
Summer in the City by Lori Wilde, Sarah Skilton, Priscilla Oliveras

elcanaldevenecia's review

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Night at the Museum

The best tour ever. Vic Albright ends up locked up with art connoisseur Ria Preston. It's a long time to take a tour and finish getting to know each other.

The first story of Summer in the City.

If I ever got locked in any art gallery, I would hope it would be with a man like Vic.


El mejor tour de la vida. Vic Albright termina encerrado con una conocedora del arte Ria Preston. Es un largo tiempo para dar un recorrido y terminar de conocerse.

Primera historia de Summer in the City.

Si alguna vez me quedara encerrada en alguna galería de arte, esperaría que fuera con un hombre como Vic.

Lights Out

What could hurt Mateo Garza the most is that a person will leave his seat to walk out of his play. But there is something even worse and that is if his critic, Vanessa Rios, does it after a blackout.

Mateo will do whatever it takes for Vanessa to recognize the beauty that a soul can have when it is listened to from the bottom of its heart.

Admired with the talent of Pris.


Lo que más podría lastimar a Mateo Garza es que una persona dejará su asiento para salirse de su obra. Pero existe algo todavía peor y eso es que lo haga su critica, Vanessa Rios después de un apagón.

Mateo hará lo imposible porque Vanessa reconozca la belleza que un alma puede tener cuando es escuchada desde el fondo de su corazón.

Admirada con el talento de Pris.

​Mind Games
Do you remember your crush from school? Well, Alison has never forgotten him and her revenge will take action once she can ruin Nick's life as much as she ruined his illusions.
But things don't go as planned and life gives them a second chance.

It's so much fun and so beautiful, watching two souls reunite for one more adventure.


¿Recuerdas a tu crush de la escuela? Pues Alison nunca lo ha olvidado y su venganza cobrará acción una vez que ella pueda arruinar la vida de Nick, tanto como arruinó sus ilusiones.
Pero las cosas no salen como lo planeaba y la vida les da una segunda oportunidad.

Es tan divertido y tan hermoso, ver como dos almas se reencuentran para una aventura más.

Summer in the City

It's a fresh anthology, full of romance, second chances, and an essence worthy of a dream movie. I loved how the three stories somehow come together and how each one comes back to being what the couples were always meant to be. A romantic and fun read for a summer afternoon in the city.


Es una antología fresca, llena de romance, segundas oportunidades y una esencia digna de una película de ensueño. Me encantaron como se unen de alguna forma las tres historias y cada una como va regresando a ser lo que las parejas siempre estuvieron destinadas a ser. Una lectura romántica y divertida para una tarde de verano en la ciudad.

machadofam8's review

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Nice quick distraction but instantly forgettable.

bookish_kayy's review against another edition

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I originally picked this book up directly after having read another release by Oliveras, but I’d never read the other two authors. I’ll definitely be checking out their other works though.
Three friends, three romances, and one night in NYC. I really enjoyed how the great city of NYC was its own kind of main character between all three novellas.
These are definitely quick reads, and I’d definitely recommend them for a trip to the beach.

_basicbookworm's review

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This collection of novellas follows three best friends as they each find themselves in romantic entanglements during a city-wide blackout in NYC.

Despite each novella being written by a different author, these three stories flowed together seamlessly. And I adored each of them. Each story has its own setting, its own unique storyline and a steamy romance, yet they were all connected. This is definitely a fun read and I will be looking for more from each of these authors.

The only downside for me is that I would have loved a 4th story with all of the friends together the next day. Hearing them rehash the events like we all love to do with our girl gangs. But when my biggest critique is wanting more, I think that shows this is definitely one to read.

Thank you to Kensington Books for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

mimireadsromance's review against another edition

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4.5 stars-rounded up to 5
Summer in the City is a great collection of novellas revolving around the experiences of three couples on a hot New York City night. When a blackout occurs, emotional walls fall and possibilities seem limitless.
The book starts with Lori Wilde's story, Night at the Museum, where an are exhibit brings together a couple that has been exchanging glances for months. I loved the communication between Victor and Ria, two very self-aware people. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of the Soul Mates Seasons in the City exhibit, and would happily read more stories centered around each painting. 4 stars

