
More than Once by Elizabeth Briggs

michalice's review

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The Chasing the Dream series is one I have really enjoyed from the very beginning, so when the opportunity arrived to sign up for More Than Once I did not hesitate to put my name down.

More Than Once gives us an insight into Becca's life, and catches up with her after leaving the band. It also took me a while to make the connection between Andy and a previous book, More than Comics. Andy was the boyfriend of Tara who proposed marriage and was turned down spectacularly

Becca is trying to get her life back on track, to prove to her parents that she has changed, and hopefully get help to go back to college. However this is short lived as she loses yet another job, and her 'perfect' boyfriend dumps her, right before a Christmas family meal. Andy is her Knight in shining armour, after an accidental meeting (which is the cause of Becca's current lack of job) he agrees to be her boyfriend for the night in exchange for a date.

More Than Once is told with some flashbacks of Andy and Becca's first meeting. Drowning thier sorrows together and then ending up in a hotel room. We get to see the chemistry between this duo, and understand why things heat up so fast between them.

After everything that Becca did, I didn't expect to feel sorry for her. Yes she messed up, but tried to make amends for this, changing the way she lived, how she behaved, and tried to settle down, but her parents never seemed to be happy with her until she had the perfect life: job and boyfriend with a future. It didn't seem to matter how hard she worked it was never good enough for them, and when they think she has the life they want for her, only then do they agree to pay for college. I thought this was quite selfish of them to have such high expectations for her, even knowing she was doing the best that she could.

I really liked Becca's sister, and although they are twins they are complete opposites of each other, and have different lives. I liked how thier story line played out, and how they were both unhappy with thier current situation, but how it all worked out for them.
The chemistry between Andy and Becca was intense, and I did like how although they vaguely knew each other, it didn't feel too rushed, that they tried to be friends before making it too serious, especially as they had thier own past still to deal with.

The last half of More Than Once was great. I loved how she was able rejoin the band for the show and how welcoming they were to her. It was just the thing she needed to get out of her slump and kick start her life in the right direction.

Final Verdict
More Than Once was another great installment to this series, I also like how we still get to see characters from the previous books and catch up with them too. I can't wait to get hold of the next bok to see what happens next

beyondevak's review

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More Than Once was straight lust to love with a touch of sweetness. Becca and Andrew were wonderful together. I enjoyed seeing their relationship develop into something more than a meaningless romp. The final act by Andrew was darling.

Rating: 3/5
Recommend: +/-
Audience: A/NA
Status: R
Chemistry/Intensity: Yes
Conflict/Drama: Yes (mild)
Family Dysfunction: Yes
HEA: Yes

NetGalley ARC

catiinha's review

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*I was provided a eARC by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Before I start this review let me tell you that if you don’t feel comfortable reading some mature content or if you’re too young this book is not for you.

This book is book 4 from the Chasing the Dreams series. Having read More than Exes and More than Comics (review here) I was really excited to read this book and I loved it.

This book is about Becca and Andrew. They actually meet in the end of More than Comics an end up having a one-night stand. When they meet they’re both in a bad place in their life and lose contact with each other. The book starts 5 months later. Becca left her old ways that involved a lot of booze and bad decisions, leaving music behind, and moved back home to Dallas. Andrew also moved to Dallas where he got a job. They end up reconnecting and when Becca’s boyfriend breaks up with her on Christmas Eve Andy decides to help her and pretends to be her boyfriend in front of her family mainly because her parents want her to get married and have kids. Andrew is still in a bad place after what happened in the end of More than Comics and thinks he’s not ready for a relationship but everything changes when he starts spending more time with Becca. I loved how this book was the characters development and also self-acceptance. I also loved Becca’s family, especially her twin sister, Trish. Sometimes I wouldn’t like her parents but it was just because they were a little bit rough with her. The end was amazing and while I wasn’t expecting what happened I should have seen that coming :D .

Overall, this was a great book. I loved Becca and Andrew and I loved to see more about them. Elizabeth Briggs is turning to be one of my to-go authors when I want to read new adult. If you like new adult romances you should definitely give this one a try.

elenajohansen's review

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My first problem with this is calling it a "standalone" romance in the blurb. Yes, many series have entries that can be read as standalones, or in any order. I had read the first of this series quite a while back, and I wasn't worried too much about skipping past #2 + 3 when I found this one on sale.

But this is not, at all, a standalone. If I hadn't read #1, I'd be completely lost. It was nice to see a minor character come back and get her redemption novel, basically, because she was such a brat when she was introduced. But without that context, this story loses a lot of its punch.

And as for skipping books? Major spoilers for them, which is to be expected in a series, but again, don't call it a standalone then.

My second problem was the emotional extremes and wishy-washy-ness of both leads. Becca does challenge Andrew about his mixed messages, which at least lampshades how badly he doesn't have his head together, but these two bounce around on the page like pinballs.

