
Diana Comet and Other Improbable Stories by Sandra McDonald

misssusan's review

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well that was an unexpected pleasure! i wish i could remember whose recommendation prompted me to stick this on the to read list, they have good taste

diana comet and other improbable stories is a short story collection that is best read in order. you get a range of characters -- a lovestruck cowboy! a seawitch! a talking statue! walt whitman! firefighters!* -- as well as the recurring figure of ms. diana comet herself, a transgender spy, philanthropist, and generally adventurous woman. it pulls off the same trick catherynne valente's the orphan tales does which is gradually reveal how all these stories are inter-related so that each lends additional resonance to the following one. i liked the device of author's notes at the end -- less disruptive than footnotes but the same flavour of fun. i may borrow it for my next short story attempt

4 stars

*i suspect sandra macdonald has a thing for firefighters and i am entertained by it