
Waking Gods by Mike Robinson

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2.5 Stars

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In my review of The Green-Eyed Monster I stated I would like to have some more closure on the whole Martin Smith and John Becker thing. I also wasn't completely sure what to expect of Waking Gods as the previous two books were quite different from each other. However, I wasn't expecting this.

I was a little bit disappointed really. I was completely prepared for something that was different, strange and chaotic, and while the story certainly had all that (I don't necessarily mean those things in a bad way though) I never got into the story. This might have been due to the extensive time-hopping, which made it at times unclear as to who we were following and where it fit together with the rest of the story.

Besides, I got really annoyed by all the references to the earlier stories. I mean, I understand it all takes place in the same town and universe, and I can believe some reference, but it was too much. There is not a single character who is not affected by Smith's and Becker's books, and a lot of other things, which I won't mention so I don't spoil everything, get a lot of attention as well, even if it doesn't always make sense. The story, at times, gets drowned in those references.

While this trilogy certainly is unlike anything really that I've read before, and some of the ideas and writings were truly great, I look back at the series with some mixed feelings. I haven't always enjoyed reading it, but I think in a while I will look back and be glad I did. If that makes any sense at all.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

booksavvyreviews's review

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"The human being was a visionary yet lonesome creature. Fundamentally, it wanted to make and to connect. To lose itself in what it once was, whatever that might have been. Tunnel deep into anyone, Adrian thought, and you would run into those two yearnings."

Lines like this are frequent in this book and it was so poetically written that I often found myself entirely lost in the language. Sometimes when I found myself consciously reading I became lost due to this, which is why I knocked a star off. Sometimes it was difficult to read, or confusing only because the words were so flowery [in a good way,] and so beautiful it distracts you from the strangeness that is this story.

I don't know how to pin point this story or even sum it up properly, because there were so many layers, aspects and background stories going on that it was at times difficult to follow it.

Why do I give it four stars then? Because the quality is there and it is beautifully written. There is an eerie story wrapped in this eloquently written book and all I can say is... If you want to learn about this book then I suggest you read it.

I found if I put it down and picked it back up that it would take me a moment to get back into the mindset I needed to be, so my suggestion is - pick it up and don't put it down!

Have patience, enjoy the poetic quality, consume this book.