
Last Request: A Victorian Gothic by Jeff Chapman

booklvrkat's review

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Definitely the right title for this .. story.

asylumteaparty's review

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A quick and easy read that delivered exactly what I wanted from it.

gatun's review

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ABR received this audiobook for free from the Author, Submitted in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the audiobook or the content of our review.

Anna is seventeen years old and absolutely stifled by her guardian Aunt Rachel. There are so many things proper ladies do not do. Anna repeatedly gets herself in trouble due to natural intelligence and curiosity. She has, fortunately, had her Uncle Silas, a co-conspirator in bending Aunt Rachel’s rules. Due to the time they spent together, Anna knew him better than anyone else in the family. When Silas died after an illness, Anna was not the least bit surprised that the last request of his will was to have his head cut off from his body. Silas had a horrible fear of claustrophobia due to a traumatic experience. He often told Anna if his head was cut off there would be no doubt he was dead and have nothing to fear.

Anna’s family wail and scream at the family lawyer until he calmly tells them the request is not legally binding but it is considered something the family should do. As Anna’s family rages around her, she realizes the reason for the request and also realizes her family will not honor it. What is a well-bred young woman to do? Let her favorite uncle down and follow the strict etiquette of the time? Or maybe handle the last request herself without letting the family know but risk a world of trouble if they find out?

Last Request is a short listen. Perfect for a shorter trip or sitting in a waiting room. The story is very well done. Short stories are difficult to write, more difficult than a novel. In a limited space, the author must tell his story, invest us in his characters, and ultimately fulfill our need for a good story with a satisfactory ending. Mr. Chapman does it so well I would like to read more stories involving Anna and the trouble she finds. The narration by Caprisha Page was excellent. She handled the different accents from Anna’s educated one to the sexton’s lower class words equally well. The male versus female characters was also well done. I highly recommend Last Request as an enjoyable yet thrilling story, perfect for Halloween moods.

odbookreviews's review

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Silas had an extreme case of claustrophobia so naturally he was terrified of being buried alive. In his Will his Last Request was to be beheaded. Will his loving niece be up for the gruesome job? What horrors will she discover in his tomb?

In Short:
A wonderful horror short novelette that will chill you to your bones and leave you on the edge of your seat until it's satisfying conclusion. Anyone who likes a good scary story should grab this book!

This book is incredibly well written. It is set in Victorian England and not only is the setting realistic but the language of the book is perfect for this period. It is very descriptive, Jeff Chapman has done a wonderful job surrounding you in this world so that you feel the full effect of this chilling story. It is a wonderful length. It is longer than your typical short story, so you see a lot of unique characters with detailed personalities and there are plenty of exciting plot twists to keep you guessing. I was completely glued from the start. It is just the right amount of scary and gore, nothing too overwhelming, but enough to make you feel the thrilling tension of the plot. The ending was awesome. I honestly had no idea how the story was going to turn out as I was reading it and my predictions for the end were totally wrong.

I have no issues with this book.

Parent's Guide:
Some gore and horror relating to beheading and claustrophobia that may be disturbing to some readers. No swearing, no sexual content.

I received a free copy of this book in return for my honest review.