
Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost

mamabears_fabulous_book_finds's review

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Sigh...i got on a kick, and just had to read this again. I just adore Mencheres. I've always loved Ancient Egypt, and to read about one of the great pharoahs in this twist, its even more delicious.

jessicaalexander95's review

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A fun little side story. I like the new female character and getting to see everything from her perspective and how she affects the master vampire. It was good

birdloveranne's review against another edition

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It was good, but I'm glad it's over. Maybe not a good thing to say. Taking a break from the series.

charms1976's review

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The first thing I need to say about this book is if you haven't read anything by this author before, what rock have you been hiding under? Ms. Frost can mix suspenseful paranormal effortlessly with romance and humor. She writes incredible stories with characters that will capture your interest and will leave you wanting to know even more after the last page has been turned!

Kira is a private investigator on her way home late one night. When she hears noises from a warehouse, she chooses to investigate. What she walks into though is something she can hardly believe. She sees Mencheres being tortured by ghouls. When she attempts to rescue him, the ghouls attack her. What Kira doesn't know is Mencheres is a vampire. Actually, he is a Master Vampire who is looking for an end. He was hoping that the ghouls would have finished him off to where he could end his long undead life. When Mencheres sees the ghouls attack Kira instead, he lets his power loose, and kills them off. He notices that Kira has witnessed it all, and heals her before she can die. The only problem is Mencheres is having a hard time erasing her memories and being able to read her mind. He takes her to his home and tries to explain things to her. Kira accepts what she is being told and falling for the vampire at the same time. Mencheres falls for Kira as well, but is hesitant on being with her since his visions have shown him nothing but his death approaching.

I found the story between the two wonderful. I loved the bickering and the banter between them when they were around each other. I loved the suspense that Mencheres' enemy, Radjedef brings to the story as well. Kira was strong and determined which made her character fun and intriguing. The romance between the two was hot one moment, and tender the next.

I can't wait for the author to finish the next book in the series. I would love to see Vlad have a story as well in this series. The side characters were so wonderful that they deserve a story all of their own.

The only problem with this book for me was the cover! What was up with the fake looking cover? While the people on the front were great, the blood drops looked like an after thought when printing was complete. It actually looks like someone took a red sharpie to each cover after printing and looks horrible! The photo above is nothing what the cover looks like in your hand! Trust me! That would be the one thing that I would want to be fixed for the next books. Please figure out how to make a cover art department!

masquerader888's review

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Ms. Frost’s Night Huntress series is one that I have followed from the start, so when she decided to expand that world and give some of her more memorable secondary characters their own books I was thrilled at the idea. Her second “world” book, Eternal Kiss of Darkness, took a closer look at the inscrutable Mencheres, who is one of the oldest and most powerful vampires in existence. He is also, as we open this story, convinced it is his time to die. Enter our indomitable heroine, Kira Graceling.

This book was a fun and fast read, both poignant and passionate in good measure. Taking a powerhouse like Mencheres and finding him a suitable mate who is able to understand at least some of his past baggage was a tall order and I feel for the most part Ms. Frost delivered. Where I had the largest problem was with the villain of this piece, Radjedef. I found him irritating. Not particularly scary, or believable as a powerhouse himself; just irritating. This, I’m afraid, did somewhat muddy the story for me; to the point that I broke one of my longer standing guidelines and flipped to the end of the book to see what happened. I was able to read the second half of this story with less irritation once I was assured that Radje reaped the fruits of his ill-deeds.

However, Radje aside, I enjoyed the irreverence of this book—taking us everywhere from Disneyland to the Pyramids in our undead adventure—this story wove memorable characters, steamy love scenes, and a quirky humor into a fun yarn that had me enjoying it for hours. My only regret was that I was unable to spend greater time getting to know these characters, but I have high hopes that I will see them again in later Night Huntress books, and then—maybe—find more closure in their story. As it stands, this book gave insight into a very inscrutable character, and in so doing greater depth and breadth to the series as a whole.

I give this book three stars ★★★

As an end note I really have to add some personal nit-picking regarding the cover of this book. It had a beautiful cover, if a bit romance novel-ish—but hey it’s a romance novel—and then they had to go and superimpose blood dripping. And that turned it from a blue-tones pretty into just plain tacky. I cringed when I first saw this book; then tried to wipe away the truly awful—bordering on ketchup—tragedy that were those dreadful drips, but to no avail. I am not sure what the original point was—perhaps making more clear that this was a vampire romance—but for once I could see the appeal of reading on an e-read to hide the cover of your book. Not to conceal a title or story I was ashamed of reading, but to dull the cringe by not having to view it as often. I am a big fan of Ms. Frost’s work, and I do know that most authors have little to no say in the covers their books end up with, however I do hope for her sake that none of her future books are saddled with such tawdry covers.

lee25's review

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After reading Destined for an Early Grave, I posted in my review that the support characters deserved their own series. Then I discovered that they have one.

