
The Damsel and the Daggerman by Delilah S. Dawson

mcummings's review

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This was a hot!!! novella in the Blud Universe. Two brand new characters, although set in the caravan, so we see some old friends. Would highly recommend both this installment and the series.

prationality's review

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I'll write a much more detailed review closer to the release date in Jan'14, but let me just say these three things:

1) Its so good to see more of Demi. Her book [b:Wicked After Midnight|16120370|Wicked After Midnight (Blud, #3)|Delilah S. Dawson||21940379], is due out in January as well and this set up the adventure she finds in that book quite well.

2) I wonder if at some point we shall find out the resolution to Tish's aging. Its been remarked upon in each subsequent book/novella, but knowing what we know of Tish's situation I can't see it being a cut and dry answer.

3) Okay so while I love Criminy, I may be MORE in love with Marco. always did love a guy good with sharp things.

So there you have it. Everyone should run off and read this--when its available of course. Darkly sensual, with a mystery that doesn't quite resolve itself how you'd think--well I guess that's a carnival at its core right?


Welcome back to the caravan everyone wishes they could be part of--even with all the dangers that lurk in the World of Sang. Our intrepid lady journalist is Jacinda, who's bravery is only matched by her ability to land herself in some dangerous escapades. Our deadly knife thrower is Marco, a violet-eyed mysterious man that wandered in from the moors and found his place amongst Criminy's carnivalleros. Both are a bit of a problem for Criminy--though as always he's ready to dispense with the niceties to protect his own.

Dawson had always made women in her Blud stories strong, independent and with spines of steel. Jacinda is no exception. She stands up to Criminy, takes Marco's challenge and is not put off when Marco makes it clear it wouldn't be good for either of them to be involved. She's a little headstrong, and a whole lot stubborn, but this is a woman used to getting what she wants. And what Jacinda wants is the juiciest story she's run across in a long time and the man who defies telling her it.

There's a bit of role reversal here, that only becomes very evident later on. Jacinda has led what was a predominantly male-centric life style--she traveled the world, wrote about what she wanted, traveled pretty much by herself since her husband (who she loved and respected, and in general it was a happy marriage) died. Seduced any number of pretty young guys to her bed when she needed some sex and saw no reason to inhabit the traditional female role.

By contrast Marco, as you learn his backstory, has lived a sheltered existence. Partially by choice and partially because it seems to suit him well enough. Not only is he dangerous--wicked good with those knives he is, but his past is fraught with a secret that could see him hung and has made his existence rather...lonely.

At first I thought I had Marco figured out. That soon proved false as he seduced Jacinda further and further sometimes without so much as smoothing a finger down her arm. For Jacinda, Marco represents not only a sexy man, but a story to uncover. A secret to unfurl and a ball of contradictions to sort out. Well used to men who swarmed her, Marco exhibited a control she found hard to maintain.

I wouldn't offer this as an introduction to the Blud stories--there's a bit of backstory needed to understand how some of the other characters react to Jacinda's poking, but this is a treat for fans. A beautiful, gorgeous, sensual treat that makes you wonder how you ever lived without Criminy's caravan.

And having read Demi's story in WICKED AFTER MIDNIGHT I implore readers to pay attention to the advice Jacinda gives her in regards to love and men. In its way, its a form of precog for what Demi will have to face.