
Pureheart by Cassandra Golds

sheeprustler's review

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Exquisite. Elegaic. Devastating.

radiocryptid's review

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This book is one of the worst books I've ever read.
The writing:
It's ridiculously melodramatic, the amount of times the author writes "it was the most shocking thing he had ever seen" or "she had never felt more sad". How sad do you have to be that every new sad thing that happens you have never felt sadder? How shocked do you have to be that someone gives you a slightly odd look that it gives you shivers down your spine? What the fuck kind of looks are these characters giving each other that it makes them feel so many emotions. And why is this relevant. There are SO MANY cliches. So many. From chilled to the bone to heart wrenching sadness, so many phrases are unimaginative and proves that Gold is a terrible writer. In this book at least. She over explains everything, particularly things that aren't relevant in the slightest. There is a FULL PAGE that explains objects in a room. One slab of text. I skipped over so much text because I did not care about any of that bullshit.
The characters:
I hated all of the characters. Bullshit bullshit characters who are so melodramatic and selfish. The main character Dierdre is a privileged white girl who was born to love this guy. She loves this guy so much it's all she can think about. Wow two dimensional sexist writing. She hates herself so much and she's so ~different~ ooooo how unique. The other two characters are her grandmother Mrs Dark and the guy Galahad. The guy that she's in love with and who loves her. They make out multiple times in the book and confess their love for each many many times it was awful. Oh, one more thing, Galahad and Dierdre are cousins. What the fuck? Kind of writing? And it was pushed off as normal? What the actual fuck? So Dierdre was born to fall in love with her cousin, then die because she loves him so much. That's it. That's the whole story.
The plot:
The plot sucked on SO many levels. Basically, privileged white girl hates her manipulative grandmother, falls in love with her cousins and dies because she loves him so much. Nothing else happens. Literally nothing. It's boring and annoying and the characters have absolutely no depth. No ability to think rationally. I hated it so fucking much oh my god. How do people like this book.
Don't read this book. Don't ever bother reading the first page. Don't pick it up. It doesn't deserve your time.

skyereads's review

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This was The Museum of Mary Child all over again. A horror story masquerading as a fairy tale (that can work, but here it doesn't.) Very dark; child abuse, emotional manipulation etc. Only worth reading if you liked Mary Child more than I did.

I'm hoping Ms. Golds' next book is more like The Three Loves of Persimmon, which I adored.