
Million Eyes by C.R. Berry

celtic67's review against another edition

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This is a great book. Is it a SciFi /conspiracy thriller with time travel thrown in? It is a book that straddles genres and drags the reader through a myriad of adventures. Whilst it is hard to fit into a genre one niche it can fit in is" Superb quality fiction!"
This is the first book in a proposed trilogy and introduces us to the key jargons of the Scify/ conspiracy crossover thriller. It is a fast paced read and invites the reader to suspend their disbelief; and it rewards the reader in doing so. A book that spans 900 years of recorded history and more besides. This first book in the proposed trilogy sets up the premise for a superb series.
The narrative is full of well rounded characters and with not a wasted word in what is a piece of superb fiction. I would urge you to grab a copy and dive into the adventure. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
C.R. Berry is a writer to watch!

calturner's review against another edition

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Well, what can I say about this fantastic and fast paced conspiracy thriller? C.R. Berry has written a tightly plotted and intricate story that had me enthralled from the very first page. As a massive fan of time travel fiction I knew this book would be something I would love – and I wasn’t wrong! It holds its own very well amongst the very best books of this genre that I’ve read over the years, in what has been a fascination with time travel that began at 11 years old when I first read Time and Again by the brilliant Jack Finney.

Gregory Ferro is an ex-history teacher who has stumbled upon evidence that a cabal of time travellers is responsible for several key events in our history. He teams up with college graduate Jennifer Larson, working tirelessly to uncover the truth, even at the expense of his own personal relationships. But their research attracts the attention of the time travellers, with Gregory and Jennifer soon finding themselves targeted by an assassin who does not want the truth to be known.

Million Eyes is a fast paced conspiracy thriller about power, corruption and destiny that had my heart racing from beginning to end. The story is told through the eyes of both Gregory and Jennifer, interlinked with the telling of key events from throughout history that the time travelling cabal are heavily involved in. How much danger are our intrepid duo actually in? And what exactly is the strange book the time travellers are desperate to find? Can it really have anything to do with key historical events that have been shrouded in mystery throughout time?

I loved this book! It’s a thrilling rollercoaster of a read that’s filled to the brim with intrigue and conspiracy theories, the twists and turns coming thick and fast as the truth is slowly uncovered piece by piece. Gregory and Jennifer are fascinating characters who make a great (if unlikely) team, their fear palpable as the net closes in on them, making for a tense and gripping read.

Million Eyes is a well written, intense read that had my heart pounding in my chest as the book drew to a close. A highly recommended and gripping read that I thoroughly enjoyed! I hope to read more from this talented author in the future. Or the past? You never know…

A very easy 5 stars.

reviewsfeedblog's review

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If you love science-fiction with themes of time travel and alternate timelines then Million Eyes is a series that you should definitely check out!

Full of action and with twists and turns to keep you intrigued, Million Eyes II picks up from events in the first book. From there, time travel, character actions and consequences all intertwine and develop a sophisticated narrative but in an approachable way. The chapters are nice and concise, keeping the action flowing and the reader involved at different stages of the timeline of the narrative which makes it easy to follow.

Having so many moving parts must be a difficult task for a writer. There is so much going on at any one time and yet C.R.Berry has managed to bring all these together in a fantastic way. The added bonus of the short chapters means we can regularly revisit the certain period in time and keep tab of the events ongoing at that particular moment.

Million Eyes II is slightly longer than the first book of the series, which I enjoyed. The added page count allows the book to explore a more in-depth narrative, but equally it’s still very approachable to pick up for any reader. It also builds nicely upon the foundations set up in the first book. It’s been nearly two years since I read Million Eyes, but picking up this sequel novel wasn’t a challenge at all. Yes, there is plenty of action, but the narrative is well written so that the detail provides a sort of re-cap. I certainly didn’t feel like I had to go back to the beginning as a result, which is in my eyes a great skill for a writer to implement.

By no means would I describe myself as a conspiracy theorist, but I really enjoyed how this was explored in the novel. I’m not going to go into any detail whatsoever because if you’re interested, that’s motivation for you to pick up the book yourself! I loved the topics and particulars of history that were touched upon in the book and how these events may have been shaped by future intervention. No part of the timeline is left untouched and as a huge fan of historical fiction in general, this aspect appealed to me as well. Conspiracy theories and time travel is not something I read a lot of, but I knew I enjoyed this from the first book, so following it through and reading the sequel was a no-brainer!

I hope you like the sound of the Million Eyes series and that I may have just convinced you to give the books a go! Whether you are a fan of science fiction, historical fiction or anything in between, this series will appeal to a broad range of readers. Even if you just want to read something a little bit out there, go ahead and challenge yourself to this one - you won’t regret it I promise!

feedthecrime's review

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I loved this book so much more than I expected! I will be completely honest with you as I always am, I’ve never read time travel before so I had really low expectations going into this book as I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy it. Oh boy was I wrong!! There was so much going on that I struggled putting the book down. We travel through time ourselves seeing major historical events such as the Black Death and the terror caused by Jack the Ripper. This story is so complex and the author did an amazing job of making sure that there were no lose ends, I loved seeing elements come together.

