
Gift by Andrea J. Buchanan

zapkode's review against another edition

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{my thoughts} – This book was right up my alley in terms of paranormal. It’s also young adult and has an interesting plot.

Daisy is a high school student that has an unusual ability that allows her to control electricity. She has a close friend named Danielle that is the only person aside from here mother that is aware of what she is capable of doing.

She lives in what one could call the stone age, she has to be away from most modern electronics or she ruins them with bad power surges. Eventually she becomes friends with a girl named Vivi that she learns talks to a ghost named Patrick.

When Danielle freezes her out because of Patrick and Vivi she turns to a boy named Kevin to speak with about what is going on and he has insight that she hadn’t thought of and he is also unique in a sense like she is but not like she is.

This whole book is based on Patrick and his life before he became a ghost and after etc. If you want to know what happens with Patrick and Daisy you should read the book. It’s a nice fairly short book.

At the end of the book there is an account of the story in Kevin, Daisy and Danielle’s perspective. I was not thrilled when I discovered these things at the end of the book. They basically retell the entire story but in rather creative ways. If I had known that all I needed to do was read the last 30 pages and I would have understood the entire story. I think that the way the book ended should have been the way it was written. Creativity in a book is what makes a book stand out and had the author written it in all the different perspectives of the characters I think It could have been a delightful read.

I do recommend this book to others. I can’t wait to read more by this particular author.

shhchar's review against another edition

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This YA ebook revolves around a sophomore named Daisy. She's the new girl in town, and a strange one at that. She has a powerful secret ability, that only her best friend, Danielle, and her mother know about. That doesn't stop a senior, Kevin from liking her. But after a fellow classmate named Vivi attempts suicide and Daisy is the one to stop her, she starts getting some creepy dreams and feelings from a not-so-friendly ghost.

This book was charming and a fun read. Daisy was really down to earth, and led the story as a good protagonist should. I especially thought her power was very interesting and unique. The aspects of the story such as her home, and how she was not the average teen and lived without the latest technology--really set this book apart from others. The author's writing was smooth and flowed from each chapter to the next.

My only difficulty when it came to this book was my inability to get totally invested in it. I read it and really enjoyed it, but I did not care about every single character. For example, I never was and never will be a fan of Danielle. She was very harsh and extremely unlikeable. During this whole book and after, I can't tell if she approved of Kevin! Total mixed singles. Disregarding Danielle though, all of the characters were unique and developed in the course of this book. I really could get into Vivi's shoes as she bumbled along and didn't know what to think.

This book had the right amount of reality and paranormal mixed together. I'd recommend it to fans of Hex Hall, good-vs-evil, and paranormal fans (especially ghost fans!)

3.5/5 Stars

heatherliz86's review against another edition

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Gift is very delightful,but kinda creepy that was excellent read. Ghost tale with a supernatural love story.

Daisy’s mysterious ability to channel electricity has always been more curse than blessing. When Daisy’s favorite English teacher sends her after a classmate, Vivi, Daisy’s world becomes topsy-turvy. Vivian is being haunted, after Daisy befriends Vivi, so are she and Danielle. Daisy then meets hottie senior Kevin and Kevin accepts Daisy for who she is. Then everything gets pretty interesting in the story line. I couldn't put this read down.

This book is a combination of murder mystery, contemporary fantasy and horror. I recommend this ghostly supernatural read !!!

celjla212's review against another edition

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Just quite boring to me. Nothing about it that made me want to go further than the first 50 pages.

bookishmadness's review against another edition

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Firstly, let me say I struggled through this. I don't mind ghost stories, and I love paranormal books, but I felt this book was lacking in a few places.

Daisy is basically a loner with one best friend. She has a "gift" which she hides, but it does come in handy in the end. I felt the character's weren't fun enough for this book. I was bored by them most of the time. Daisy's gift, also left me disappointed. The blurb for this book really makes it sound amazing, but I really couldn't get into it.

The killer twist in the end, ALMOST makes up for the rest of the story.

Read it, if only just for the twist :)

sony08's review against another edition

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DNF: I am afraid this is a little too young for me.

I don't believe in scoring very low because of my taste in books hence the three stars.

brisbookreviews's review against another edition

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Gift was a nice quick read. The writing style was good and It kept my interest throughout the entire book. The concept was interesting and had like-able, unique characters. Gift had a great mix of paranormal, suspense and mystery. I will definitely be reading more from Buchanan. This was a clean read that is suitable for young adults and older.

