
Where the Stars Still Shine by Trish Doller

albers485's review against another edition

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I really wish there was a second book that continued this story. I loved it!

faithl's review against another edition

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coral4 - CROPPED


I had really mixed feelings about this book so I had to give myself about a week after finishing to kind of put together my thoughts and emotions into an accurate rating.

So what did I think? Um, I don't really know.

Firstly, Callie's character was annoying. Not just annoying but stuffed up and stupid. She grew up moving around with a crazy, paranoid yet pretty mother who brings home various boyfriends. Of course, this sort of lifestyle had detrimental effects on her. Callie loses her virginity at 13 and sex to her isn't anything much except for something that allows her to forget her problems. This already bothered me. It wasn't just her whole outlook on sex and guys. But she pushed away everything that was good for her. Even the most stupidest and most damaged of people could see how loving her father was. And Callie pretty much walks out of the house without letting him know numerous times after he specifically tells her TO LET HIM KNOW IF SHE'S GOING ANYMORE. IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO DO, WOMAN! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO GO ANYWHERE TO WANT!

Even the romance was a little stuffed. Normally the whole relationship process goes:


But no, Callie is so stuffed up that it goes:


Even though, Alex was a cute Greek dude, man-whore attributes automatically put me off a guy.

But despite, my frustrations, this book definitely had me hooked. She had a sad and interesting back story (I will not spoil the big one) and the appealing bit of this book was the whole thing about family. It made me sad to read the fact that she grew up missing out on this awesome, huge Greek family. They were loud, opinionated and food-y (YUM!) and loving. And I love any book which is about the importance of family.

So, this book was both hooking and intriguing. I can guarantee some mixed feelings about Callie about whether you should pity her circumstances or dwell in the feeling of knocking some sense in her head. The romance was entertaining to read, the ending was less than satisfactory (won't spoil) and the characters are bound to intrigue. Callie's journey into normal life and coming to terms with the capture of her mother is a story that is definitely original and interesting.



laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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* I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Where The Stars Still Shine is a book about a young girl who doesn’t know herself. Callie has only been taught of the world by her mother, who is absolutely awful at taking care of her. Callie has been molested, gone hungry, and never been to school. Finally she is found and taken back to her huge, loving family.

I felt for Callie in this book because she had never had anyone to trust. I feel like I have to defend Callie because so many people told me she’s to selfish and that makes her unlikeable. Yes, she is absolutely selfish but who wouldn’t be? She’s never had anyone to depend on, and she’s always been able to do what she wants because her mother never tried to really be a parent. So yes, Callie is selfish because being selfish is how she survived.

It also doesn’t help that her father is a wonderful man, and Callie begins to resent her mother for taking her away. Which is totally natural, and then she feels guilty for resenting her mom. Again, totally natural. Who wouldn’t feel guilty for resenting their mom? No matter how terrible she is, she’s still her mom.

The hardest thing for me in this book was the fact that Callie was so promiscuous. It was nothing over the top but she didn’t believe her body had worth. I know that it’s because she was molested, but it still hurt me to see that she based her worth on whether someone felt she was attractive.

I did really like how Callie grew in this story, she did stop being so selfish and started to care about her newfound family. She started to fall for someone who could understand her and let her just be herself. Callie ultimately began to make a place for herself in Tarpon Springs. She even started to see her mom as someone who needed help, and eventually came to terms with her mother’s mental illness.There were times where the characters got annoying, especially Kat and her overbearingness.

I did enjoy this book, and I really thought that Callie did alot of growing up. It’s a good coming-of-age book for anyone who had a messed up childhood. There were times where the characters got annoying, especially Kat and her overbearingness. I would give the story 4 out of 5 stars.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam's Reviews*

brandypainter's review against another edition

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Originally posted here on Random Musings of a Bibliophile.

Trish Doller writes books that tackle tough subjects. This makes them not easy to read, but she writes the stories with such heart and passion it is worth it. Where the Stars Still Shine is one of the hardest books I've read in a long while.