Read my full review here:

readingthroughthelookinglass's review

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Thanks to the author ,the publisher And Rachel from Rachels Random Resources for this book in return for my own honest review.

This book had me gripped from the first to the last page. This is the first book I have read from this author and publisher.

I have always been fascinated by Time travel but reading this book has made me so much more interested in it!!

This book really makes you think about what has happened in the past or Princess Diana’s death and wether it was an accident or if there was something more sinister about it.

I would recommend this book to everyone!!

karlou's review

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Although Million Eyes is a conspiracy thriller which explores just how far technology is able to not just monitor but also change our lives, it opens in 1100 as William II and his servant discuss a mysterious book. It's unclear what is so important about the book but its title alone - 'The History of Computer-Aided Timetabling for Railway Systems' means it's immediately obvious that it shouldn't exist in the 12th century. I've seen the Rufus Stone in the New Forest where Richard was supposedly accidentally killed by an arrow fired by Sir Walter Tyrell but perhaps it wasn't quite as straightforward an event as the history books tell...
When Gregory Ferro is given evidence which suggests that there was much more to Richard's death than a simple accident, he realises he is on to something big. The former history teacher becomes obsessed with his investigation which leads him to believe that time travel is not only possible but also that history has been rewritten because of it. Meanwhile, Jennifer Larson is out of work again after losing her job at a call centre. She comes across Ferro's blog about his discoveries and leaves a comment which leads to the pair agreeing to meet up.
The pair are very different people and I particularly enjoyed seeing how Jennifer's understandable scepticism gradually diminishes as she realises that he is telling the truth. What follows is a fast-paced thriller which effectively switches between key moments in history - including the plague, the Princes in the Tower and the death of Diana - and the increasingly dangerous situation Ferro and Jennifer find themselves in; I really appreciated how every time period and alternate scenario was so vividly evoked throughout. It's difficult to review this book without giving away spoilers but I can say that there are some completely unexpected moments which totally shocked me. As somebody who loves reading thrillers, sci-fi and historical fiction I was spoiled by Million Eyes and was completely gripped by the clever, twisty plot.
The characterisation is excellent throughout; Ferro is an ordinary man, a former history teacher who eventually risks everything to get to the truth. It's actually quite heartbreaking to see him lose what he most loves as he reaches the point where what matters most to him is following his investigation wherever it may take him. Jennifer is a fabulous character and I absolutely loved how she starts the novel as a drifting graduate, unsure what she wants from life and unable to hold her tongue and yet it transpires that in the face of danger she is a courageous and resolute young woman who keeps going even as she is faced with the horrifying reality that she doesn't know who she can trust. As the novel progresses, it becomes apparent that there are really sinister forces at work here and everything we know may be a lie. It sounds terrifying - and it is - but Jennifer in particular has a really likeable dry wit which ensures that there are lighter moments too.
As a long-time Whovian, perhaps the biggest compliment I can pay to Million Eyes is that it reminded me of a Doctor Who plot (I loved the reference to the big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff). C.R. Berry has taken a scenario which should be unbelievable but by including well-known events and our universal fears about invasive technology, it actually feels only too plausible. Tense, ominous and addictive, I absolutely loved every word of this intelligent, complex thriller and can't wait to discover what happens next. Very highly recommended.

pixiejazz's review

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Million Eyes is a exciting time travel thriller that had me intrigued and kept me on my toes the entire time. It makes readers think and wonder, what if time travel were real? What if historical events didn't happen the way we'd always been told? What if...?
The story follows Gregory Ferro, an ex-history teacher, and Jennifer Larson, a college graduate with a degree in history, as they work to uncover the truth behind the strange, new details they've discovered about key historical events. Did time travelers really have something to do with William II or Princess Diana? And if so, what are two normal, everyday people going to do about it?
I really enjoyed the dynamic between Gregory and Jennifer. They did remind me a bit of Mulder and Scully (huge X-Files nerd here!), but they also had a sort of Doctor and companion vibe as well (also a huge Doctor Who nerd; my husband and I even had a DW themed wedding).
There was a lot of intriguing details, and the conspiracy theories were actually pretty fascinating. I liked that about the book.
The one thing that confused me at first was the title (although I had my own ideas about it), but around the 1/4 way through mark (25% or so), things started to click, and it made a lot more sense to me. I was like, "Uh-oh...I think I know what might be going on." I won't spoil whether my speculations were correct or not, though, only because I don't want to spoil anything.
Million Eyes is one heck of a thrill-ride, and I am really hoping there will be more books!
4 stars!