else by the author.

jebeddo's review

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This is a cool work. I really like the nonlinear storytelling and the archetypilizing of characters. I loved the Lovecraftian sections, and learned some cool mythology. My principal complaint are that the prose was of variable quality - it was at its best when it was free-spirited and fun, but when it was trying to force the plot forward I would become bored. Additionally, the archetypilization seemed difficult to make interesting - sometimes it was just 'this character has promethean foresight' and struggled for greater profundity.

kevinhanes's review

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Surprisingly amazing book. Vellum is an interesting mash-up of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, and Douglas Rushkoff's Testament.

Written in a verbose, beautifully intricate, and yes, sometimes confusing style, Duncan's narrative weaving creates a lush mind-scape for the reader to explore. I imagine many readers disliked this book, not knowing what they were getting into, and not expecting a challenge.

Will definitely require a re-read.

rafalreadersinitiative's review

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W przypadku "Welinu" ciężko o jakieś podsumowanie, mogące zachęcić, lub zniechęcić potencjalnego czytelnika. Książka ma momenty naprawdę wciągające, zwykle takie, gdzie zachowana jest jakaś spójność struktury któregoś ze "ściegów", z których składa się ta opowieść, potem nagle narracja rwie się, przeszłość miesza się z teraźniejszością, rzeczywistość z mitami, baśniowość z cyberpunkiem. Forma ta wymaga od czytelnika maksymalnego skupienia i koncentracji, bowiem zdarza się, że na przestrzeni kilku następujących po sobie akapitów, autor zmienia sposób narracji, miejsce i czas akcji, oraz bohaterów w nich uczestniczących, tudzież występujących w innych, niż uprzednio wcieleniach.

Mimo bogactwa warsztatowego i świetnego, acz ciężkiego do okiełznania pomysłu, jest to książka, po którą z pewnością nie sięgnąłbym po raz kolejny, mimo, iż pełne zrozumienie jej wymaga z całą pewnością kilkukrotnego przeczytania. I chociaż koncepcja zręcznego połączenia naprawdę niezliczonej wersji mitów, poematów i legend może przypaść do gustu, to nie zmienia to faktu, że "Welin" jest książką bardzo złożoną i zamatowaną, w związku z tym, w przeważającej części, raczej męczącą.

Podsumowując, polecam tą powieść wszystkim miłośnikom literatury skomplikowanej, trudnej w odbiorze, ciężkiej i raczej mało przyjemnej, czyli wszelkiej maści książkowym masochistom.

astoryandasong's review

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Please, please read this book, I want to talk about it with everyone.

wyvernfriend's review

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It was interesting and worth reading. Not a book I'd really read again but I'm not sorry I read it. I'm still not completely sure what it was about.
It would probably appeal to people who prefer the more magical realism end of the fantasy spectrum, and if you're looking for a plot forget it, well it has a plot, just not a linear plot.
It is interesting in how some people seem to tap into archetypes and become something beyond normal.
It just wasn't my kind of book.