
Out of the Woods by B.B. Swann

bbswannauthor's review

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Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my new book, the first in my Spellbound Mysteries series.

For those of you who entered the giveaway for one of 10 free ecopies, click the link below to see the winners! If you were chosen, CONGRATS! I hope you enjoy the story! As always, an HONEST REVIEW on Amazon or here on Goodreads is greatly appreciated! Have a wonderful holiday season!

Here's a little taste of what's to come. Enjoy!

(Note to self: Not all change is good.)
I wake in the dark with the white plaster “popcorn” of my ceiling stabbing my bare back. My ceiling. I float nine feet above my bed, wearing nothing but my too-small American Eagle boxers and my messy brown hair.
Voices whisper inside my head. My parent’s voices chanting… in Latin.
Wait. Since when do they speak Latin? The words get faster, like a wind in a storm, stirring the fear in my chest until I gasp for breath.
Heart racing, I dig my fingertips into the plaster and stare into the darkness at my bed below. It’s like I entered The Matrix. My messed-up navy-blue comforter looks like a still life photo of a wave on the stormy ocean. Dust rains down, bringing it to life for a moment. My book lays open on the floor next to my bed where I must have dropped it when I floated–
No. I’m not awake. I’m still dreaming.
Closing my eyes, I try to remember my dream. That’s right, I climbed the rope in Gym class. After finally making it to the top for the first time, I had plummeted toward the floor. Only then, the gym turned into a real mountain and the rope a real cliff. The fall stretched on for hundreds of feet. In my dream I’d screamed, terrified, arms flailing like I was flying. That’s when I woke up.
On my fucking ceiling.
No, I’m not awake. I’m NOT awake. Sucking a breath in through my clenched teeth, I nod once.
“Okay. When I open my eyes, I’ll be in bed. One, two….”
The chanting returns to my head, louder than before, followed by a surge of white-hot energy that vibrates through my bones. I picture myself like those old-time cartoons where the cat shakes hands with the mouse and gets electrocuted and you can see his skeleton through his skin. The power surges through me and at its peak, my teeth crash against each other and I drop. Hard.
The support boards of my full-sized bed crack with a loud snap from the force of my body slamming into it. Bouncing off my mattress and onto the floor, my loud yelp is muffled by the thick gray carpet. I lay there for a minute trying to catch my breath, heart pumping fast.
The sound of feet pounding in the hall grows closer, and my bedroom door flies open. My parents run in, wide-eyed. I flip over onto my back, like lying on the floor in the middle of the night is normal.
Invisible ropes pull against me, urging me toward them. I dig my fingers into the carpet.
“Everything okay, Zaidyn?” Mom brushes her wild black hair off her face. Dad stands right behind her in his red plaid pajama pants and white sleep shirt. Light from the hall spills into the room and I squint against the brightness.
Pushing myself up, I stand next to my bed, locking my knees to keep them from shaking. Or from taking me closer.
“Uh, yeah. Bad dream I… uh… fell.”
Not a complete lie.
Crossing his arms, Dad leans against the doorframe, grinning at Mom like they won the lottery. “It worked this time.”
She claps her hands together and holds them over her mouth.
“What worked?” I ask. “What are you talking about?” My breath speeds and the Latin words come back to me. My cheeks tingle as the blood drains from my heated face.
“Want to talk about your dream?” Mom walks toward me.
(Note to self: I want to spaz out alone. I just fell off my freaking ceiling!)