
All the Waters of the Earth by Leslie McAdam

beckyrendon's review

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Let me just start by saying the cover model on this book is smoking...I may or may not have periodically stopped reading to stare. Seriously, those hands, the suit....YUM!

All the Waters of the Earth is the third book by Leslie McAdam. I was introduced to her work with book 2 and have set up camp in her fan club. All the Waters is just another reason to be team Leslie. I love that she ties in the characters from her other books, even if its just a little cameo for some. You do not however have to read the other books to know whats going on. Each book is a standalone. So with out further ado...

Lucy is a single mom to a sweet book loving 12 year old. She works at home as a novelist and does some side work as a nude model. Model - not prostitute, not call girl, but a figure model for the local college art classes. She loves and takes care of he son. She does everything for him.

When the new neighbor comes to introduce himself, Lucy is suddenly thinking about more than her son. She discovers that though she is living no one has ever made her feel more alive. This could be a problem. Not only is he gorgeous, but he's not running scared at the idea she has a son. Jake may be a workaholic, but he is always checking on her. Though they got off to a rocky start this could really work, until her Ex gets involved.

Lucy's ex is dragging her into court and through the mud with accusations flying just to avoid paying child support. When tension runs high, Jake drops the ball and Lucy is left with the pieces of her heart. Not willing to jeopardize her son, she scrambles to shove it all inside and carry on.

Being a romance novelist, Lucy is aware that people make mistakes. She romanticizes everything. She realizes that life gives second chances but is she willing to put herself at risk again? Will Jake be more than the neighbor or is he already more?

I love the way Leslie writes her characters. Everyone has flaws and their own stories. I just seem to click well with her characters. Something about them pulls you in and brings you along for the ride. That being said, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

reviewed for Reviews from the Heart

whatcha_listening_to's review against another edition

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**Reviewed Previously for Books n Boys Book Blog**
5 Earthtastic Stars
All the Waters of the Earth by Leslie McAdams

First.. I have to say. WOW! This is a first book for me to read by this author and I am so very glad I got the chance. It won’t be the last I can tell you. I already have her other books in my kindle right this minute. That being said, this book is about becoming the you, you want to be, not the you, you think you should be.

Still with me? Good, Lucinda Figueroa or Lucy, as her friends and family call her, is a mom of a wonderful 12 year old boy Roberto aka Rob. She isn’t looking for love, not by a long shot, she is content with her life as a romance author working on her 16th book, a nude model for an art class, and full time momma. This lady as spunk she is feisty and tells it like it is. She doesn’t let thing feaster. I love this! It’s refreshing to read, a heroine who speaks her mind without waiting forever and it causing all kind of communication problems. She has such a supportive family, I flove her sister. She is a gem even if she isn’t featured much in the book I loved when she was in a scene.
“How’d you get one of them to come to life?” - Celia Figueroa

Jacob Slausen aka Jake, moves in next door to Lucy and Rob while his house is being remodeled. He is the typical workaholic guy right? Wrong, this gentleman looks like he could be on the cover of one of Lucy’s romance books or the Hero. He is work driven yes, but he has a past that speak to why he is so driven to success.
What I really enjoyed about Jake was how he never made excuses for himself. He was his real all the way through the book. I loved that he fought threw his fears and took a chance. Also it has to be said, anyone and I mean anyone, that comes in to a kids’ life and makes the effort especially with Minecraft, is Aces in my book. As a momma of 2 kids that were nuts about that game I totally get Lucy’s comment in her head.
‘The annoying music of Minecraft droning on’
And not only did he take the time to learn it but he really took the time to play it with him and find out his other interest. That’s a man I want to read about all day long.

“I’m not interested in perfect. I’m interested in real.” – Jake.

