
Gravity by Melissa West

andiemags53's review against another edition

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Lovin me some Aliens! It did take a few chapters for me to get into this book. But I'm SO glad I stuck with it. Can't wait to see what happens in the next one.....

halynah's review against another edition

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FABULOUS READ! Loved everything - the plot, the characters, this version of the dystopian world, romance. I'm looking forward to the next installment and highly recommend it to all the dystopia-fans!

beyondevak's review against another edition

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Quick Summary: Outstanding!

My Review: Why has this not been turned into a movie or a television series? This story was incredibly unique. It was thrilling on so many levels. It had action, it had drama, and it had suspense. It had family conflict, crossing of species, and teen angst. It had betrayals, battles, and near death experiences.

What I Loved the Most:
1) It had a seemingly forbidden love.
2) It had a dynamic cliffhanger.
3) There were numerous characters of interest and fantastic storylines.

My Final Say: I'm all in with this series. Surely, the more that I seek is near. Bring it on!!!

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: YA to A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Series: Yes
Status: Clean
Level: PG-13

Sincere appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher, and to NetGalley, who provided access to this title in exchange for an honest review. The words I have shared are my own.

jeslyncat's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the beginning of this book, but hated the second half. A lot.

I will not be reading the sequels.

amotisse's review against another edition

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Enjoying exploring interpretations of the future.
Though bleak, hope abounds.
Interesting and sad.

maddi_md's review against another edition

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An excellent novel set in the future where aliens and humans sort of co-exist, but wait, there’s tension! After humans destroyed the Earth with nuclear and chemical warfare, they signed a treaty with the aliens to fix Earth in exchange that one day they would share the planet. This established the Taking. The Taking is a process where each alien is assigned a human and every night they come down to Earth to take important nutrients from the humans that they need to survive on Earth permanently. Now the time has finally come when they have the nutrients necessary, but will the humans willingly allow them to co-exist on Earth?

This book got me out of a bit of a slump I was going through. I’m so happy I read this! Right from the very start, I was hooked! It jumps right into the story and I was immediately like “WOW!” The prologue is genius.

I absolutely loved the pace of this book; from the very beginning I was totally addicted. There was a lot of action, a bit of drama and a nice romance on the side. There was constantly something happening with very little fluff in between. Plus the ending took me totally by surprise! I find that after reading so much I can often predict the direction a book will go in from the beginning so it’s always nice to find something that’s a bit unexpected!

This one has a fair bit of girl power in it, yay! Ari was a tough, independent and kick-ass character who you want to be close friends with. Her father’s the commander therefore she’s next in line to be commander, and her father makes sure she proves just how worthy of the position she is. And oh does she dominate the ass kicking department. It’s awesome! You can’t help but admire her bravery throughout the book. Plus the president is also a female. Yeah, girls rock 

I do have a few problems;

1.I think that Ari was way too trusting of Jackson. She kinnda trusts him straight off the bat, even though she’s been raised to distrust the Ancients. In addition, he tells her straight up “Don’t trust me, they OWN me” and yet she still trusts him completely... makes her look extremely stupid which doesn’t really fit with her character at other times.

2. The budding relationship between Ari’s two besties. It pretty much came out of nowhere and really added nothing to the plot.

3. The issue with the Australian President... There is no Australia president because once upon a time their president died and didn’t leave an heir. So instead of electing a new presidential line they gave the area to the control of the African president... WHAT?! Africa is not that close to Australia! How can the African president possibly rule Australia from Africa?? Why didn’t they give them to Asia, which is closer but still pretty far away? It just doesn’t make sense and is mildly offensive to Australia.

Overall this is a fun and creative sci-fi dystopian! I got totally lost in the action and adventure that was Melissa West’s world and am definitely intrigued to see what happens next.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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* I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Gravity had an interesting concept, and I will admit that I spent most of the book being intrigued by the idea of The Taking. I will admit that it seemed a little juvenile in places, especially because these kids were still in school, but more than that they felt very very young.
Ari was an interesting protagonist, but it still felt awkward that she was willing to break the rules so easily. I also felt like she came to terms pretty quickly with the idea of Jackson being an Ancient (no spoilers there, it’s in the synopsis!). Jackson was also an odd duck, and I felt like he kept waaaaaay to many secrets from Ari. Especially given that he wanted her to trust him almost implicitly. What I did like was that Ari was a fighter, and it didn’t frighten her to think that she needed to fight to help improve life.
There were times throughout this book that I could not believe the balls this government had, there were also a few twists there that I absolutely enjoyed. The ending was predictable, but in a good way because it was exactly what I wanted to happen. I think that this ending will really open Melissa West up to write a kick-ass sequel.
I’m giving this book 3.5 out of 5 stars. The juvenile behavior of the characters, and some of the un-needed crypticness shaved off 1.5 stars in my opinion. Still though I’m looking forward to picking up Hover!

* This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews *

_camk_'s review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

+Concept: The concept was really interesting and felt original.
+Ari: I actually liked Ari. I thought she was a pretty cool girl and kick-ass as well.

-Repetitive: In some of the chapters, I felt like the same thing was happening on a different day, especially in Lab 3.

sk24's review against another edition

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3.5/5 stars

Gravity is narrated in first person from the perspective of a teenage girl, Ari. In Ari's Sci-Fi and Dystopian world, there have been four world wars on Earth and humans have encountered aliens, whom they call Ancients. The Ancients are looking to relocate from their planet to Earth because their planet, Loge, has run out of water. They promise to come in peace and want to coexist with the humans of Earth. They have even adapted to our way of life, with both looks and actions (for the most part). The only obvious difference is that Ancients need to take (energy? I'm not really sure what it is they're taking -- some kind of energy or something) from the humans while they sleep. This is allowed and has been allowed by humans for some time. But, the humans need to wear this thing over their eyes that will be released once the Ancient is finished. One day, Ari loses hers and comes face-to-face with her Ancient. That's where the real story begins.

I thought the story was uniquely presented. The basis for the story is the classic Humans want to find aliens and claim they will be peaceful, but then humans realize they are the most important species and do not want peace with said aliens anymore, so they start a war. This kind of idea is very widespread in the Sci-Fi genre and it is probably pretty accurate. Humans are a pretty selfish species. And we are also addicted to looking for life on other planets; but, if we found it, would it satisfy us?

Ari is a good character. I liked her. She had to make some pretty difficult decisions when it came to what she was brought up to do vs. what she felt was the right thing to do. She is a strong character, physically and emotionally, for the most part. She has been trained her whole life to be this way. I also liked Jackson. I liked his personality and how he seemed to really care about Ari. What irked me about him, though, was how he demanded the truth from Ari and she had to defy her family and everything she knew in order to help him, but he couldn't tell her the whole truth about himself. It was a bit irritating and caused me to not 100% like Jackson.

I will be reading the second book in the series, Hover. I would recommend this book to lovers of Sci-Fi alien stories. I thought the story was creative and worth reading.

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sim_96's review against another edition

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This book wasn't one of the best I have ever read. It was adequate. It took me a while to get into it and when I did it ended. I loved Jackson though. Law was amazing and Gretchen is the best friend ever! The ending took me a few read overs to get but then it clicked and I grinned like an idiot. All in all it was a good read.