
Pride's Last Race by Joanna Campbell

binxthinx's review

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Pride is the latest WonderHorse, who can mind read and be healed from a ruptured intestine with the power of love. Clearly the author has no idea how SEVERE an intestine rupture is in a horse - it is basically a death sentence. The horse would NOT go home. Intestinal ruptures are a disaster even if the horse somehow survives for a while. I feel like the Breeder’s Cup is where WonderHorses careers go to die- can’t they ever make it past year 3? Also, if Wonder has miscarried multiple times and now has a deformed baby, it might be worth doing more vet work to figure out why? For THE most valuable foals of all time, no one seems to care much about WHY her reproductive success has been kinda crappy.

Of course Brad and Lavinia are cartoonish villains and Mr Townsend is annoyingly absent when convenient and way too lenient the rest of the time. Of course another horse gets a severe injury and it’s all Brad/Lavinia’s fault. More repetitive drama about where horses are boarded. Ashleigh and Sammy are often interchangeable in their shared scenes. There’s an interesting plot line about people doubting Ashleigh after Charlie’s death, but that is immediately dropped after one successful race.

The plot with the disabled riders is shoe horned in and awkward. It could be fun if it wasn’t just “wow isn’t it rewarding to work with disabled kids and they’re such an inspiration” garbage relegated to a few paragraphs every once in a while. I know this is a kid book, but some development or conflict there would be interesting. It’s a lame thing for a C plot- if you’re going to bring it up, why not give it a book or half of one at least? Sierra’s plot was basically filler, this topic is at least more interesting, and it might be fun to give Tor some time to develop beyond Doting Boyfriend.

erinngillespie's review

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As always , this is a great read to refresh your mind after more involved books . I have no complaints and I love the story :).