
Hell Takes A Holiday by Kiernan Kelly

ellelainey's review

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Book – Hell Takes A Holiday
Author – Kiernan Kelly
Star rating - ★★★☆☆
No. of Pages – 48

Cover – Nice
POV – 3rd person, 1 character POV
Would I read it again – No.

Genre – LGBT, Romance, Paranormal, Heaven/Hell

Reviewed for Divine Magazine

*WARNING: May contain spoilers*

This one was a bit hit-and-miss for me. Not only was the title misleading – since Hell didn't stop, freeze or take a break from their duties at all – but the blurb is misleading, too. It tells us why Uriel has been sent to Hell – though that's supposed to be a secret in the plot and probably should have stayed that way to make it more of a surprise – and says that Lucifer has no choice but to give him a tour. Also not true; that's his own choice, after discovering Uriel's true mission (again, which should have been a secret and not mentioned in the blurb, giving the whole thing away). To make it even more confusing, it tells us that the reunion will be short-lived unless Uriel gives up his halo – that is never even contemplated by either character in the entire story. In fact, it gives away the ending ending, too.

On top of those issues, there was some problems with editing/grammar. There were too many information dumps disguised as thought processes. Within all of that were a mountain of similies and metaphors, which were packed far too closely together so that it felt like an entire page of one after the other.

On the plus side, I liked the detail given to Hell, the Devil and the inner workings of both. I liked the sugary-sweet interpretation of Uriel, the feisty, playful side of Lucifer and that they had history together. I felt that it lacked chemistry, outside of the sex scenes, and that the two never really felt comfortable with each other unless they were having sex. This couldn't even be put down to the amount of time they've spent apart or how awkwardly they left things – it's more the way they interact with each other that feels unnatural and uncomfortable.


Overall, for me, it just had too much of an imbalance. The plot and the writing were well done; I liked the writing style, though there were issues with plot gaps and inconsistencies between the story and the blurb (which is supposed to give you an expectation of what you're about to read). I liked the characters, but felt that they didn't fit together as a couple. I found that Lucifer became a bit too sentimental in places, completely outdoing his previous nature and overshadowing who he was. There were times when Uriel came across more distant and reserved than Lucifer, which shouldn't have been possible.

Disappointing, because it didn't live up to my expectations, but overall a decent one-off read.

the_novel_approach's review

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Kiernan Kelly, since why back when, has always been a favorite author of mine. I especially love her Angel stories. In Hell Takes a Holiday, I love how she calls out a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to those who end up in hell.

Lucifer is one BAMF, but lately he’s become a cause of concern for the Big Guy upstairs. Because of overcrowding in his realm, Lucifer has decided to leave the world of man to Heaven. What??? Lucifer is no longer gleefully taken in all the sinners! I liked where he went with this one. Especially the levels of sin called The Nine Circles.

As for Uriel, I loved his reaction as he was being lead out of the Second Circle by Lucifer. He may appear all-innocent and full of goodness, but the Angel Uriel seems to be on the same page I would have been on if I had been presented with a room like that one. I also liked his form of swearing.

Hell Takes a Holiday is a short story, but it says a lot about Lucifer and Uriel’s relationship. I caught a brief glimpse of Lucifer’s real Hell, and something of the angel he was before the war that caused his Fall. In other words, it covered all the bases, it didn’t drag, and I wasn’t left asking questions or feeling that there should have been more.

I enjoyed reading the first edition of this novella when it first came out years ago, and I loved reading it again in its second edition. As for me, I would love for Kiernan to write more about her type of Angels. They’re lustful, cute, and funny! I love how she thinks outside the box.

Reviewed by Kim for The Novel Approach

nightcolors's review

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1st: July 25, 2009.
2nd: December 5, 2012. Read for m/m team bingo special holiday challenge.