Callie does not know what it is like to have a normal life. Her life has been her mother, moving every few months, and learning to dodge the men in her mother's life (one molested her at the age of 8). She hasn't been to school since Kindergarten. She spends time in libraries reading. She has found boys willing to hook up with her, but has never had a relationship. Or a friend. From this life she is yanked and dropped into a world where she has a dad who loves her, a Greek family and community she is a part of, and a friend. She has no idea how to cope. Nothing in her life is ever permanent and she's determined this won't be either. It's heart breaking to read about. I did skip some sections of the book (the ones where she referenced her abuse-because I just can't read about that). Not that any of it was gratuitously nasty or intentionally provocative. I liked the way Doller handled this storyline. (I have simply heard too many real life accounts of this that I can't read about it any book.) The way Callie lives her life and the choices she makes largely come from her inability to trust people or cope with her past.

There is a boy in the book. A hot Greek boy that works on a boat. However, as wonderful of Alex is he can't rescue Callie completely from the horrors of her past and Doller didn't let him. He has issues of his own and isn't always a nice guy. Which makes him so real. One strength with both of Doller's novels so far has been how REAL she makes her characters. I appreciated how there were a lot of forces at work on Callie's life and it this is not a story about romance. This is a story about Callie and it all plays a part. Alex, her new-found family, her complicated feelings toward her mother, they all shape her. I also enjoyed the friendship that grew between Callie and Kat. Kat is also very real and with her share of faults. She can be insensitive and unthinking toward Callie, but she is also something Callie needed, an actual girlfriend. Doller has a knack, like Melina Marchetta, for taking characters who start in a very dark place and bringing them to a better place where they can find healing.Not a perfect place, because there is no such thing, but one withe hope for the future.

This book is not for the faint of heart, but those brave enough to read it will find a beautiful, real story.

I read an e-galley provided by the publisher, Bloomsbury USA, via NetGalley. Where the Stars Still Shine is on sale September 24.

scarletcat13's review against another edition

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Finally, my craving has been sated! I've been wanting a good realistic book for a while. I find this to be an older teen to 20s book like [b:Fangirl|16068905|Fangirl|Rainbow Rowell||21861351]. It has the same feel, to me, despite all the differences. There is drama but it's more realistic and believable than most of the teen books out there.
Callie is suddenly tossed from the life she knows into one with her father and all the family she's never met. She struggles with figuring out how to deal with this new life that is so different from what she's known as well as feelings of guilt and sadness over her mom. Several times she is (or feels she is) stuck between her two parents.
Sex does come up several times, not in an adult romance novel way, but in a way that's more...real. It is a part of most modern teens lives and I enjoyed the way Trish Doller wrote it. It's there, it happens but there's not a huge focus on it.
I appreciated the serious undertones and the ending was great. Not really happy ever after but it works well with the story. I really want a sequel but I just settle for reading more of her books.

nagam's review against another edition

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Definitely loved it! Some parts made my heart beat too fast because as with other books that deal with some pretty messed up situations, I have a hard time pushing through all the bad to get to the resolution. I feel Doller did a beautiful job making Callie and Alex feel real and genuine, as well as their behaviors and reactions, despite if they made me feel uncomfortable or upset sometimes.

mckinlay's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

i get what people are saying about lack of character development but, i still enjoyed this book quite a bit.

postitsandpens's review against another edition

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I really liked this one a lot. It's going to take me a bit to come up with how I ultimately want to word my review, but this book just really worked well for me, and I found myself utterly enthralled by the story Trish Doller was telling.

Full review to come soon.

amibunk's review against another edition

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About six pages into this novel, the main character Callie became an honest-to-goodness, real live person to me. Six pages is all it took, so I say with great sincerity that this is a book you shouldn't miss. Is it perfect? Nope. But it's rich in detail and solid in execution. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up.

kbrownreads's review against another edition

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beautifully written