
Pegasus -- A Dragon's Tale by Gina Lobiondo

the_horror_maven's review

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"Pegasus - A Dragon's Tale" is a very cute fairy tale. It is a children's book and fully illustrated by Stephanie Zuppo. I found the story to be original and one that children would love to hear as a bedtime story. The fact that the land in the book is made up by a kingdom of bears is sure to reign children in, and I found the element of them finding a dragon egg and raising the dragon to be adorable. It broke my heart when they had to let the dragon free, and I found myself rooting for the bears when the dragon comes back and they want to keep him. I am a sucker for fairy tales and this fairy tale did not disappoint. The writing was wonderful and simple, which is perfect for children's stories. I just felt that the illustrations could have been better if they didn't look so computer generated, but that is just a minor critique. I would happily buy this book for my children.

erin_oriordan_is_reading_again's review

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This delightful little picture book genuinely made me smile. It's a story of love and loyalty, not in a preachy way, but in an organic way that echoes classic fairy tales and is sure to appeal to young children and the young-at-heart. If you have young children who enjoy bedtime reading, or if you're trying to establish the habit of bedtime reading, this book is an excellent choice. The main characters are a boy bear and a girl bear with no particular ethnic origin, so all children will be able to identify with them.

I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for this review, which represents my own honest opinion. I was not otherwise compensated in any way for this review.

ashleynestlermsw's review

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"Pegasus - A Dragon's Tale" is a very cute fairy tale. It is a children's book and fully illustrated by Stephanie Zuppo. I found the story to be original and one that children would love to hear as a bedtime story. The fact that the land in the book is made up by a kingdom of bears is sure to reign children in, and I found the element of them finding a dragon egg and raising the dragon to be adorable. It broke my heart when they had to let the dragon free, and I found myself rooting for the bears when the dragon comes back and they want to keep him. I am a sucker for fairy tales and this fairy tale did not disappoint. The writing was wonderful and simple, which is perfect for children's stories. I just felt that the illustrations could have been better if they didn't look so computer generated, but that is just a minor critique. I would happily buy this book for my children.

peachykeenreviews's review

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"Pegasus - A Dragon's Tale" is a very cute fairy tale. It is a children's book and fully illustrated by Stephanie Zuppo. I found the story to be original and one that children would love to hear as a bedtime story. The fact that the land in the book is made up by a kingdom of bears is sure to reign children in, and I found the element of them finding a dragon egg and raising the dragon to be adorable. It broke my heart when they had to let the dragon free, and I found myself rooting for the bears when the dragon comes back and they want to keep him. I am a sucker for fairy tales and this fairy tale did not disappoint. The writing was wonderful and simple, which is perfect for children's stories. I just felt that the illustrations could have been better if they didn't look so computer generated, but that is just a minor critique. I would happily buy this book for my children.

novelbloglover's review

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Book Review

Title: Pegasus: A Dragon’s Tale

Author: Gina LoBiondo

Genre: Children’s/Picture

Rating: ****

Review: As reading Button Nose the sad little bear I was quite excited in a way an adult shouldn’t be to see what else Gino LoBiondo had in store for us. Pegasus: A Dragon’s tale is shorter than Button Nose but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable for me. Pegasus: A Dragon’s tale like Button Nose is a multi award winning book which is a great achievement for any other but it is not a label I see attached the childrens’ books that often so a double congratulations to Gina LoBiondo.

Unlike Button Nose which was a story about friendship, Pegasus is more a story of responsibility which two bear cubs; Dayshawn and Kameela finding a dragon egg which they nurture until it hatches a baby dragon which they name Pegasus. For many year Pegasus grows alongside the bears becoming very attached the Kameela. They often played together and loved each other very much until one day when their father says they have to set Pegasus free to find and live with his own kind. This is a key lesson as letting something you love go is all part of growing up and becoming responsible.

As the bears grew into adults they became more active in their father; the king’s rules and overseeing their future kingdom but Kameela never forget about their dragon and often wondered what become of him. After an opposing kingdom declared war against the king the young bear prince and princess are kidnapped and held for ransom. But before the enemy could put their plan into action and huge dragon rescues them and takes them home. Kameela instantly knows it is Pegasus and begs her father to keep him as he will act as a deterant to other kingdom looking for trouble.

Their father agrees as the dragon saved the lives of his children. The ending was lovely as we see Pegasus finally find his home and there he stays even when Dayshawn and Kameela are grown up and have cubs of their own. This story was a wonderful of friendship, responsibility and at times danger. I highly recommend this to all – especially those with young children.

Something clever the author did was having a prince and princess in the story so it will appeal to both boys and girls alike making it a wonderful all round story that anyone can enjoy. While I personally found Button Nose to be more relateable it doesn’t make it any less of a great story.