What made this book endurable was actually the sex scenes, strangely enough. When they get physical, it's like they're entirely different people written by an (almost) entirely different author. Which might be a criticism in some cases, but here, it definitely underscores how their connection started as a one-night stand both of them considered fantastic but were scared to pursue further.

Ultimately, though, it was a shallow read that didn't impress me.

bookish_noa's review

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love it

mylastromancenovel's review

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My rating 3 stars

Things I liked:
-the writing
-the characters
-the bad boy/good girl combo with them both having elements of both

General Thoughts: I enjoyed this one. I really like Elizabeth’s realistic fiction that I’ve read and this series. This is a cute, fun read. It was a great way to pass some time. I gave it a 3 because it didn’t necessarily stand out from others in the genre I’ve read. But I enjoyed it. A fun lighthearted read.

Steam Meter:I thought that this one was more on the new adult side of things. There are explicit sexual scenes. There is also some not vanilla sexual scenes that are pretty steamy. This is for 18+.

Romantic Tropes
-bad girl/good boy trope
-fake boyfriend

carleneinspired's review

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Well, she's done it again, Elizabeth Briggs has given us another couple in the Chasing the Dreams series with a fantastic story that I couldn't put down.

Becca has turned her life around, her past with Villain Complex is behind her, her bass guitars are stored in the garage, she has a job, and she's making her family happy. Except, the guy who turned her life upside down in one night is standing in front of her and she's asking him to pretend to be her boyfriend. Andrew was hurt after Tara, sure he'd never find love again, but when Becca asks him to be her pretend boyfriend for one night he can't say no. Sure, their one night stand was one of epic proportions, but neither are ready for commitment. In that one night though, everything changes, their emotions are real and when some heavy choices need to be made, they find themselves leaning on one another.

I hated Becca as soon as we were introduced to her in the beginning of this series, I saw a little glimpse of redemption in More than Comics, but didn't expect much more. Then we see her again in More than Once and she skyrocketed to the top of my favorites list and Andy, he went right to the top with her. He really is book boyfriend material. Both characters are unique in the series and both are ignoring their wants and dreams. I really enjoyed watching them push each other, testing the boundaries, and finding solace in one another even when they didn't want to. I felt like of all the books in this series, this one was the most realistic for me and had the most character growth. Really, I just loved Andy and wanted to trade Becca places so I could be here and have him. Sure, it seems like it moves fast, but it's supposed to, how do you ignore the feeling they've both had pent up since their one night stand!

This book is different than the others in the series, while it isn't as much as a breakaway as More than Fashion was, it still is separate from More than Music and More than Comics. That said, I loved how Villain Complex was brought back into the series. Plus, watching Becca find herself in music again was really rewarding. I loved her interactions with her overbearing family, how she finds it in herself to stop being selfish, and how she shows Andrew/Andy he can be both sides of himself when he wants to be.

Yes, it's a quick read, but it is so so good. I loved this book and am happy Elizabeth included it in the series. If you're looking for a quick read with a steamy romance, lots of chemistry, and character growth, look no further.

Many thanks to Elizabeth Briggs for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

bananatricky's review

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I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is my second Elizabeth Briggs book but I really had no idea what to expect. Clearly, as the fourth book in a series there was some back story behind the novel but I didn't feel that I needed to read the others. I got the impression that the previous books were much more about Becca's former band but this novel is set away from the music industry for the most part.

Becca is really trying to change her life. After a series of bad decisions fuelled by alcohol she quit the band she was in, just before they hit the big time, took out all her piercings and moved home to Dallas to be with her family. It's Christmas Eve and she is working in a department store for a mean boss when a blast from the past turns up at her till - Andy, the guy she had an explosive one-night stand with the day she quit the band.

Both Becca and Andrew have re-invented themselves since their encounter five months ago. Becca is trying to get back on the straight and narrow - if she convinces her parents that she is no longer a screw-up they may fund her college education again. Andrew on the other hand is trying NOT to be Mr Nice Guy, when he met Becca he had just proposed to his ex-girlfriend and been rejected because she was seeing one of the band.

When Becca's boring but "appropriate" boyfriend dumps her because she isn't "his kind of people" and then she gets fired because her boss shouts at her for flirting with the customers (Andrew)and calls her trashy it looks as though her attempts to change are falling around her ears until ... wait for it, she asks Andrew to pretend to be Brett (the ex) at her family's Christmas Eve dinner.

I really liked this, although I have labelled it NA/YA it doesn't really give that vibe. Becca and Andrew are two nice people who are trying to change, but deep down aren't really very happy with the people they have changed into. Andrew is scared of relationships and Becca is tired of being the girl that guys want to sleep with but don't want to date long-term.

The writing is good, the angst is low and the story, while predictable, is fun - it doesn't hurt that the two of them set the sheets alight every time they come together either!

I'm pretty sure I liked the sound of the first book in the series - not sure why I didn't read it at the time. After this I will definitely be looking at the previous books.

laurabenson's review

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I love this series and this one didn't disappoint! I really liked Andrew and Becca's transformation was well thought out. I'm glad we got a little surprise with this release.

maryelena07's review

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"Andrew was sexy and nerdy and he knew how to get down and dirty."