Careful what you wish for…

As a character, I really like Mencheres but I want to know more about him. While I enjoyed reading his “happily ever after” story, according to the book, he is “older than dirt,” I really wanted to know more about what he has been doing for the past 4500 years. Some history about why he was chosen for Cain’s Legacy. More about his history with Patra and Radje.

I’m not sure how I feel about this book, it was an easy, pleasant read, but it could have been so much more.

alikatson's review against another edition

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Absolutely loved this one!

amym84's review

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I was hesitant to read this book because I have never really been a fan of Mencheres. But of course it's always different when the story is told from their POV (as opposed to the Night Huntress series told from Cat's POV).

It's been so long since I've read the Night Huntress books I can't quite remember where it fits into the series itself but Mencheres, after more than four thousand years living, want to end it all. His visions of the future have ceased to come to him and he sees this as a sign that it's time for him to end it. He is in pursuit of doing this very thing when Kira comes upon him. She hears the fight Mencheres is in with a group of ghouls and assumes it is a normal person needing help. When she come upon the fight she is mortally wounded and Mencheres decides to save her life. So his original plan is put off course.

He is immeditaly captivated by Kira. One of the reasons being that he can't figure out why he can't read her mind of influence it. The reason for this is never explained. In fact, one of the things for me, that was sort of just thrown in the mix but never really addressed is the fact that Kira appears to be an empath. She can sense emotions. We don't know if they are just emotions of those she is closest to or everyone. It appears it's only those she's closest to because one of the people she "senses" is her sister Tina, who has a long-term illness. I understand an author not spoon feeding everything to a reader, letting us come up with our own conclusions, but I thought that throwing it in there without even other characters commenting on it was rather strange.

It's not too difficult to figure out where the story goes. There is a main conflict that Mencheres has with another vampire, plus he has to work out his feelings for Kira, along with his own feelings of ending his life.

I liked the book more than I thought I would and I liked that it filled in the rest of the Night Huntress story up to this point. It's still one of my favorite series and I enjoy the side stories with secondary characters. You don't necesarrily have to have read the main series in order to pick up this book. So if you are interested in the author you could very well start here to get an idea of the writing.

divapitbull's review

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First of all there was NO Ian - automatic loss of 1 star.

I knew I wasn't going to like this book going in. I don't understand the appeal of Mencheres as an MC. I find him bland and boring, lacking in personality and having no charisma. I don't think that's because Frost wrote him as a one dimensional character - I think it's because she wrote him as a stoic, reserved, serious and private personality.

The plot revolves around Mencheres millennium old conflict with his adversary Radje and his love affair with the initially human Kira - neither of which is all that interesting. Kira is a likeable heroin, strong, self sufficient, straight forward, practical - definitely not a whiner; but this installment seemed devoid of the witty banter and humor that characterizes the Night Huntress series and that Ian brought to First Drop of Crimson.

The exception being Vlad's cameo appearance at the end which was thoroughly enjoyable. Cat and Bones made a mid-story cameo that was pretty underwhelming but they re-appeared at the end and the brief Bones/Vlad interaction was reminiscent of some of my favorite Night Huntress moments.

In short I am happy to be ending my foray into the Night Huntress World and anxious to get back to the actual Night Huntress Series. I am also flabbergasted that Spade and Mencheres have thus far gotten their own stories when Ian is by far the most interesting, entertaining and charismatic of all the Night Huntress secondary characters.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review

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Finally Mencheres book!

And i loved him and Kira together... It was also great to have Vlad bones and Cat along for the ride.... under thunder mountain lol!

Mencheres After losing his foresight has got vampire blues and decides he may aswell seal his fate on his own terms.... Luckily for Mecheres Fans Kira decides this is the night she is going to be brave and save the man she can hear being tortured in a warehouse.....

The Fabulous Pharaoh soon faces his pompous Uncle who is extremely upset The power he feels Mencheres stole from him he has passed on to Bones

This leads to an epic journey of finding purpose love and overcoming those ready to take it....