The first meeting between these two Lucy can’t believe her eyes it’s like he walked right out of her novel. And Jake is a little taken aback as well. He was coming to introduce himself and before him is this curve woman in a pink string bikini. One of the best meets I have read.
Getting the chance to watch these two fall for each other was pretty special. They both had to get over past hurts. Lucy with her ex how she was treated by him. Not only that, but how she had to be cautious because of her son and who she brings into not only her life but his as well. Jake, by this family, but also how he was dealing with being so demanded by his work that he has set for himself. But finding out they both had a creative side was pretty amazing. The growth and maturity of this book really made me want to keep reading. You know I am the quotes lady and I have a few more to share.
This is more of comments here how Lucy would say she wanted to get to know Jake better “for research purposes” yeah we so got her number. Also loved that she would call him handsome.
I loved how he would kiss her nose, I mean swoon am I right or am I right.
“I drew this curve today.” – Jake
“Show me your art. Show me what you’re hiding.” - Lucy

Last but not least we need talk about the recipes in this book.
I want and need to know what a tamale is and what it tastes like now. I will be googling chile relleno casserole is, and what is tortilla soup!

allisonmthib's review against another edition

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I loved this book. I love that Lucy was curvy and a strong single mom. I love that Jake isn't alpha. He's just a sweet workaholic looking for balance. A great story.

kcsunshine25's review against another edition

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Having the absolutely stunningly beautiful Mitchell Wick in your head for 4 days whilst you read a book has to be a great place to be, doesn't it?

And there he was, Mister Jake aka Mitch, with his jet black hair, sky blue eyes and his pristine suit getting all sexy in my thoughts whilst he frolicked in the pool and scoffed tamales. What in the world are tamales though? I thought they were some sort of stuffed tomato - I was clearly wrong.

Jake is an enigma. He is a workaholic sometime artist and a temporary neighbour to Lucy and her adorable Mine Craft addicted son Roberto. Oh Mine Craft, the source of too many arguements in my house between middle child and smallest child.

Lucy is five foot tall - like me! Curvy, Hispanic, tamale cooking author of romance books and sometime nude model. She confused me though because things she did/said contradicted other parts of the book and had me scratching my head. I love the word oxymoron so I'm going to throw it in here. Paradox, I like that too.

All the Waters of the Earth didn't have the same ooomph that I felt with Sun and Moon or Stars in the Sky. It wasn't that I didn't like the characters because I did, I just didn't get enough woo! I love the woo.

Things I loved about the book, curvy girls rock. Women are not all stick thin. Step dads who come into your life and make your kid fall in love with them are pure gold. Mine Craft, fort making, Olympic weight lifting (you had to be there) round of applause for step dads.

Leslie has great talent and she is inspirational, check out her profile and you will see what I mean. I'm so delighted to see her star shining. And to see more Mitch.

Best bit:

"He traced his fingers down my arms. "I drew this curve today." He moved to my fingers. "And this one." Back up the underside of my arms."And this one." Then his fingers traced down my side. "I drew this curve." And over my hip. "And this one is especially beautiful.""

Running away to find a man to paint me, one who looks like Mitchell Wick preferably, some Mexican food and some wedge heeled espadrilles.

jlinhart's review

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This is Leslie's third book in the series. By the way these are standalones with in a series so you don't really have to read one to read the other. For me this book started off great. I loved the beginning of this book. Lucy is a romance writer and you see her trying to write and not really happy with what is going down on paper (or computer). Her inner dialog was humorous. This is her 16th book and you see her struggling in a funny way with the cliche's of the book.

So as I said Lucy is a romance writer who is also a single mother of a 12 year old. She meets her new next door neighbor who happens to be Jake, a gorgeous attorney. There is immediate chemistry between the two of them. Jake is a workaholic. He gets up at the crack of dawn to work out, comes back and showers and then he works until late in the evening. Wash Rinse Repeat...this is his life.

The whole single mom thing added a different dimension to this book. You have a women who is single yet has a child trying to date yet has to deal with the ex baby daddy while having to make a life and a living to raise and support her child on her own. I really liked that Lucy's character had a really a good attitude. She was happy and hardworking and a really good mother. And she was really good for Jake. She was really the force that showed him how to live life instead of just working through life and for me that was what this book really was about: learning to living your dream vs just getting through life.