Debo admitir que me sorprendió lo mucho que me gustó éste libro!

Andrew West es el "tercero en discordia" en More Than Comics. Andy ha estado en una relación con Tara desde hace un año. Se mudó a Nueva York para estar con ella. Para Tara él es su mejor amigo/novio; pero hay algo latente con Héctor, el baterista de "Villan Complex" con quien está escribiendo una novela gráfica gracias a la tecnología, a pesar de no conocerse en persona, todavía. Todo eso cambia en la Comic Con de San Diego y la química que era latente a través de la pantalla de la computadora se torna palpable en vivo y en directo; Andy se lo veía venir y como medida desesperada viaja a San Diego para ver a Tara; convencerla a ella, y a sí mismo, de que su relación tiene un futuro, incluso le propone matrimonio pero todo termina en un corazón roto para Andy quien siente que las mujeres con las que se relaciona siempre terminan con el "chico malo" en lugar del bueno y dulce Andy.

Becca Collins es la "tercera en discordia" en More Than Music. Como bajista de "Villan Complex" comete el error de involucrarse con Jared y todo termina mal para la banda y para ella. Becca siente que ha desperdiciado la oportunidad con la que siempre soñó, que se ha defraudado a ella, a su familia y la banda. Decide reinventarse a sí misma, hacer lo que se supone que toda "chica buena" debe hacer.

Para ser honesta, en su momento odié a Becca, hace muchas cosas malas cuando está en su peor momento. Y debo reconocer que me había olvidado de Andrew... tal vez Héctor lo eclipsa un poco en More than Comics; mis más sinceras disculpas Andrew.

Andrew y Becca se conocen en la Comic Con; después de que Andrew es rechazado por Tara y cuando Becca va a disculparse por todo el lío que les causó a la banda y decide volver a casa de su hermana. Ambos son miserables pero se confortan mutuamente y todo termina en la habitación de Andrew con una noche que ninguno de los dos puede olvidar. Ambos van a vivir en la misma cuidad y se prometen mantenerse en contacto pero eso no pasa.

Cinco meses pasan desde esa inolvidable noche y Andrew y Becca se encuentran otra vez, en vísperas de Navidad. Becca se supone que debe presentarles su nuevo novio a sus padres, una muestra de que ha cambiado y de que ahora su vida es más centrada. Pero su novio rompe con ella por teléfono y la despiden de la tienda comercial donde está trabajando. Andrew sale a su rescate y se ofrece a hacer de "novio substituto". Y todo comienza a cambiar.....

Me gusta la idea que tomar dos personajes que honestamente uno llega a odiar o no les presta mucha atención para que tengan su propia historia unida a las de los demás. Ambos están muy lastimados y con muchas dudas pero se encuentran a sí mismos con la ayuda y el apoyo del otro.

Andrew tiene miedo a arriesgar su corazón otra vez y ser rechazado y herido una vez más, a pesar de estar enamorándose de Becca...

"I’d known her for—what, a handful of days when you put them all together? But somehow she’d done the impossible and brought me back to life again. She’d made me realize my past didn’t have to determine my future. She’d made me want something more."

Y por su lado Becca está aterrorizada de soñar, siente que su gran oportunidad de estar en una banda la arruinó y que debe seguir adelante con otra cosa...

“Just because you failed once at your dream doesn’t mean you should give up on it forever. You’ve been given another chance."

No esperaba que me gustara ninguno de los dos personajes pero me encantaron, son muy humanos, en sus dudas, sus miedos, sus riesgos y decisiones. Son, a pesar de lo que uno pueda llegar a pensar, perfectos el uno para el otro, se complementan, se dan apoyo y balance mutuamente. Es una historia muy linda, corta, pero muy bien narrada y perfecta para leer en Navidad (otra cosa que también me sorprendió).
“I get what you’re saying—that together we can be the best versions of ourselves. But how can we ever really move on from our pasts?”
“We can’t, but maybe we don’t need to. It was our pasts—my relationship with Tara, your involvement with the band—that brought the two of us together. I wouldn’t change a single thing about my past, because everything that happened led me to you.”

Y yo que sigo pensando que no iba a haber otro personaje de esta serie que pudiera opacar a Jared... primero aparece Gavin y ahora Andrew. Es el primer libro de la serie al que doy 5 estrellas, me sorprendió y me encantó a la vez, realmente una muy buena serie para pasar un lindo rato.

Mis disculpas nuevamente a Andrew por olvidarme de él.... no va a volver a suceder...
"In the past year, Becca and I had started over together. With each other’s help, we’d gone after the things that had scared us the most. For her, life as a rock star in what was now one of the most famous bands in the world. For me, a second chance at love and marriage, with the right woman this time. I had no idea what the future held for the two of us, but I couldn’t wait for it to start."