
Long Weekend: The Novelization by Brett McBean

pages4me's review

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I didn't manage to connect with the main characters in this book. I can usually learn to like a character who does terrible things, or things I don't agree with, if the characters' back story, actions, or thoughts/feelings are written well, but that's not how this book went for me.

Peter, the husband in this story, came across as a privileged middle-aged guy who threw tantroms when things didn't go his way. It could be argued that the supernatural forces in the woods drove Peter, and his neighbor, over the edge, but I found that too convenient. It's harmful, and even cliche, to use a horror story as a tool for indulging in graphic descriptions of angry men hurting women.

Marcia, Peter's wife, could've been the likeable character in this novel, but she fell flat for me as well. The author tried to give her a sympathetic backstory, but there was still little that she did/or said in the present timeline that made me enjoy reading about her. While I felt bad for her, I didn't find myself rooting for her either.

The couple spent a lot of this story sniping at one another, but that dialogue wasn't whitty or entertaining, it just read like unhappy spoiled people being mean to one another for reasons that take way too many pages to become apparent. By the time the couple's full backstory unfolded, I was so annoyed by the pair that it was hard to care why they were the way they were.

My favorite parts of this book were the flashbacks to Peter's early experiences with his father . Those were written with just enough tenderness and humanity that I almost felt sympathy for Peter as a character. Almost.

As for the horror aspect, this book had a decent amount of suspense that did make me curious enough to keep reading. Just to see what was behind all the strange occurrances. The conclusion for me wasn't worth the build, but I still appreciate a story that keeps you wondering.

There is a scene late at night in the woods in a treehouse that was a little scary and atmospheric for me. It wasn't terrifying, , but pleasingly creepy, which I enjoyed.

Lastly, sharing trigger warnings for abortion, animal harm, and a LOT of domestic violents in this book. Its synopsis reads a bit like a fun romp through a spooky forest with a care-free couple, but that is far from what you actually get in this novel.

I received a free advanced review copy of this book and submitted this review voluntarily.