
Breach by K.I. Lynn

mierke's review

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Enemies to lovers.

ameserole's review

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This book killed me. I absolutely fell in love with both Nathan and Lila before they were together, then once they started to hook up with each other, and now I love them after that ending. Even though that ending basically ripped out my heart and threw it to a starving lion. Like I'm dead after that ending. I'm a fucking ghost and I don't know how to move on with my god damn life right now.

Okay, so Breach is the first book of this amazing series. It's also free as frick on KU; HOWEVER, the next book sadly isn't and I'm super pissed about that. UGH! I'll buy it but I will be SALTY AS FUCK.

Okay so Lila and Nathan were my everything. I loved the smut but it did get some boring parts. However, I still ended up loving the shit out of this book. I wanted more and I'm so mad that it ended and how it ended. Like how could you do that to me?!?! Make me fall in love with two characters and then burn my ship while doing an evil laugh.

I live in a cruel world. I need the second book and I don't care who I have to hurt to get it.

jeslowe115's review

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I was given a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this book. I was a little concerned when I started it, as it was very crass and harsh, but after about 3-4 chapters I realized that it fit Nathan to a t and made the book what it was.

I like it so much that I am going to get the rest of the series soon.

afretts's review

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I'm not going to rate this. And not because I didn't enjoy it. I did! You know why? Because I have absolutely no clue what the plot of this book was. I couldn't focus on anything but the extreme steaminess of this novel. I literally have no idea what happened in this book, none. NONEEEEEE.

But I know it was HOT.

So no rating from me. I'm not even sure if I'll read the next book or if I'll just read this one again. A second read probably wouldn't do any good though. The hottness of this novel is epic. EPIC.

And this:

Because I like it.

smitch29's review

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This is one of those books that I have trouble reviewing. I enjoyed the story, and thought it was pretty well written, but it just wasn't totally my cup of tea. I don't think I would've picked it up if I had known ahead of time just what the tone of the story was going to be like. That being said, this book gets major bonus points because I really want to finish the story and find out what happens in the next book, despite it not being my favorite.

Just to give a little synopsis, Delilah, or Lila for short, has many demons that haunt her and have haunted since her neglectful upbringing. She copes by becoming someone else and always wearing a mask. That mask starts slipping when her new co-worker/office-mate enters the picture. Nathan intrudes on her life and her emotions. However, he's got a tumultuous past of his own that still wreaks havoc on his mind. These two have been burying their real emotions for so long that when they are alone together they seem to erupt, unable to hold everything in any longer. They develop this unhealthy, co-dependent relationship of sorts that lives in a shadowed world full of denial, and centered around sex. They can't be public, namely because they'd get fired for fraternizing. Nathan is too damaged to acknowledge it for the close relationship it turns into, for fear that him and his past demons will only hurt Lila more. And Lila has too many self-esteem issues to really fight Nathan on the matter too much, plus, you know, they're pretty damaged, and no one knows what will be a push too far.

This story is a lot more emotional than I really enjoy reading. Since both the main characters are so damaged, they pretty much spend most of their time quietly by themselves. It makes most of the book just internal dialogue in Lila's head, which is something else I'm not the biggest fan of reading. I like more dialogue and action. However, I don't think I could ask the author to make this any different. This fit for these characters and this story.

I will say, though, even though I don't usually like all the aspects involved in reading a story about two very damaged characters, this one did have an element that I enjoyed: unpredictability. Because of their unstable mental issues, it was really hard to know what was going to happen all the time, and that is a bit of fresh air when it comes to this genre. The second these two got together, it was inevitable that things were going to blow up at some point, and it the plot didn't disappoint. Plus, along the way there were a instances that provided more originality than I've read in some time.

My last real issue with this story is another personal one, and not so much an issue against the author/writing. The book really is pretty much just a rotation of Lila and Nathan fighting, Lila and Nathan having hot, rough, gritty sex (with quite the amount of dirty-talking), and Lila and Nathan going to work. The book really focused on the changes in their mental states. This wasn't a book that had a lot of events that shaped the story, but rather a lot of moments of clarity and emotional evolvement.

This story left off on quite the cliffhanger. I can't wait to get my hands on the next one so I can learn more about Nathan and Lila's tale. Just for my own personal use, I going to recap the ending in the this next spoiler link.
SpoilerSo basically, we already know that Lila was verbally (and a little bit physically) abused by her father and his family. When her mother died, she was forced on the father who never wanted her, and he made sure that was clear throughout her childhood. So she grew up with her father, stepmother, and stepbrother (who also involved everyone at school) bullying her and telling her how unwanted she is. She never really knew love. We don't learn a whole lot about Nathan's baggage, but we know he was once a federal prosecutor, and somebody seeking revenge, lashed out at him and his wife at the time. His wife never made it and he barely survived, despite his survivor's guilt and just his overall misery he lives with even years later. After Nathan has a bad week at work, Lila approaches him on the anniversary of his wife's death and things go down hill from there. They have the roughest sex they've ever had because Nathan checks out mentally, and once it's over, Lila passes out. When she wakes up she is alone in her bed with a note from Nathan, breaking up their relationship. She basically goes catatonic because of this, feeling as though no one wants her again. After three days of not communicating and being admitted to a hospital, Lila comes to her therapist puts her on drugs and makes her agree to meet once a week. Throughout the first week, she is groggy from the meds, and gladly falls into a numb existence, especially since she still works with Nathan. The book ends with her getting in a car wreck (not her fault) and her hearing sirens and Nathan's screams before she blacks out.

bookswh00re's review

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Too much sex

claire_ingram1987's review

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I was really disappointed with this book, yes it has a lot of sex scenes which I'm fine with problem is the sex scenes were repetitive, and eventually I thought seriously yet another same old sex scene?? (And I love those scenes normally)
The main character was pathetic and dramatic wanted to shake her and say get a grip. Seriously!!!
The relationship was bordering on abusive which is fine for some I guess but just added my frustration of the book, and I love dirty talk but seriously if he called her a whore or slut again I was gonna scream. Just a waste of my time and has put me off romance for the time being until i don't want to shake the authors saying stop using cliches and write an actual freaking plot preferably an original one

shaidnns's review

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I really don't know what to say about this story but it's definitely going on my speechless list. I've never said that I've been disgusted by anything but this book is seriously disgusting. I have nothing against men that like to be in control but this dude took it to far. I mean the things that comes out of his mouth is just horrible. And what makes it worst is that Delilah has the lowest self-esteem ever but she lets him talk to her like that. And he doesn't want her to have low self-esteem but every time they have sex he turns into a monster and says what ever he feels like. I'm making a new list called worst book boyfriends awards and this will be the first book added to it.

tavia_'s review

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dark emotional


vee79's review

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