Next, in Lights Out, Priscilla Olivares delivers a great second-chance romance between a theatre performer and a journalist who's reviews haven't always been kind. I loved what this story had to say about how our past experiences can color our perceptions about our present and future relationships. Of the three novellas in this collection, Lights Out is my favorite. The author has a gift for telling a story that fully engages all of my senses. I loved the nods to the couple's culture, shown in their love of music, food, and shared stories. The sights and sounds of both the theatre and the city came alive for me. Every scene plays out like a movie in my mind, a rare thing for me as a reader. *For fans of Priscilla Olivares' Keys to Love series, there's even a nod to a certain health guru we've come to know and love. 5 stars

Mind Games, the final novella in the collection, introduced me to author Sarah Skilton. This novella introduced me to the world of magicians in a fun, approachable way. It's the first time I've ever read a book with a hero with such an "untraditional" job and I honestly want more from this world! The special gifts Nick gave Alison really cemented for me how much he valued her. 4 stars

In all, this collection was a really great escape. I have to add that I really love how each story normalized therapy and the importance of mental health/self awareness.

thebookconfessions's review

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I really enjoyed this anthology. Its the perfect book for the upcoming summer, somewhere on the beach with a cocktail in hand, toes in the sand and head in the clouds, daydreaming about romance and love and all those warm and fuzzy feelings.
I loved how each author brought a unique, fun and sexy story while blending the novellas with each other so well. All three novellas got me in my romantic feels. Highly recommend!

theoverflowingbookshelf's review against another edition

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I adored these fun little novellas all set around a New York City blackout! Between Lori Wilde’s love-at-first-sight museum story, Priscilla Oliveras’s childhood-friends-to-rivals-to-lovers theater dramatics, and Sarah Skilton’s second-chance magic show showstopper, this book is the perfect binge read! Whether you’re trying to beat the heat or searching for your next beach read, Summer in the City is the perfect flirty romance anthology!

All romance readers looking for a summer read should add this to their TBRs!!

mrsjoylovesbooks's review

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Summer in the City is three connected novellas that all take place on the same night in Manhattan. Novellas tend to be difficult for me to review because I like to see the romance build up or have some kind of history to their feelings, but with a novella things move along much quicker. This was still a fun book with a sexy, summer vibe.

Here are my individual novella reviews:

bookswithnopictures's review

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Summer in the City is a collection of three novellas, each featuring a trio of best friends. Each has an important night ahead of them and a city-wide power outage is the catalyst for their individual HEA/HFN's.
Night at the Museum ⭐️⭐️Unfortunately, this novella was not for me. I am not a fan of love at first sight without more meat to the relationship and Vic was not to my taste. Their romance seemed full of chemistry and little else, so my believability in their relationship was low.
Lights Out⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ With a little bit of unrequited love/some mutual hate, Vanessa and Mateo had their work cut out for them. Priscilla's deft hand made it feel like a fully fleshed novel as opposed to how a novella can often feel less than.
Mind Games ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Of the three, I enjoyed the third most. I've not read an adult magician hero and my nerdy heart loved the quirky descriptor. Second Chance is one of my favorite tropes and the flashbacks to the past were sweet and heartbreaking.
There is not much interaction between the three friends, which I would have loved to see. Maybe a brief chat or morning coffee run? I've only read a book by Priscilla before. I love that novella collections can introduce me to new-to-me authors in a quick, easy way.
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

transportedlfl's review

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Three best friends in NYC have separate big evenings planned before they head to the Hamptons together for the weekend. Each novella tells one of the women's stories, and they weave together seamlessly.

Night at the Museum
After months of seeing each other and being interested, but never speaking, Ria and Vic both attend an evening event at the Met. I enjoyed the history of encounters around NYC before they met at the museum. I loved the way the story tied together paintings and Ria's art restoration work with the symbolism of their relationship. This fun novella got me thinking about fate and destiny.

Lights Out
I love Priscilla Oliveras' writing, and it's what first attracted me to this collection. Right from the start, the story was immersive. Vanessa and Mateo have a history back to high school. And her negative review of his last Broadway role caused lots of bad press. But now, it's opening night of his new musical when the power goes out. Reading both their perspectives and how they are drawn to each other was phenomenal. This novella is proof that it's possible to fit a whole complex story with complicated characters into a short novella.

Mind Games
Nick and Alison were a couple in college until he hurt her so much she transferred. So now she seeks revenge by undermining his magic show. The chemistry between them is hot, and the antics are amazing. I am so pleased to have learned about Sarah Skilton through this anthology.

If you are looking for hot summer reads, this is a great collection!

Thank you to Priscilla Oliveras, Kensington, and NetGalley for this book.