Special Thanks to Netgalley and Open Road Media for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

booksabrewin's review against another edition

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I received an e-copy from the publishers at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Another one of my NetGalley impulse reads. I had read a few reviews from other bloggers that I follow who were quasi-impressed with the book. I was curious whether this shortie (155 pages) would live up to the praises. I actually thought this was going to be more of a witchy-type of book instead of being about a ghost. When you think of gifts that is what you think of naturally, right? When I started to realize while reading that it wasn't what I thought, I had to completely go into it blind. I didn't reread the premise to refresh my memory on what it was about after my misunderstanding. I simply kept going to see how I would feel about it without any refresher course.

This story starts with Daisy finding Vivi in a bathroom after taking a fair amount of pills. She quickly finds out that Vivi was attempting to reconnect with her ghost boyfriend that she claims is her soulmate. Daisy, always the skeptic despite her own otherworldly attributes, doesn't quite believe Vivi but she is willing to listen anyway due to an overwhelming draw to her. She feels like Vivi and her are supposed to be friends and she wants to know why.

Not long after that, Daisy's best friend, Danielle, is dragged into things. Danielle and Daisy start sharing an interesting psychic connection that they never had experienced before. They chalk it up to the physical body challenged friend of Vivi's. Eventually their world just completely gets consumed by the paranormal to the point where they start having to delve into the past to understand their present. Along the way, Daisy inadvertently draws in the handsome, odd, senior Kevin. There are, quite literal, sparks from the moment they meet and she confides in him rather easily.

Now it is up to Vivi, Danielle, Daisy, and Kevin to figure out how to help Vivi's ghost friend, but what do they truly know about him and what is his connection to all of them?

This book kind of read like it would fit more into the middle grade genre than the young adult. Some of the situations seemed a bit more like a PBS special than anything. The overall theme of the book seemed more a lesson in "don't talk to strangers" than any real spooky ghost story. I did, however, like the back story of how the girls have been connected in the past. That was the book's saving grace as far as I was concerned. The rest of it was just... not there for me. The conversations between the characters were supposed to be funny but it was that comedy that, once again, younger individuals would relate to or find humorous. I just kept wincing and hoping they get past it fast to get back to the meat of the story. I had to muscle my way through the book because I really wanted to set it down and read something else for a while. I am never one to start something I don't plan to finish and so... I did finish... reluctantly.

Gift is a book that would appeal to the younger generation of the young adult genre.

meganmreads's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book looked incredibly interesting and different, which is why I requested to review it. The story is mainly about Daisy, a high school sophomore that has a secret power. To Daisy, being able to make electronics go haywire seems more of an inconvenience than a power. Fortunately, she is able to control her abilities to some degree and tries to fit in at her school. When a teacher asks Daisy to look for Vivi, Daisy finds her on the brink of death. Vivi and Daisy become fast friends as she tries to explain what happened. Vivi has a soulmate and he’s not alive. Patrick is a ghost.

This turn of events brings Daisy’s best friend Danielle, Daisy, and Vivi together as they try and figure out what is happening. They are having strange dreams and only Vivi seems to be able to communicate with Patrick. Daisy ends up meeting a dreamy senior named Kevin when she was supposed to meet up with Vivi for lunch. She finds out he’s a TA for her favorite teacher and asks him for help with her situation in the guise of writing a story.

The plot combines dreams, ghosts, Daisy’s electrical power, and the past for an interesting adventure for the four teenagers. Daisy and Kevin find out that have a connection, as well, which added the element of romance to the book. I found the plot to be unique, though somewhat predictable after a certain point. While there were surprises thrown my way, I felt as if I figured out the main mystery before Kevin did.

The characters were well developed, but I couldn’t connect with any of them. I felt as if there was something missing. The best developed character was Danielle, but I couldn’t stand her. There were avenues explored in this book that didn’t work with me because they didn’t end up really connecting to the plot or they were only explored vaguely.

While the plot was strong, I felt like there were elements that didn’t quite fit in and wondered why they were even there to begin with if they weren’t going to connect in some way. For instance, the three girls and Kevin use their favorite teacher’s classroom as a place to get together during lunch to discuss their strange events. They were afraid that he would eavesdrop and occasionally, he would make a comment that made it seem like he was listening, but nothing ever happened after the plot got rolling to suggest he ever was listening. I guess I expected him to have some sort of role as the plot developed and nothing happened. Also, Daisy’s father is not in the picture and she discovers that her mom may be hiding something. Once she found out what her mom was hiding, I figured that secret would also connect to the plot, but it only served to steer Daisy in the wrong direction and nothing about her father was ever spoken of again.

Because the plot was so unique and combined many various elements, I guess I just expected something more. I finished reading with slight disappointment and wished there was just more to it. It was a great read and certainly something different and I would still recommend it, but it left me wanting more the entire time I was reading.

katsmiao's review against another edition

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i enjoyed this read.

there's lots of twist, intrigue, trust issues, new love, friendship turmoil, and let's not forget ghosts.

There are some great unexpected twists, so the book kept me guessing and I wasn't able to predict the end.