
Isoldesse by Kimberly Grymes

itslorei's review

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DNF at 18%

Writing and execution wasn't for me. One thing is to not be able to get into it but the other thing is that the Writing didn't confused me at most.

12dejamoo's review

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Did not finish. Stopped at 10%.

So I wasn't really enjoying this anyway. It was confusing and there were too many characters and I didn't like the tone of the writing. There were a bunch of pages of definitions at the start which put me off so much. But I was willing to give it a proper go. And then...

Part of the set up is that these aliens go to different planets to find out information and they send four individuals, one to each region of these planets. But then they're on Earth. And they keep saying Earth, but then when they describe the four regions they are Florida, California, the Midwest and 'north'. And I don't know it just made me so mad. Americentrism is going to kill me one day I swear.

ameserole's review

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Isoldesse has a such a beautiful cover! Honestly, it really does. I wont say that it's the main reason why I wanted to dive into it.. because have you read the synopsis? If not, please do because that's what got me hooked.

After diving into this, I'll admit that I wasn't disappointed one freaking bit. I will say that I was confused a bit here and there but that's mostly because we have a lot of characters to keep track of. Maybe the next book will lessen the load on my brain because I don't know if I can handle anymore characters at the moment.

In it, you will meet Kenna. She is a young college girl from Earth and one day her life is completely changed. For the better? Maybe. At least she isn't alone though because her friends are sort of dealing with the same thing. I wont necessarily dive into what happened because honestly - so much did. I'll say that I never felt bored because there was so much going on. It's like my brain got mini whiplashes with all of it but I was happy in the end.

It was definitely a page turner and I can't wait to dive into the next book!

colleen987's review

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With thanks to Kimberly Grymes, and Netgalley for an Advanced reader's copy of this book.

I'm not going to lie, I requested this book for the cover... It's just stunning.

What I didn't expect was to get a story I absolutely fell in love with!!
This has everything that I adore in a book:
- Straight into the action
- Multi POV
- Mystery/Thriller while still being a fantasy novel.
- Characters I not only like, but really enjoy being part of their story.

There's nothing I could say that would do this book justice, so please just go buy it. I'm off to order a hardback right now, this cover belongs on a shelf.

emmalouisepip's review

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DNF 46%

willows53's review

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1 star for the gorgeous cover + 1 star for the interesting world building + 1 star for the promising plot = 3 stars read.

I requested the book from Netgalley because the plot sounded interesting and I am a big science fiction fan. I want to start out the review by saying that the book had promise, but it was just not for me.

The first issue was the amount of characters introduced in the book. That combined with the many different point-of-views made the plot very jarring and hard to follow.

algorithm confused

Another issue for me was small details in the story that took me out of being immersed in the world the author had created. One example is the aevo compendium. You learn about the aevo compendium early on in the story and the biggest issue for me is that this study of humanity's evolution takes place just in the states.


So to sum it up. The many characters, constant jumping between point-of-views and small details in the story that ruined immersion kept me from getting into the book.

If you are a fan of science fiction, interesting world building, a diverse cast of characters and enjoy multiple point-of-views, then this could be a book for you.

*Copy provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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bookishwiccan's review

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I went into this book thinking this would be a fantasy novel, and fully expected it to be fantasy oriented and boy was I wrong. The cover looks very fantasy and so the premise sounded majorly fantasy, so you can imagine I was incredibly thrown off by the massive Science Fiction elements in this book. I'm not the biggest sci-fi reader, however I am definitely open to other genres, I just didn't feel these two meshed together all that well..

With the multiple points of view, which in many other books didn't bother me, I found jarring. It was slightly hard to follow to jump from a "normal" life on Earth to an alien perspective on another planet. That being said, I think this book would've done well with just one or two points of view instead of four.

At the beginning of the book, you are completely thrust into this Sci-Fi/Contemporary world without any explanation. I think that was the book's biggest fault. It didn't hook me, it just left me confused.

The idea behind this novel was good, just poorly executed and didn't draw me in.

bookishjanna's review

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this was confusing. i absolutely love the cover and i'm so ready for more books with twenty-something protagonists, but still.. i had my problems with this book.

it was confusing, because there were way too many POVs plus side characters that just made it really hard to follow the story. i'm still mixing characters up in my head, this was definitely one of the main reasons that i couldn't enjoy this book too much. i also wasn't the biggest fan of the writing style, the way characters talked was a little.. unrelatable at times.

the plot is still interesting and if you like sci-fi reads with a contemporary feeling, you might want to give this one a try, nonetheless!

thanks to netgalley i received a digital arc in exchange for an honest opinion

mousereads's review

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

DNF’d @ 57%

TLDR; There are so many characters that it got overwhelming to try and understand the book.

I really did try to give this story a fair shot. Firstly, for whatever reason, I assumed this was a fantasy. I’m not completely sure where I got that idea from, but this is very much a sci fi book. Secondly, there are so many mentioned-by-name characters within this 4 POV book that by 50% I had completely give up on trying to figure out what was what and who was who.

I genuinely want to know how this story ends, I want to know what happens to (?? One of the MC, the human one. That’s how many names there are, I literally don’t know the human MC name because there’s about 8 others). But because of the characters being referred to by name, without being fleshed out enough to be interesting, I’d rather pull my hair out than keep trying to keep up.

My last little mention and somewhat “grief” with this book is that despite it having exciting events nothing uh...actually felt exciting. It’s written almost in a contemporary style, which made this a bit strange of an experience.

bringerofbooks's review

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I both loved and was frustrated reading this book. I absolutely loved that this book was so different and new compared to other YA fantasy/sci-fi books, but I think some of it fell short for me.

Isoldesse had an extremely interesting plot and such a unique idea behind the whole story in general, but I just felt like there was with the characters. It was really hard to grasp their personalities and I felt like the conversations and attitudes the characters had were really a lot younger than they were written for - felt like 13-14 year olds instead of college age. This really brought the story down for me, and was disappointing.

Thank you NetGalley and author for providing the ARC of this book.